Traitors: American Professors Go to Tehran to Help Mad Mullahs

-By Warner Todd Huston

A couple of so-called American professors recently went to Tehran University to help the radical, anti-American, racist, Islamists propagandize about how wonderful the Mad Mullahs think the Occupy Wall Street “movement” here in America is.

Wonderful, no?

Anti-Americans Alex Vitae, professor at Brooklyn College, Heather Gautney, professor at Fordham University, John Hammond, professor at City University of New York all appeared at the terrorist’s little convention to speak glowingly of the hate spewed by both the OWSers and the Mad Mullahs.

The fact that the Mad Mullahs love the OWS “movement” says an awful lot about what the true nature of OWS is, doesn’t it? It’d be like being on the KKK’s Christmas card list!
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Traitors: American Professors Go to Tehran to Help Mad Mullahs”

Miss America 2011 Slams WikiLeaks as ‘Espionage’

-By Warner Todd Huston

The new Miss America Pageant winner, Cornhusker Teresa Scanlan, wowed judges with her black bikini, her piano playing, and her silky blond hair. She’s the youngest winner ever at 17, her theme this year was eating disorders, and she also criticized WikiLeaks as “espionage.”

Scanlon said that she wanted to become a lawyer because she wanted to help change the negative perception that people have of lawyers.

“At this point, attorneys and politicians are looked down on and have terrible reputations for being greedy and power hungry and I really think it’s important for people who have their heart and mind in the right place get into those powerful positions,” she said to the media.
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Miss America 2011 Slams WikiLeaks as ‘Espionage’”

Vice President Joe Biden is a Prevaricating Hypocrite

-By Warner Todd Huston

I have it on good authority that Joe Biden was laughed at as a fool by his colleagues in the Senate before he was elevated to veep. Well, this recent Iraq flap of his is more proof of how silly this man is and shows that he cannot be taken seriously.

Oh, and let us remember here that this is Joe’s own doing. He is the one that keeps opening his big mouth.

As HotAir says :

If you’re keeping score at home, the supposed foreign-policy genius whom we call our VP has the following track record on Iraq: Voted against the Gulf War; voted in favor of the 2003 invasion; opposed the surge; called for the country to be partitioned and earned himself a healthy degree of infamy among Iraqis in the process; and has now taken to lying about his prior naysaying and insisting that the administration deserves more credit than it does. Point for point, it’s the precise opposite of conventional wisdom about how things have played out. To steal a line from Glenn Reynolds, they told me that if I voted for McCain we’d have a vice president who didn’t know anything about foreign affairs — and they were right!

Joe Biden is a stupid, stupid man.
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Vice President Joe Biden is a Prevaricating Hypocrite”

In Esfahan Iran Protestors Yell ‘Death to the Dictator’

The Green movement to oppose Iran’s dictators grows.

If only Barack Obama would side with these people longing for freedom. Obama is failing the cause of democracy and freedom in Iran and the world. If he backed the Iranian Green movement like Reagan backed Lech Walesa and the Solidarnosc movement on Poland we could see the Iranian dictators fall and a new Iranian democracy rise.

Obama’s Foreign Policy Failure

-By Dan Scott

How much puzzling did President Barack Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton do when Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran rebuffed them? Remember how liberal Democrats claimed the world hated the US because of President Bush and then tossed up the canard that 911 was the result of Bush’s power projection? Barely eight months in office President Bush hadn’t even visited Israel yet by September 2001 let alone stirred the hornet’s nest in the Middle East. He didn’t visit Israel until 2008; in fact prior to his election in 2000 there were questions whether he would be pro-Israel at all. Iran was just a footnote in the long line of nettlesome issues yet to raise its ugly head. After eight years of Clinton foreign policy failures, Rwanda, Darfur, Somalia and liberal assertions of women’s rights to the UN by the year 2000, the world, namely the Muslim world hated the US to the point extremists attacked US overseas targets some ten times. The 911 event was conceived, planned, financed and trained for under President Clinton’s watch and then executed eight months later after President Bush took office. So what did President Clinton do over eight years to raise the ire of the Muslim world? To the point a former ally in Afghanistan, Osama Bin Laden attacked us?

Despite a liberal Democrat as the President of the US apologizing for the previous eight years of President Bush’s term, the Muslim world still hates us. I wonder why? Since the day President Obama took office his administration has pushed the liberal line at the UN of Kum Ba Yah, that the US is only one nation among many and we are prepared to give away all our wealth under Copenhagen, yet the world still hates us. It appears the liberals have never learned the lesson from the overthrow of the Shah of Iran when President Carter, a liberal Democrat, was in office. The liberal line (talking point) was Iranians were angry that President Eisenhower (Republican) helped overthrow a previous Iranian government. In other words, we meddled in their internal affairs. Liberal Democrats of Obama’s stripe are typical of demagogues, they hear only what they want to hear and prattle their talking points, they never listen and hence they never seek to understand or acknowledge contrary points of view. Domestically, we as conservatives know this all too well when liberals typically in their hyperbole mischaracterize our positions. Thus the liberal Democrat’s line that the (Muslim) world hates us because we are well off and they are poor. If only things were that simple, but then simpletons require simple problems with simple solutions. It’s all very populist sounding that way and the solution is throwing money at the problem just as they are wont to do here domestically. Unfortunately for all of us, this comes off very condescending to Muslims and no one likes to be treated in a condescending manner.
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Obama’s Foreign Policy Failure”

Islamists Skirting Religious Law While Pretending to Champion It

-By Warner Todd Huston

Ah, those ingenious Islamists. Ya gotta give em’ points for inventiveness.

Imagine yourself as a dutiful Iranian thug theocrat that has to get rid of a few teenaged girls that just won’t toe the Islamist line. Is your religion of peace a tad too peaceful to help you in that noble, government duty? Is it telling you that you aren’t allowed to execute virgin girls for “crimes” against the state? What are ya gonna do, Bunkie?

Then, after a carefully considered few seconds, it hits you. Marry ‘em off before you slaughter them! See, after the “husband” and “wife” have had that first conjugal visit, why voila! No more virgin! Then the door is open to the government abattoir for a jolly good time to be had by all.

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Islamists Skirting Religious Law While Pretending to Champion It”

Did Obama Admin. Try to Take Credit for Twitter’s Iran Coverage?

-By Warner Todd Huston

Some attention was paid to the fact that the newest social networking website, Twitter, had decided to push off its scheduled maintenance Tuesday morning as the situation in Iran became steadily more embroiled in conflict. As it happened, Twitter was a major source of information coming out of that repressed society as news was happening. Twitter had, though, scheduled a few hours down time just when Iran was at a peak of activity. So, in order to keep the flow of communication to the outside world flowing, Twitter announced it would not turn off its service until Iran calmed down.

This is pretty interesting news, that a mere social networking site was so deeply involved in momentous news of the day and that it became so relied upon by people hungry for news and interested in discussing a major democratic movement is definitely a new thing. It is especially interesting because the U.S. media so badly fell down on its job of reporting activities in Iran making Twitter a vital tool for communication. But what was even more interesting was that Obama’s State Department tried to claim credit for Twitter’s decision to stay in operation during the day.

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Did Obama Admin. Try to Take Credit for Twitter’s Iran Coverage?”