Consumer Confidence Drops to Lowest Level Since February

From the Schilling for Congress…

Schilling: “We need to elect new leadership that will turn this country around.”

EAST MOLINE, IL–Bobby Schilling, Republican candidate for Congress in the Illinois 17th District, commented on a recent report that consumer confidence had dropped to its lowest level since February. The Conference Board stated that their monthly Consumer Confidence Index currently stands at 48.5, down from 53.2 in August.
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Consumer Confidence Drops to Lowest Level Since February”

Rep. Hare Misleads Public on Outsourcing

From the Schilling for Congress campaign (17th District…

Schilling: “How can you lecture me on outsourcing when you vote for policies that directly cause it?”

EAST MOLINE, IL–Bobby Schilling, Republican candidate for Congress in the Illinois 17th District, challenged Rep. Hare to explain his voting record on outsourcing.

Rep. Hare recently told the Quincy Herald-Whig, in regards to the US-Korea Free Trade Agreement, “I’m not going to vote for this agreement or any other one that costs even one America job. Enough is enough.”
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Rep. Hare Misleads Public on Outsourcing”

Mitt Romney Endorses Bobby Schilling for Congress

From the Schilling for Congress campaign (17th District)…

Romney: “It is more important than ever that we elect candidates who are dedicated to enacting the pro-growth policies Illinois — and our country — needs.”

EAST MOLINE, IL–Former Presidential nominee Mitt Romney has endorsed Bobby Schilling for Congress in the Illinois 17th District, along with several other Republican candidates in the state of Illinois.

Romney released the following statement in a press release:
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Mitt Romney Endorses Bobby Schilling for Congress”

Schilling to Hare: “Repudiate Cap and Trade”

From the Schilling for Congress campaign (17th District)…

Hare voted for bill that would outsource 2.5 million jobs

EAST MOLINE, IL–Bobby Schilling, Republican candidate for Congress in the Illinois 17th District, called on Rep. Hare to keep his word and repudiate his vote for Cap and Trade.

Rep. Hare recently told the Quincy Herald-Whig, in regards to the US-Korea Free Trade Agreement, “I’m not going to vote for this agreement or any other one that costs even one America job. Enough is enough.”

In June 2009, Rep. Hare voted for “The American Clean Energy and Security Act” H.R. 2454, also known as “Cap and Trade.” This is a national energy tax that would not only raise energy costs for everyone, but would result in 2.5 million jobs being sent overseas, according to the Heritage Foundation. The bill would also would cost 400,000 jobs in the manufacturing industry. The bill would passed 219-212 in the House, but later failed in the Senate.

Cap and Trade is not the only job killing bill Rep. Hare has supported. Rep. Hare also supported “The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act” H.R. 3590, a bill that has created 22 new taxes, including several on small business. According to the National Federation of Independent Business, the employer mandate tax could cost 1.6 million jobs by 2014.

“I recognize that Rep. Hare must have had a change of heart,” Schilling said. “I’m glad he has finally decided to stop supporting bills that would outsource American jobs, even if we are only 42 days from Election Day. He should immediately repudiate his Cap and Trade vote and his Healthcare Reform vote. These bills will send millions of jobs overseas and decimate the American manufacturing sector. It’s time for Rep. Hare to step up and fight for 17th District jobs. If he’s being honest, he’ll come forward and publicly take back those votes.”

Bobby Schilling, a native of Rock Island, graduated from Alleman High School and attended Black Hawk College. Schilling, a local business owner, is the Republican candidate for the 17th Congressional District in Illinois. Bobby is running on a platform of bringing jobs and real representation back to the 17th District. Earlier this year, Schilling conducted a 34-city “Bob’s for Jobs” tour, where he met with voters and employers all across the 17th District. Schilling was recently named an official ‘Young Gun’ by the National Republican Congressional Committee in their Young Guns program of top tiered races.

For more information about Bobby Schilling, please visit his website at

Schilling Agrees with JFK on Tax Policy

From the Schilling for Congress campaign…

Schilling: “If we want to create jobs and stop outsourcing, we have to start by creating a positive business climate.”

EAST MOLINE, IL–Bobby Schilling, Republican candidate for Congress in the Illinois 17th District, discussed his positions on tax policy. Schilling signed a pledge with Americans for Tax Reform promising not to raise taxes on anyone in a recession. Schilling said he believes JFK, a Democrat, had it right when it comes to tax cuts.

“President Kennedy embraced tax cuts during a tough economy in the early 1960s because they work,” Schilling said. “The truth is that tax cuts stimulate the economy while high taxes discourage further growth. Putting money in people’s pockets will allow them to buy more goods and services. As businesses see more revenue, they’ll be more likely to expand and create new jobs. If we increase taxes in the manner my opponent wants to, we won’t see any new jobs and many businesses will actually be forced to cut back the amount of workers they employ. Some businesses may even give up on our business climate entirely and move their operations abroad. If we want to create jobs and stop outsourcing, we have to start by creating a positive business climate.”
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Schilling Agrees with JFK on Tax Policy”

ICYMI: Bobby Schilling Advances to Top Level of Young Guns Program

From the Schilling for Congress campaign (17th District)…

Illinois Republican reaches ‘Young Gun’ status with clear path to victory

(From the NRCC)

Washington, DC–The National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) announced today that Bobby Schilling (IL-17) has reached ‘Young Gun’ status, the premiere level of its three-tiered Young Guns program. By advancing to the program’s top tier, Schilling has proven his ability to build a winning campaign and achieve substantial fundraising goals.
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ICYMI: Bobby Schilling Advances to Top Level of Young Guns Program”

Schilling Campaign Releases First Web Ad: ‘Bobby Schilling: A Clean Break’

From the Schilling for Congress campaign (17th District)…

EAST MOLINE, IL–The Bobby Schilling campaign has released their first web ad of the campaign season.

“Bobby Schilling: A Clean Break” is a positive, energetic web ad encouraging supporters to get involved and help give the 17th District a clean break from the failed policies of Washington. The video shows Bobby knocking on doors and meeting constituents throughout the district. The Schilling campaign has over 1900 volunteers, consisting of one third Republicans, one third independents, and one third Democrats. Bobby Schilling, candidate for Congress in the Illinois 17th District, said he’s been thrilled with the support he has received throughout the campaign.
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Schilling Campaign Releases First Web Ad: ‘Bobby Schilling: A Clean Break’”

Congresswoman Michele Bachmann Endorses Bobby Schilling Bachmann: “It’s time to retire Phil Hare.”

From the Schilling for Congress campaign (17th District)…

EAST MOLINE, IL–Bobby Schilling, Republican candidate for Congress in the Illinois 17th District, received an endorsement from Congresswoman Michele Bachmann. Bachmann is a second term Congresswoman from the Minnesota 6th District. You can see Bachmann’s endorsement video here. Bachmann has gained national appeal as a principled conservative that stands up for her convictions. Schilling said he was thrilled to have her support.

“Michele is a great person and one of the new leaders of the conservative movement,” Schilling said. “I’m proud to have her support. I wish her luck in her re-election bid, and I look forward to serving with her next year in Congress.”
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Congresswoman Michele Bachmann Endorses Bobby Schilling Bachmann: “It’s time to retire Phil Hare.””

Schilling: “Hare Being Ranked 404th Out of 435 is Unacceptable’

From the Schilling for Congress campaign (17th District)…

The Knowlegis Power Rankings ranked Rep. Hare 404th out of 435 members of the House in terms of effectiveness

EAST MOLINE, IL–Bobby Schilling, Republican candidate for Congress in the Illinois 17th District, recently spoke about the Knowlegis Power Rankings. Knowlegis rates the effectiveness of each member of Congress based on various criteria including position, indirect influence, legislative activity, and earmarks. Rep. Hare ranked 404th out of 435 members of the House. Schilling said the people deserve someone who will work tirelessly for them.
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Schilling: “Hare Being Ranked 404th Out of 435 is Unacceptable’”

Knowlegis Power Rankings: Rep. Hare Ranked 404th Out of 435 in Effectiveness

From the Schilling for Congress campaign (17th District)….

Schilling: “We need better representation in Washington.”

EAST MOLINE, IL–The Knowlegis Power Rankings, perhaps the most well-known rating system for Representatives and Senators, ranked Rep. Phil Hare 404th out of 435 House members in terms of effectiveness. Knowlegis rates each member of Congress based on various criteria including position, indirect influence, legislative activity, and earmarks. These criteria combine to form a power score that demonstrates the power and effectiveness of each individual.
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Knowlegis Power Rankings: Rep. Hare Ranked 404th Out of 435 in Effectiveness”

Schilling Decries Rep. Hare’s Intimidation of Veterans Group, Says Hare can’t focus on the issues

From the Schilling for Congress Campaign (17th District)…

EAST MOLINE, IL–Bobby Schilling, candidate for Congress in the Illinois 17th District, spoke out against Rep. Hare’s recent attack on a local veterans group. Schilling said that the Hare campaign is playing shameful political games by trying to silence a local veterans group simply because they are unsupportive of Hare’s re-election. Schilling said that voters should expect more baseless attacks from the Hare campaign because, if they were to actually focus on the issues, they would lose.
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Schilling Decries Rep. Hare’s Intimidation of Veterans Group, Says Hare can’t focus on the issues”

Schilling Insists on Debates in Quincy and Macomb, Suggests opening debate broadcasts to all media outlets

From the Schilling for Congress campaign…

EAST MOLINE, IL–Bobby Schilling, Republican candidate for Congress in the Illinois 17th District, released the following statement in response to Rep. Hare’s recent demands regarding debates:

“The 17th District consists of over 650,000 people and five media markets. I don’t think that two debates carried by just two TV stations is fair to the voters. Quincy and Macomb encompass large areas of the district with thousands of voters. It makes no sense to exclude these two cities from having debates, especially when Rep. Hare agreed to have a debate in Springfield, which only encompasses 4% of the district. I also believe there is a major conflict of interest by keeping these debates exclusive to public television. Rep. Hare has direct campaign ties to the President of Network Knowledge, a company that licenses public television stations in Springfield, Macomb, and Quincy. I believe we should open the debates to all media outlets that want to broadcast them. I also believe the debates should be held in front of a live audience with each campaign getting an equal amount of tickets for attendance. This will create a fair environment with complete transparency for the voters of the 17th District.”
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Schilling Insists on Debates in Quincy and Macomb, Suggests opening debate broadcasts to all media outlets”

(17th District) Bobby Schilling: Rep. Hare and I Have Very Different Versions of Winning

” The big win, from my perspective, is health care.”
-Rep. Phil Hare, August 17, on his major accomplishments in Congress this year.

Thanks to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act………………..

Our national deficit will continue to grow. Just a month after the bill passed the Congressional Budget Office announced it would actually cost $115 billion more than previously thought, bringing the total cost to more than $1 trillion.

Higher taxes will be imposed on small businesses. While politicians like Rep. Hare claim to be fighting for small business, the real business owners, like those represented by the non-partisan National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB), were not so easily fooled. “The fundamental mission of our organization is to promote and protect the rights of small businesses and the self-employed to own, operate and grow their business and this health care law directly undermines this core value,” wrote the NFIB president in a statement following the vote. The NFIB joined the 20 other states in the lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of the bill.

More people will lose jobs. In a study published several months before the vote, the non-partisan Illinois Policy Institute predicted the bill would cost Illinois 169,000 jobs. Newly added provisions in the bill are expected to significantly increase this number. Major employers in the17th district like Caterpillar and John Deere will see their costs rise by $100 million and $150 million respectively, in the first year alone. Why would any company hire workers when their costs are increasing by hundreds of millions of dollars? They won’t.

Our quality of care will decrease. Rep. Hare assured the 8 in 10 Americans happy with their health care they would be able to keep their current plans. However, according to the Associated Press, the Obama Administration itself, “estimates that many employers will be forced to make changes to their health plans under the new law. In just three years, a majority of workers-51 percent-will be in plans subject to new federal requirements.” In addition, the Obama Administration has acknowledged that “health insurance plans that are now offered by small businesses probably will not survive the transition to a regulated marketplace.”

Our cost of care will increase. Obamacare imposes billions of dollars in annual fees and taxes on drug manufacturers, prescription drug importers, and health insurance plans. Moreover, the bill establishes new taxes on certain retail sales by manufacturers and importers of medical devices. According to The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) these fees and taxes, “would generally be passed through to health consumers in the form of higher drug and device prices and higher insurance premiums.

Seniors will see major cuts in Medicare. The most drastic cuts ($132 billion), will be made to the popular Medicare Advantage program. Additionally, Medicare payments for home health care will be reduced by $40 billion and payments to certain hospitals will be cut by $22 billion.

Schilling-Hare in Virtual Tie in Latest Poll

From the Schilling for Congress campaign (17th District)…

“Schilling is well positioned to beat Hare this November”

EAST MOLINE, IL–Public Opinion Strategies, a national political and public affairs research firm, recently released the results of a survey in the Illinois 17th Congressional District, which showed a dead heat between Rep. Phil Hare, Democrat, and his Republican challenger, Bobby Schilling. According to the poll, Schilling was within 2 points of Hare, with a margin of error of +/- 5.66%. This is the second poll to come out in recent weeks, showing that this particular Congressional race has become extremely competitive.
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Schilling-Hare in Virtual Tie in Latest Poll”

Could Phil Hare (D, 17th) Be In Trouble?

-By Warner Todd Huston

We’ve reported here the many times that Phil “I Don’t Care About the Constitution” Hare, the incumbent Democrat in the 17th District, is one of those Democrats who values his own opinion and no one’s else… especially his constituent’s. We’ve also seen some polling that seems to indicate that he is running behind in his re-election bid. Well, we have more of the latter on that count today.

Public Opinion Strategies has released another poll showing the Hare-raising (or is that Hare-lowering) possibility that Phil Hare might lose to Republican Bobby Schilling.

Here is what the Schilling campaign has released:
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Could Phil Hare (D, 17th) Be In Trouble?”

Wow: GOP Shilling Leading Dem. Hare in ILL 17th?

-By Warner Todd Huston

Jim Geraghty Campaign Spot blog post reporting that incumbent Democrat Phil Hare is down in the polls in his race for reelection to his 17th District House seat in Illinois.

It was widely assumed that Congressman Hare would easily win re-election, yet according to this poll he is losing to GOP candidate Bobby Schilling.

His GOP opponent, Bobby Schilling, hired Magellan Strategies to conduct a poll of the district. Magellan conducted an automated survey of 715 likely voters in the 17th congressional district of Illinois: “The interviews were conducted on July 12th of 2010. This [poll has] a margin of error of +/_ 3.6% at the 95% confidence interval. The survey results are weighted to reflect past turnout demographics from the 2008, 2006, 2004 and 2002 general election cycles.”

. . . Phil Hare’s image rating is “upside down,” with 27% of voters having a favorable opinion of him, and 41% having an unfavorable opinion of him.

Among all voters, 27% approve of the job Phil Hare is doing and 43% disapprove..

This is pretty big news if true.
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Wow: GOP Shilling Leading Dem. Hare in ILL 17th?”

Ill. Congressman Hare: Puffing Military Record and Intimidating Voters

-By Warner Todd Huston

Congressman Phil Hare (IL, 17th District) is the perfect example of the sort of congressman no one should want. He’s arrogant. He’s dismissive. He’s self-important. He’s easy to anger. And worst of all he has disdain for his own voters. The man is simply a creep.

In April we had video of this arrogant cuss saying that he didn’t care about the U.S. Constitution in the Obamacare fight. Apparently that darned old rag of paper is meaningless to this powermad pol.

This time we have Congressman Hare intimidating a voter and demanding that this Vietnam vet supply the congressman with his home address so that he, the congressman, can track the constituent down and further threaten him.
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Ill. Congressman Hare: Puffing Military Record and Intimidating Voters”