Why Did MSNBC Edit Hillary’s CFR Speech?

-By Warner Todd Huston

On July 15, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton appeared before the Council on Foreign Relations, the much maligned organization often at the center of many global conspiracy theories.

We won’t talk about the merits of the CFR itself, here, but what made me curious is the treatment that MSNBC gave the Clinton speech. It appears that MSNBC edited out Clinton’s opening statement thanking the CFR for having her. When reading what she said at the outset of the speech one might become suspicious that MSNBC was trying to provide cover for the Secretary of State whose comments opened her up to the tongue wagging of conspiracy buffs.

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Why Did MSNBC Edit Hillary’s CFR Speech?”

Outrageous: Brokaw Wonders What Israel Can ‘Learn’ From Buchenwald And ‘Their Treatment of Palestinians’

-By Warner Todd Huston

**Video Below The Fold**

The folks at Powerline realized the implications of an outrageous news clip featuring NBC’s Tom Brokaw conducting an interview with the Obammessiah. Apparently, this hard news journalist thought he’d get deep and ask a pertinent question about Israel, the Palestinians, and just what it might be that the Jews can learn from Obama’s visit to Buchenwald and how they should treat Palestinians and stuff about Nazis or something.

Seriously, what sort of historical ignorance does it take for someone to ask what Jews can learn about Buchenwald from a guy that has never visited the place before now, never had any intimate or even cultural connection to it, and wasn’t even alive when it was a Nazi terror to the Jewish world? I mean, is Brokaw insinuating that the Jews did not learn anything from their own “visit” to Buchenwald?

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Outrageous: Brokaw Wonders What Israel Can ‘Learn’ From Buchenwald And ‘Their Treatment of Palestinians’”

NBC Suits Warn CNBC Staff Against ‘Obama Bashing,’ Becoming ‘Too Conservative’

-By Warner Todd Huston

Are “the suits” looking for Rick Santelli’s head?

General Electric CEO Jeffery Immelt, thought to be one of Keith Olbermann’s biggest supporters, and NBC Universal President Jeff Zucker are reported to have called some of CNBC’s on-air talent to a secret meeting at least if the The New York Post’s Page Six column for April 16 has it right. The meeting was called to scold the cable yackers for being too harsh on the Obammessiah, with the duo ala Jeffs warning that CNBC is turning into “the Obama bashing network” and that the cable outlet is becoming “too conservative.”

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NBC Suits Warn CNBC Staff Against ‘Obama Bashing,’ Becoming ‘Too Conservative’”

NBC: Obama Calls Singer Jessica Simpson Fat

-By Warner Todd Huston

**Video Below the Fold**

Apparently, President Barack Obama thought that Jessica Simpson’s weight was something he needed to make fun of during his pre-Super Bowl interview with Matt Lauer on NBC Sunday. Seriously. Obama called Jessica Simpson a fatty on national TV.

Lauer displayed for the audience the cover of a recent issue of the tabloid entertainment magazine US Weekly that featured the President’s wife and daughters and also had an insert photo pushing a story about singer Simpson.

As he viewed the cover, Obama decided to smack the singer down for being “in a weight battle.”

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Chris Matthews Says Gov. Sarah Palin is Illiterate?

-By Warner Todd Huston

**Video Below Fold**

Good old Chris “Tingle” Matthews. We can always look to him to lower his own credibility just one more notch with each and every broadcast, can’t we? This time Ol’ Chris Tingle has debased himself by telling the four or five viewers he has that he thinks Governor Sarah Palin can’t read or write. Apparently Matthews doesn’t think that Palin has the capacity to write the book she is reportedly shopping around.

Even Politico can’t explain away Tingle’s ignorance here saying that “Matthews suggested Friday that Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin (R) may not have the reading or writing ability needed to complete the book she is reportedly shopping.”

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Chris Matthews: McCain has a ‘Menacing Smile,’ Obama’s ‘Debonair’

-By Warner Todd Huston

In the post debate “analysis” tonight after the second presidential debate, Chris Matthews of MSNBC proved once again that he is in such rapture about Barack Obama that it cannot be believed. Tonight, Matthews cast McCain in the role of Snidely Whiplash or some such thing thing because of his “menacing smile.” Yet, according to the sycophantic Matthews, Obama’s is “debonair.”

Mary Katharine Ham reports what Matthews said tonight:

Barack Obama is gifted in birth by a wonderful smile…

John McCain, when he smiles, has a somewhat menacing quality. It may not be purposeful, but when he smiles, you wonder what he’s really thinking.

Barack Obama, for whatever reason, comes off as debonaire, even under attack.

What does Matthews mean “it may not be purposeful”? Is Matthews leaving open the possibility that McCain is secretly wringing his hands in glee like Doctor Evil over an evil plan about to come together if only we Americans are foolish enough to vote for him?

Seriously, what is with this obsequiousness that Chris Matthews displays for Barack Obama? Worse, how is it that he thinks he should be taken seriously with this sort of groveling, boot-licking?

Far from McCain being Doctor Evil or Snidely Whiplash, I’d suggest that Matthews is turning into Renfield to Obama’s Dracula!

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Brian Williams: McCain/Palin Shunning Him Because of Olbermann/Matthews

-By Warner Todd Huston

In the Actions have consequences department, Brian Williams recently told David Letterman that the McCain camp is punishing him by not allowing him to interview Sarah Palin because the McCain camp is mad at MSNBC’s extreme leftism as evinced by Chris "Thrill up my leg" Matthews and Keith Olbermann. Is Brian crying? There’s no crying in broadcasting!

During his visit on The Late Show with David Letterman, Brian Williams admitted that he is the only network anchor that has yet to be granted an interview with Governor Palin but that he “cannot wait” to interview her.

As to why he has yet to be granted that interview, Williams thinks it’s because the McCain camp is “unhappy” with the far left editorial leanings of NBC’s cable outlet MSNBC.

“I’ve put a general invite out to the campaign,” Williams told Letterman. “I’ve asked them about it. We think it’s because they’re unhappy with our cable programming. But I’m here. I’m waiting.”

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NBC’s Andrea Mitchell Compares McCain/Palin’s Press Exclusion to North Korea, Forgets Same By Obama

-By Warner Todd Huston

Andrea Mitchell is mad at John McCain and Sarah Palin because the McCain camp excluded the press from Palin’s meetings with foreign officials this week. She is so upset that she as much as charged that John McCain’s treatment of the press is as bad as that of the dictatorial ruler in North Korea, Kim Jong Il.

On Tuesday’s Rachel Maddow show (MSNBC), Mitchell said that excluding the press when Palin met with foreign leaders was not “standard practice” and mentioned that in oppressive countries like Sudan and North Korea the press is often excluded. Mitchell also added that The State Department has a “standard practice” of making sure the press is included in meetings even in foreign countries. But Obama also excluded the press in his meetings with leaders in Europe this Summer, yet this fact didn’t even rate a mention by Mitchell tonight.

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Did Chris Matthews Twist Palin’s Israel Reply to ABC’s Gibson?

-By Warner Todd Huston

On the September 12 edition of Hardball, Chris Matthews so twisted what Governor Sarah Palin said in reply to Charlie Gibson’s question about Israel’s defense decisions that her reply is hardly recognizable in Matthews’ hands. By slyly adding his own additions to Gibson’s question and Palin’s reply, Matthews attempted to make Palin look naive on the foreign policy question. In essence, Matthews lied about what Palin said.

Matthews made a knot out of Palin’s words, like taking a straw and tying it in a knot. It’s still a straw, but it is no longer useful for what it was intended. With his underhanded additions to Palin’s answer, Matthews made her words no longer fit the situation.

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Lefty WaPo Columnist Quits Olbermann’s ‘Countdown’ Over Dispute With Host

-By Warner Todd Huston

It appears that Washington Post columnist Dana Milbank has dumped his appearances on MSNBC’s “Countdown with Keith Olbermann.” Host Olbermann issued a DailyKos diary explaining the dust up on Monday, August 4. According to Olbermann, the problem came in when Milbank violated Keith Olbermann’s well-known journalistic standards. Of course, I jest about that… not that there was a disagreement but that there are any journalistic standards in the Olbermann camp.

Now, for a man that is supposed to make his mark with words and for a man the left constantly claims is eloquent, Olbermann’s diary explanation is quite badly written. But, the gist of the matter is that Olbermann has supposedly been asking Milbank for “nearly a week” if an Obama quote in one of his Washington Post stories was sourced and reported accurately. Apparently Milbank took exception to having his own journalistic integrity questioned by a sports guy.

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