Congrats to John Garrido’s 45th Ward Leading Vote Tally

-By Warner Todd Huston

Alderman Pat Levar of Chicago’s 45th Ward served six terms on the city council but announced last November that his health was bad enough that he didn’t want to run for his seat again and would retire. This announcement started a mad scramble for someone to fill his seat.

The powers that be decided that Marina Yolanda Faz-Huppert, a union operative, would be the anointed one to take Levar’s seat. But the elections proved that those “powers” are not as all powerful as they must have imagined because Faz-Huppert ended up getting the lowest vote count among the leaders of a crowded field.

The biggest vote getter was Chicago Police Lt. John Garrido with John Arena coming in second and these top two vote getters will head to a runoff election on April 5th.
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Congrats to John Garrido’s 45th Ward Leading Vote Tally”

John Garrido Wants to be Your 45th Ward Alderman

-By Warner Todd Huston

John Garrido is currently a Chicago Policeman but he wants to be your 45th Ward Alderman. He is running against long-time Alderman Pat Levar. (Skip to the bottom of this entry to see his current schedule of appearances)

Garrido’s basic platform is as follows:

  • Actually read city ordinances and raise common sense questions before voting on them;
  • Demand resources for public safety by properly staffing and equipping the Chicago Police and Fire Departments;
  • Speak out against selling off any more of our precious assets like they did with our parking meters and the skyway;
  • Be an advocate for small businesses who can bring jobs and revenue to our neighborhoods;
  • Never vote for a tax increase, but instead demand we properly manage our resources;
  • Welcome citizen interaction and work closely with neighborhood associations to rebuild and develop our Ward.

Here is an interview with Garrido that was posted at
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John Garrido Wants to be Your 45th Ward Alderman”

Chicago Democrat Machine Thwarting the Vote Again: Trying to Force 45th Ward GOP Candidate Off Ballot

-By Warner Todd Huston

John Garrido is running to become Chicago’s 45th Ward Alderman and the left-wing, Chicago Democrat machine is not happy about it. Machine thugs are attempting to force Mr. Garrido, a Chicago Police Lieutenant, off the ballot with more of their silly ballot objections.

Democrats have spent billions over the years filing objections and challenges to their opponent’s petitions and candidacies all in an attempt to prevent the voters from being allowed to make their own decision.

The Garrido campaign has issued this statement:
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Chicago Democrat Machine Thwarting the Vote Again: Trying to Force 45th Ward GOP Candidate Off Ballot”

Interview With John Garrido, Aldermanic Candidate for the 45th Ward


John Garrido is currently a police officer and he’s running for Alderman of the 45th Ward. The long term Alderman of that ward is Pat Levar. John Arena is also another candidate for that ward and he is part of a wide open field of seven challengers to vulnerable long term incumbent, Pat Levar. Other candidates include Anna Klocek, Don Blair, Bruno Belissimo, Jose Rivera and Greg Sedlacek.

Check out for more election news.

John Garrido for 45th Ward Alderman

Think about the opportunity to have an Alderman on the city council who will:

  • Actually read city ordinances and raise common sense questions before voting on them;
  • Demand resources for public safety by properly staffing and equipping the Chicago Police and Fire Departments;
  • Speak out against selling off any more of our precious assets like they did with our parking meters and the skyway;
  • Be an advocate for small businesses who can bring jobs and revenue to our neighborhoods;
  • Never vote for a tax increase, but instead demand we properly manage our resources;
  • Welcome citizen interaction and work closely with neighborhood associations to rebuild and develop our Ward.

This is our chance to add to the growing independence on the city council and give true representation to the citizens of Chicago.

It s time for Real Change in our City Government and it starts today!

Please consider signing up to volunteer and/or donate by clicking the Support or Donate buttons at the top of the page.

Or consider sending a check to:

Citizens for Garrido
6348 N. Milwaukee #110
Chicago, IL 60646