Sports Fan Might Be Ripped Off By IRS

-By Warner Todd Huston

This story has so much to hate, it’s hard to figure out where to start. It has sports, it has a nice guy (not to be hated) and it has the idiots at the IRS… or maybe just speculation from a newspaper about the idiots at the IRS.

Anyway, some of you that follow sports might have seen that baseball great Derek Jeter made his 3,000th hit at Yankees Stadium in New York a few days ago. A fan named Christian Lopez caught the thing and after the game, this nice young fellow gave the ball back to Derek so that he’d have a memento of his big achievement.

Now, this is part of the story that is not to hate. This young fan did not have to give back the ball. Further more, this ball could have been worth quite a bit of money on the odious sports collectibles market. By being a nice guy and giving the ball back to the player he might have gipped himself out of a bunch of money.
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Sports Fan Might Be Ripped Off By IRS”

Obama’s Government Denying Tax Status Based on Pro-Israeli Support?

-By Warner Todd Huston

A pro-Israel education group called Z Street is claiming that Obama’s IRS has violated its Constitutional rights by denying it tax exempt status solely because it supports Israel, support that apparently runs counter to Obama’s stance on Israel.

Z Street reports that Obama’s IRS asked a telling question of the group as it sought the tax exemption earlier this year. In August, Z Street filed a lawsuit claiming that the IRS was delaying the consideration because the group is a vocal supporter of the State of Israel and that support apparently runs counter to the Obama’s administration’s position.
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Obama’s Government Denying Tax Status Based on Pro-Israeli Support?”

Obama Set to Create More Joe Stacks

-By Warner Todd Huston

The Republican members of the House Ways and Means committee today alerted the country to the appalling fact that Obama and his Democrat cohorts will be creating 17,000 new IRS agents with the President’s signing of Obamacare.

With animosity against the Internal Revenue Service growing, it seems clear that Obama is creating more Joe Stack IRS plane attackers with this move. Stack’s main reason for slamming his small plane into an IRS building in Austin, Texas was because of what he saw as the evils of the IRS and with Obamacare creating a giant new army of intrusive and unaccountable IRS agents, Stack’s evil act is sure to be repeated in the future.
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Obama Set to Create More Joe Stacks”

Obama’s Tax ‘Credit’: Old People and Families Hardest Hit

-By Warner Todd Huston

That tax “credit” may cost you next April!

President Obama was praised by the Old Media as the savior of the American taxpayer when he announced in his magnanimity that he was going to give a tax break to “95 percent” of America’s taxpayers. He was hailed as the hero of the working man when he said that a “tax credit” would be given to taxpayers and that this much needed “extra” money would soon be seen in their weekly paychecks. But now comes word that Obama’s IRS is going to want some of that “tax credit” back from an unknown number of taxpayers next year.

It will come as a shock to two income families, some federal workers, retirees, and young people with more than one low paying job that they will be expected to give back some portion of that “extra” money that Obama claimed he was giving them come April 15, 2010.

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Obama’s Tax ‘Credit’: Old People and Families Hardest Hit”