Making Fun of ‘Bush-isms,’ Movie Reviewer Makes Self Look Uneducated

-By Warner Todd Huston

I was tooling about the Internets looking for movie reviews and came across a hilarious example of “stupid is as stupid does” that I just couldn’t resist fisking here. It is on a flashy, kitchy site called ioncinema, presumably where the cool kids meet to find out about all that’s new in cinema and run by bunches and bunches of 20 somethings. There we see a featured post by one Eric Lavallee (apparently the site’s main honcho) that is so filled with grammatical errors and misspellings that it had me chuckling. But, the really hilarious thing is that the posting is one that attacks George W. Bush for being stupid. We can only assume that Eric the reviewer thinks he is smarter than W, but his horribly garbled writing sure doesn’t help us prove his superiority.

The posting is supposed to be a report of the upcoming Oliver Stone debacle “W,” a film that by all accounts badly mischaracterizes the presidency of George W. Bush. Naturally, our young Mister Lavallee takes the position that Bush was a “person who should stray [sic] away from big metaphors” and who “has trouble picking up after himself.”

Now, I don’t claim to be the king of grammar, but I try to clean up my work before it’s posted. But, well, this film site posting is so riddled with errors that, just for fun, I have to detail each one. And I probably missed a few myself.

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Newt Says that American Left Wing ‘Admirers Terrorists’

I have to say, right on Newt here. The left wing in America loves American terrorists. That what Newt said to Sean Hannity the other day.

“…the left wing of the Democratic Party, frankly, kind of admires American terrorists… they don’t mind at all that Farrakhan is anti-semitic. They shrug off Jeremiah Wright.”

Let’s face facts here. The left has always loved hatemongers, terrorists, and wild-eyed lunatics. They loved Malcolm X, the Weather Underground, Manson, the Chicago 7, and now they love Farrakahn, and murderers like Mumia Abu-Jamal.

But, watch the left get all upset like they’ve been attacked or something.