-By Warner Todd Huston
Next in my Challengers Series of videos taken at this year’s CPAC is a few minutes with J.D. Miniear, a Republican who is vying for the GOP nomination for Indiana’s 7th Congressional District centered around the state’s biggest city — and capital — Indianapolis.
The current occupant of that seat is the odious Andre Carson, who, you may recall, has been mired in many controversies over the outrageously racist things he’s said over the years. The latest was his outrageous claim that all Tea Partiers wanted to hang blacks from trees.
As far as I am concerned, ANY Republican that takes Carson’s seat from him is a good candidate!
Still, Miniear faces a whole slew of GOP candidates. No less than seven candidates fill out the 7th CD’s primary field. Seems like an uphill climb for Mr. Miniear, for sure.
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VIDEO: J.D. Miniear, Indiana 7th Congressional District”