NOW You are Working for YOU! Freedom From Taxes Day Has Arrived

-By Warner Todd Huston

Yesterday was finally the end of the days this year when you were working to pay the government its exorbitant fees. That’s right, July 16 was Cost of Government Day for the average American. Grover Norquist , author of the recent book “Leave Us Alone,” has once again crunched the numbers and determined how long it takes most of us to finally pay off our own personal bloated government debt and begin, at last, to make money for ourselves.

This year Americans have worked until today, July 16, to pay for the total costs of federal, state and local government. This is 197 days of the year consuming 53.9 percent of national income. Over the past 22 years, in only four years (1982, 1983, 1991 and 1992) did Cost of Government Day fall later in the year.

Its simply outrageous that it takes 197 days of a year to finally pay off our government obligations and utterly criminal that more than half our income is consumed by bloated, needless bureaucracy.

Federal spending will consume 83.7 days. State and local spending will consume 50.5 days effort. Federal regulations cost 4l.7 days and State regulations cost 20.9 days. The spending data is precise, the regulatory burdens are understated.

And it is a singular failing of the Bush administration that we have added three more days of slaving to pay the government to this burden since he took office. But it is even worse that six days have been added by our own state and local governments.

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Big Government: Now Better Than Mother Nature

-By Warner Todd Huston

Teddy Roosevelt impressed the nation with his focus on conservation and while he was president was responsible for pushing to conserve our nation’s wilderness in the form of sundry national parks, mostly in the western U.S. This was a worthy enterprise, few can deny. But what is the true purpose of these conservatories but to set aside tracts of land away from developers so that nature can prevail? Is it not a given that these lands should be governed by nature and but set aside by government?

So, we all agree that government may take the unspoiled wilderness and save aside a portion of it to be left to the machinations of Mother Nature so that future generations might see what our landscape looked like untouched by man’s industry. Well and good.

But, what if Mother Nature isn’t so kind as Uncle Sam? We have here a perfect example of what happens when government gets involved in anything and it’s what the military calls mission creep.

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Supreme Court Creates Killing

-By Warner Todd Huston

In a 5 to 4 decision, the idiots on the Supreme Court have decided that terrorists are covered by our Constitution, no matter where they are captured and held.

This is as wrong headed a decision as can be imagined and two of the Justices, Scalia and Roberts, were scathing in their dissent.

But, here is the real result of this ruling. No, it doesn’t “help” the murderers and terrorists get habeas corpus, or find rights, it will kill them on the battlefield. What battlefield commander will waste his time trying to figure out what rights the terrorist he is facing has or doesn’t have?

The proper and reasonable decision to make on the battlefield will be to automatically kill EVERY captured person as soon as you do a quick interrogation. After all, anything else will simply just get the commanders on the line in trouble with the “law.”

And, I cannot say I’d blame any American soldier on the battlefield. Just kill every one of those captured without regard for their status. Their innocence? Immaterial. Kill them anyway.

This is what the dolts on the SCOTUS have wrought.

So, here’s hoping that more of these people are merely executed on the field and left for dead instead of brought into custody, introduced to American rights, and then released into OUR country as they await their undeserved day in court. As they are let go HERE in THIS country while those who would assist them to destroy this country pretends to get them their day in court, they then will have access to THIS country where they can wreck their terrorist agenda.
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Tennessee Democrats Torpedo Will of The People

-By Warner Todd Huston

If you can’t win the people over, lie cheat, hide behind arbitrary and arcane rules of government or use the courts to defeat the will of the people. That is the Democrat Party’s call to arms. Democrats love the people, fight for the little guy… unless those fools don’t agree with Democrats. Then, suddenly, “the people” have no say, are ignored and will find that their votes are meaningless. In short Democrats aren’t much on democracy and as the Blue Collar Muse reports, this same Democrat Party method holds true in Tennessee.

In Tennessee Senate bill SJR127 serves as the latest example of Democrats hiding from the people, thwarting their will, and using arcane rules of the Tenn. House of Representatives to doom legislation that most Tennesseans want passed. Even worse, the whole thing begins with activist judges knocking down the voice of the people.

In 2000, The Tenn. Supreme Court ruled that common sense abortion legislation passed by the state’s legislative branch was “unconstitutional.” As Ken Marrero of the BCM notes, “things like a 48 hour waiting period and full disclosure of the impact of having an abortion to any woman seeking one were thrown out. It is vital to note that none of this legislation prevented, in any way, a woman’s access to abortion. Just the opposite.”

“Once again,” Marrero says, “a small group of appointed individuals, set aside the will of the people as expressed through their duly elected representatives.”

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Chicago Republican Party a Shill for Democrats

I don’t usually pick up in its entirety a column by someone who didn’t contact me and ask me to run it. But this one bears repeating, even unbidden! Doug Ibendahl over at wrote a great piece detailing how the folks that run the Republican Party in the City of Chicago are worse than a sham. Now, Ibendahl didn’t say it, but I think it is pretty obvious that they are just Democrats put in place by King Daley to keep the Chicago GOP a meaningless organization.

Reading the bull crap that is being offered as Republican Party leadership coming out of the City of Chicago is enough to sicken anyone. If you wonder why King Daley is the iron fisted ruler of Chicago and why someone just doesn’t do something, well, this is one of the things that helps him stay there. Even the so-called opposing party is in his service.


Chicago GOP slates formerly imprisoned Democratic Alderman

By Doug Ibendahl

If you thought the Republican Party in Chicago couldn’t get more pathetic, guess again.

The latest destructive behavior comes from two Chicago “Republican” Ward Committeemen already infamous for destructive behavior, Eloise Gerson and Tom Swiss.

On April 8, 2008, Swiss sent out a memo congratulating himself and Gerson for their efforts in recruiting candidates to fill vacancies on the November ballot.

Among the candidates recruited by Swiss and Gerson, several have never pulled a Republican ballot in a Primary Election in Illinois, while others have no voting record at all. Even more unfathomable, a few of the candidates thrown on the Republican ballot by Gerson and Swiss have lifelong Democratic voting records. This is all according to Voter Vault.

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A Good Day, Supreme Court Rules Against Foreign Precedent

-By Warner Todd Huston

In 2003, then Justice of the Supreme Court Sandra Day O’Connor famously posited that our judicial system should take into account foreign court rulings when deciding American cases prompting outraged conservatives to denounce her idea as endangering American sovereignty and destroying the Constitution of the United States of America. This year, the Roberts led SCOTUS has made an important decision that will serve to forestall that possibility.

In October of 2003, Justice Sandra Day O’Connor gave a speech in Atlanta where she predicted that “over time we will rely increasingly, or take notice at least increasingly, of international and foreign courts in examining domestic issues.” Naturally, Americans who revere the Constitution were outraged over the thought that we’d place foreign court rulings before our own law of the land, essentially allowing foreigners to decide questions of American jurisprudence.

The fear over allowing foreign precedent or areas of jurisdiction to overlap into ours raises discussion of the very differences between our system of government and legal traditions and that of the rest of the world. Should we rely on foreign precedent, for instance, the very concept of innocent until proven guilty is put into doubt because foreign rulings will not generally be based on that bedrock principle.

Further, should American courts recognize the kangaroo courts of The Hague and the so-called “International Court of Justice” (or the World Court), foreign institutions such as these would have the authority to incarcerate American citizens for their politically motivated, anti-American “trials” at any time. After all, should we cast away our Constitutional rights by allowing foreign rulings to take precedence over our system, this will be bound to occur. What would stop such a thing from happening, anyway?

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Arizona Monument That Blames America for 9/11 Gets Facelift

-By Warner Todd Huston

Back in September of 2006 it was reported that an Arizona monument built to memorialize the horrific events of 9/11 featured many phrases that blamed America for the attacks, yet not a one that blamed the terrorists.

The so-called memorial featured metal rings with phrases etched into them. Phrases like “Must bomb back,” “Foreign-born Americans afraid.” and “Erroneous U.S. air strike kills 46 Uruzgan civilians,” appear on the memorial. There are other phrases that seem to place the onus for the attacks on the US and these phrases have angered Arizonans since the day this abomination was unveiled.

Well it has taken two years, but the state legislature in Arizona has finally gotten around to begin to rectify the outrage. The Arizona Republic reports that the Arizona House voted to alter the 9/11 memorial this month.

Unfortunately, we ended up with another example of why Democrats cannot be trusted with our security as well as why it is a good assumption that most Democrats hate their own country. The Republic reports that the vote was practically a party line vote at 32 in favor to 26.

But, the fight isn’t over. Many who favor the anti-military and anti-American aspects of the “memorial” are vowing to fight to preserve their vision.

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Take Your Apology and…

-By Warner Todd Huston

You know, outrage can be a good thing. It is often times useful for people to get outraged over a past slight so that a community might be spurred to action to correct real societal ills. But is the hanging of a “witch” or two over 300 years ago something we should waste our time being outraged over now?

Well, it seems to be a good idea as far as one outraged woman in Connecticut is concerned. Three years ago, Debra Avery discovered she was a direct descendent of one Mary Sanford, a woman hanged for being a witch in the Connecticut of 1692.

Yes, I said 1692.

Armed with the sudden knowledge that she is the eighth-generation great-granddaughter of Mary Sanford, Avery decided to take her case to the state legislature to have her ancestor exonerated. She claimed she was on a “personal mission” to wipe out a stigma on her family name. Legislators in Hartford said that they were considering a resolution to free descendants from that “stigma” of witchcraft accusations.

You’d be excused if you just rolled your eyes at the silliness of it all and you’d also be exhibiting the proper reaction to the whole business.

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Ill. Law to ‘Protect’ Taxpayers Would Rip Them off Instead

-By Warner Todd Huston

OK, let me get this straight. In order to “protect consumers,” the State of Illinois is considering a law that almost seems like a good idea at first hearing.

Currently, Illinois taxpayers can claim their unclaimed property, lost or abandoned property or overpaid property taxes for free. All an Illinois citizen need do is contact the state and the process can be started for free. And, currently the reclaimed overpaid property taxes alone amounts to some $20 million dollars per year not to mention the other items like re-claimed property, etc.

Sounds great, right?

Sure the “free” part sound great, but there is a catch. A citizen has to somehow find out that they are owed this windfall. And the state doesn’t lift a finger to alert any citizen that they have such a windfall coming their way.

So, to help unite the citizen with the overpaid taxes, there are businesses in the state that take the time to do the research and contact the Illinois citizens who are obviously unaware that they have property in their name or cash that is owed them. Then these companies help citizens reclaim the property and cash… all for a fee, of course.

Imagine this, evil business making money off citizens who can get the same thing done for free by the state! The gall of capitalism is revealed once again.
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Don’t Blame Us For Berkeley/Toledo Attacks Against Marines Say Businesses

-By Warner Todd Huston

You’re all aware, I’m sure, of the several attacks against our fighting men and women perpetrated by city governments of late. The Berkeley City Council, who intended to try and kick Marine recruiting offices out of the city, and Toledo, where Mayor Finkbeiner refused to allow the Marines to exit a bus in his city when they arrived to start planned upon exercises, are all over the news. It is also well known that in Toledo, Ohio and Berkeley, California protesters for and against the Marines have been deployed to face each other and the news media have been there to chronicle it all. But, one paper has taken it upon itself to try and excuse the very people who put these ignorant politicians into office who caused these rows in the first place.

The Toledo Free Press published a recent article titled “Controversy over Marines rejection impacts city’s development efforts”, the main thrust of which is that people shouldn’t blame the businesses of either Toledo or Berkeley for the actions of their politicians. But, after seeing all the whining about lost revenue by the business community in both cities and after seeing them plead with people not to blame them for what their politicians do, it left me wondering why shouldn’t we hold voters accountable for what their politicians do?

The TFP detailed the fact that several projects from corporations and businesses outside the city that were considering investing in Toledo have begun to report that they are reconsidering their investments there because of the actions of Mayor Finkbeiner. For instance, Ward Brewer, CEO of a Florida based corporation that had intended to bring a multi-million dollar project to Toledo, is putting a hold on plans until the situation is resolved in the Marines’ favor.

Brewer, during a phone conversation from his Florida office, said Finkbeiner’s handling of the Feb. 8 incident was “inexcusable.” He said he would be speaking with “Marines,” which he declined to name, before issuing a final decision.

And Brewer isn’t the only one.

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