Citing Elmhurst Dillard Calls for Pressure on ComEd

From the office of Ill. State Senator Kirk Dillard (24th District)…

In a Friday, October 14, 2011 interview on WLS radio’s Don Wade and Roma Show, Illinois State Senator Kirk Dillard (R-Westmont) outlined his concerns about the SmartGrid legislation being pushed by Commonwealth Edison.

Voicing concerns relayed to him by local citizens and elected officials, Dillard said on the radio station that the SmartGrid legislation needs improvement. “The status quo is not enough,” Dillard said. “Cities like Elmhurst, which is right in my area, have had severe power outages. We need reliability. We’ve got to do something and we need to look at our electrical grid. In some places it’s old and decaying, so the status quo is not acceptable.”

In response to a question about how Quinn thinks raising electric rates are bad for businesses but thinks a 66% increase in income tax is okay, Dillard said, “I don’t believe in guaranteed rate increases [for utilities] by the Commerce Commission.”

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Citing Elmhurst Dillard Calls for Pressure on ComEd”

Downers Grove Republicans Endorse Dillard

From the office of Rep. Tom Cross, Ill GOP House Leader…

After tallying the ballots, the Downers Grove Township Republican Organization (DGTRO) voted to endorse Illinois State Senator Kirk Dillard (R-Westmont) in his bid for re-election to the 24th Senatorial District.

Held at Ashyana Banquets on 75th Street in Downers Grove, the vote took place after extensive presentations by Dillard and his opponent. Citing his opponent’s lack of experience and inability to work within the Republican caucus and with Democrats across the aisle, Dillard called for Republicans to unite to bring Illinois back to fiscal responsibility. There were almost 100 Precinct Committeemen from throughout the township voting, and over 30 elected officials from around DuPage County attending. To endorse, the DGTRO required an extraordinary75% of committeemen to agree.
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Downers Grove Republicans Endorse Dillard”

Assistant Republican House Leader Jim Durkin Endorses Dillard

From the campaign to re-elect Kirk Dillard, Illinois State Senate…

At a recent Republican meeting, Illinois State Representative and Assistant Republican House Leader Jim Durkin (R-Western Springs) endorsed Senator Kirk Dillard (R-Hinsdale) in Dillard’s race for re-election to the 24th Senatorial District.

Citing several pieces of landmark legislation sponsored by Sen. Dillard, including most recently a Internet Portal Act to disclose, on-line and in real-time (, every salary, contract, tax break and tax deadbeat, Durkin said, “Sen. Kirk Dillard is the voice of families in Illinois and we must return Kirk Dillard to Springfield so we can draw on his valuable experience in creating jobs to get Illinois working again, protecting our families, controlling our out-of-control state budget and providing accountability in state government.”

Durkin then added, “Kirk knows Western Springs and our area well. He was instrumental in garnering the funds to replace the dilapidated Oak Street Bridge so that area residents have access to Hinsdale Hospital in case of emergency.”
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Assistant Republican House Leader Jim Durkin Endorses Dillard”

Former Elmhurst Police Chief Millner Endorses Dillard

From the reelection campaign of Senator Kirk Dillard…

At the York Township Republican Committeemen meeting, Illinois State Senator and long-time Elmhurst Police Chief John Millner (R-Carol Stream) endorsed Senator Kirk Dillard (R-Westmont) in Dillard’s race for re-election to the 24th Senatorial District. Millner is also a Past President of the Illinois Police Chiefs Association.

Calling Dillard one of Illinois finest legislators, and a friend of all of the communities in DuPage County, Millner cited Dillard’s accomplishments, especially in the areas of accountability/transparency, fiscal policies and law enforcement.

“Sen. Kirk Dillard is the voice of DuPage County in Springfield and we must have his valuable experience in stopping the tax, spend and borrowing agenda,” Millner said.
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Former Elmhurst Police Chief Millner Endorses Dillard”

State Sen. Kirk Dillard Calls for Halt to Political Activity Over 9-11 Weekend

From the Office of Illinois State Senator Kirk Dillard…

State Senator Kirk Dillard (R-Westmont) called upon his local volunteers and precinct committeemen to suspend political petition passing and other political activities this weekend in observance of the September 11th terrorists attacks 10th year anniversary. This is the first week candidates can pass petitions to be on the March 2012 election ballot under the newly drawn legislative maps following the census. Dillard will be attending multiple official ceremonies and church services over the weekend.

“This weekend is the time to transcend politics and partisan activities,” said Dillard in a letter to his local volunteers and committeemen. “Let us count our blessings and remember what is truly important.”
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State Sen. Kirk Dillard Calls for Halt to Political Activity Over 9-11 Weekend”

State Sen. Kirk Dillard Calls for Halt to Political Activity Over 9-11 Weekend

From the Office of Illinois State Senator Kirk Dillard…

State Senator Kirk Dillard (R-Westmont) called upon his local volunteers and precinct committeemen to suspend political petition passing and other political activities this weekend in observance of the September 11th terrorists attacks 10th year anniversary. This is the first week candidates can pass petitions to be on the March 2012 election ballot under the newly drawn legislative maps following the census. Dillard will be attending multiple official ceremonies and church services over the weekend.

“This weekend is the time to transcend politics and partisan activities,” said Dillard in a letter to his local volunteers and committeemen. “Let us count our blessings and remember what is truly important.”
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State Sen. Kirk Dillard Calls for Halt to Political Activity Over 9-11 Weekend”