Iowa State University Uses ‘Non-Partisan’ Programs for Hyper Partisan Union Support

-By Warner Todd Huston

Now, to you and me the word “non-partisan” would mean that no political position should be advocated. Sadly, to the left-wingers that run Iowa State University, “non-partisan” seems to mean just another opportunity for pushing a hyper partisan, left-wing, union-supporting message on students because the union thugs at ISU are now using the Student Ambassadors program to push the union’s political positions quite despite that the charter governing the program specifically says that it is to be a non-partisan affair.

Iowa recently elected a Republican governor to office and he is facing the same budget crisis that every other governor is facing due to the profligacy of past Democrat administrations and their cozy, parasitic relationship with the government employee unions. As a result of the budget crunch Governor Terry Branstad has been pushing some very modest budget reforms for Iowa. This, of course, has the elites in the government employee unions up in arms. They don’t want to see their gravy train grind to a halt. This includes the mis-educational establishment in Iowa — as it does in every other state.

Now, ISU has a student government program called the ISU Ambassadors. These “ambassadors” are supposed to connect students with university and state government, or as the website says, to serve as a “connection between Iowa State University, the state legislature, and Iowa communities.”
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Iowa State University Uses ‘Non-Partisan’ Programs for Hyper Partisan Union Support”

Three Observations About Iowa Attorney General Tom Miller’s Debate Against Brenna Findley

-By Shane Vander Hart

The one and only Iowa Attorney General Race debate was held yesterday at the University of Iowa Law School between Democratic incumbent Attorney General Tom Miller and Republican challenger Brenna Findley. I have read the scant coverage offered and some info that was emailed to me. I hope to watch or listen if it made available online. From what I have read I have three observations.

1. Incumbent Iowa Attorney General Tom Miller’s claim to bipartisanship is asinine.

So I guess that is why he didn’t defend our Defense of Marriage Act (which was bipartisan legislation). His bipartisanship also led him to warn county recorders about legal consequences (like getting them removed from office) if they didn’t comply with the Iowa Supreme Court’s unconstitutional order for them to commence issuing marriage licenses. Please show me the law in the Iowa Code that allows gay marriage. Also show me where in the Iowa Constitution it gives the Iowa Supreme Court the authority to administer the law.
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Three Observations About Iowa Attorney General Tom Miller’s Debate Against Brenna Findley”