CHICAGO OUT in First Round of Olympics Voting!!

-By Warner Todd Huston


All I have to say is “There IS a God.” Thanks be to him that we did NOT get this debacle forced upon the poor taxpayers of the state of Illinois.

This mess would take decades of tax burdens to pay off and would yield wasted space, useless construction, and absolutely no benefit to the city… unless you happen to be a broken nosed pal of the Daley machine. The crooks in City Hall’s pocket are the only people that would have benefitted from what would quickly have turned into a criminal enterprise.

BBC News’ Adam Brookes in Chicago: “The shock of Chicago’s elimination was greater for the fact that it came in the first round. And greater for the fact that President Obama had taken valuable hours from his packed and tense political schedule to travel to Copenhagen. His legendary powers of persuasion will be said to have failed him, though in reality it will be Chicago’s bid that failed him. Nonetheless, this is a moment which allows the president’s detractors to allege waning prestige on the part of his presidency. And it will raise questions about the political advice that he is receiving.”

And what a kick to Obama’s face, eh?
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CHICAGO OUT in First Round of Olympics Voting!!”

Olympics Watchers Assisting Chinese Torture

-By Warner Todd Huston

Do you like your silly little Olympic games? Well, I hope you are really, really enjoying it because your support, your watching of this garbage makes you a direct, unequivocal party to the torture, imprisonment and oppression of the Chinese people. So, you, Mr. Olympics watcher, get a gold medal in torture. Congratulations. Feel proud.

It’s so easy to just shut your eyes and pretend that you are innocent, of course. After all, you didn’t send thousands of storm troopers through the streets of Beijing to round up homeless people, prostitutes, the elderly, or unwanted races like black immigrants from Africa and have them sent to interment camps a mere 30 miles from where the games are being held, right? Why you just bought a ticket to attend, or merely turned on your TV to watch the games. You can console yourself that you had nothing to do with these torture camps being filled up with less than telegenic Chinese people that wouldn’t look good on TV. You just want to see some guy swim, some girls play volleyball or some people running.

You’re innocent, right?

Wrong. You are directly responsible for thousands of people being beaten, displaced, tied to a bench for days on end, forced to go without clothing as punishment, and told that “re-education through labor” is the ideal… just like the Nazis used to tell their victims that “work makes you free.”

Yes, be very proud of yourself.

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