Mom With Developmentally Disabled Baby Scolded for Not Aborting Him

-By Warner Todd Huston

Christian’s mom and dad were devastated when doctors told them that their baby was bound to have severe disabilities upon birth. True to the prediction he did, but mom and dad loved their baby boy regardless. But that love didn’t stop a woman from calling Christian’s mom a “horrible person” for not aborting him in utero.

Christian’s mom decided to make a wonderful video, titled “The Right Choice,” about her experiences. Get ready to grab some tissues with this one…

Little Christian has showed these monstrous liberals that he can bring love and light to the world despite his disabilities.
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Mom With Developmentally Disabled Baby Scolded for Not Aborting Him”

Planned Parenthood vs Women: PP Getting Its Thug On!

-By Warner Todd Huston

Recently the Susan G. Komen for the Cure Foundation announced that it was no longer going to be offering funds and grants to Planned Parenthood, the nation’s leading abortion mill operator. This decision has sent Planned Parenthood over the edge of both sanity and civility with a new fundraising letter that dispenses with its past staid talk about women’s healthcare and goes straight for thuggish threats of retaliation, finger pointing, and attacks on other women.

The Susan G. Komen for the Cure Foundation, a well known breast cancer-fighting charity, decided to withhold further donations to the abortion provider for several reasons, one of which is that Planned Parenthood is under investigation by Congress for violating various state abortion laws.

Last month the Associated Press reported Komen’s new criteria and why it is excluding PP. “Komen spokeswoman Leslie Aun said the cutoff results from the charity’s newly adopted criteria barring grants to organizations that are under investigation by local, state or federal authorities,” the report said. “According to Komen, this applies to Planned Parenthood because it’s the focus of an inquiry launched by Rep. Cliff Stearns, R-Fla., seeking to determine whether public money was improperly spent on abortions.”
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Planned Parenthood vs Women: PP Getting Its Thug On!”

A Good, Pro-Life Hollywood Story

-By Warner Todd Huston

Here at the site we often take Hollywood to task for its outrageous liberalism, and rightfully so. Of course it’s our job to look for the worst cases to alert you all about the nagging left-wing bias. But occasionally there are stories that are good ones and it is incumbent upon us to report those, too. This is one of those stories.

More often than not when we have stories out of Hollywood about life issues it is invariably a pro-abortion tale and in the case of scientific studies, it is usually some denizen of Tinseltown coming out forcefully for unethical fetal stem cell research. The destruction of life is de rigueur out there, unfortunately.

But not this time.

You might say that this celebrity has boldly gone where no Hollywooder has gone before. You also might wince at my horrible attempt at humor when you find out that we are here today to celebrate the efforts of Eugene W. Roddenberry Jr., the son of Gene Roddenberry the creator of Star Trek.

You see, in October the son of the “Great Bird of the Galaxy” donated $5 million to stem cell research. But, unlike so many of the Hollywood persuasion, this gift is not earmarked for fetal stem cell research. It is instead going to a facility that specializes in adult stem cell research.
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A Good, Pro-Life Hollywood Story”

Is Apple’s iPhone Ap Siri Pro-Life?

-By Warner Todd Huston

A story has been circulating about Apple’s new smart phone product called Siri. It is an iPhone application that allows users to ask the phone questions that the phone then searches to answer. Well, apparently one thing that the ap won’t answer is for it to provide directions to the nearest abortion mill.

Siri is an early voice recognition phone ap that hears your spoken questions, searches the Internet and/or Apple’s cloud services, then returns a verbal answer to the user. If, for instance, you ask for an email to be read to you, Siri will do so. If you ask for the nearest Taco Bell, Siri will tell you.

As mentioned, though, it has been discovered that if you ask where the nearest baby killing center is, well apparently it won’t tell you.

This is leading people to tout Siri as a “pro-life” ap.
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Is Apple’s iPhone Ap Siri Pro-Life?”

Unbelievable: Planned Parenthood Used Thanksgiving Holiday to Push Abortion!

-By Warner Todd Huston

The indefatigable Steven Ertelt reports another outrage from the infanticide fanatics at Planned Parenthood. Apparently Planned Parenthood is advocating that families use the Thanksgiving holiday (and the upcoming Christmas break) as a day to push their ideas on abortion onto friends and family.

What could be more heartwarming? Friends and family, good food, and a little convivial conversation about killing babies? I mean, what is more fun to talk about around the Thanksgiving table than killing babies? Besides, remember how the Pilgrims were so concerned with killing babies? Yeah, so the discussion is a natural Thanksgiving Day topic, ya know?

As Ertelt says, the page on Planned Parenthood’s website is, “sure to upset millions of pro-life advocates who are busy spending the day thanking God for the gifts and blessings they’ve been given, especially the gift of human life…”

PP wants to help you for the holidays, you see? They offered a nice list of “eight easy steps” for pushing infanticide on family and friends for the holiday.
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Unbelievable: Planned Parenthood Used Thanksgiving Holiday to Push Abortion!”

Pro-Lifers Get a Win in Illinois

-By Warner Todd Huston

Illinois pro-lifers have this year been pursuing several new bills in Springfield and at least with one initiative they have won the day.

Students for Life of Illinois reports that on August 4th, Governor Quinn signed HB2093 into law to become Public Act 97-0254.

This Act extends the list of persons required to report child abuse or neglect to include any physician, physician’s assistant, registered nurse, licensed practical nurse, medical technician, certified nursing assistant, social worker, or licensed professional counselor of any office, clinic or physical location that provides abortions, abortion referrals or contraceptives. (Planned Parenthood and ACLU originally lobbied against this bill, btw)

This provides more protection to young girls who are victims of sexual abuse and whose abusers are using abortion to cover up their crime. The bill was inspired by the fact that Planned Parenthood has been shown to routinely cover-up sexual abuse of minors.

There are many more battles to fight, of course, but at least in this dismal state one bright spot has emerged. So, congrats to the supporters of the DCFS child neglect reporting changes.
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Pro-Lifers Get a Win in Illinois”