-By Warner Todd Huston
Last week, the BBC aired a new TV series titled “Bonekickers” touted as a “groundbreaking” show where “history comes alive,” and a series that is “Based in fact.” The premier episode, though features an odd thing if “fact” is the aim of the Beeb’s new TV series: a Christian beheading a Muslim. Yeah, THAT is really a “fact” based premise, isn’t it?
Of course, the few remaining Christians in Britain have found themselves a bit put out by this “fact based” show where it is a Christian beheading a Muslim instead of the other way ’round.
And it isn’t just a beheading, the entire episode turns our current “fact based” reality on its head as the plot gives us a group of “right wing Christians” bent on purging England of its immigrant population, a group the TV series is fictionalizing as the “White Wings Alliance.” In a day when extremist Muslims the world over are killing people for not being a Muslim, this show features the exact opposite situation. Christian “extremists killing innocent, moderate Muslims. For what reason? Only the Beeb knows for sure.
The whole premise is so ridiculous that Andrew Anthony of the Guardian newspaper said, “A Martian watching TV drama of late would probably conclude that the country is crawling with homicidal Islamophobes, desperate to kill those few Muslims who have not already been interned by the government or shot by the police.” In his droll way, of course, Anthony is saying that none of that is happening despite the outrageous plot line that appears in this “fact based” series.
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