Illinois Going to Pot? GOP Leader Now Supporting Medical Marijuana Bill

-By Warner Todd Huston

The Illinois Family Institute is a bit worried over the sudden about face that House GOP Leader Tom Cross has made on HB 30, a bill that includes legalizing medical marijuana sales in Illinois.

On April 15, Fox News Chicago reported that Cross switched from a “no” vote to “yes” because he had talked to people who use medical marijuana, “including one man who is a disabled veteran.”

Cross said the key to the legislation is that it limits marijuana use to particularly painful diseases such as cancer, Multiple Sclerosis, Lupus and Crones’ Disease.

Cross told Fox that he supports the bill because it has “tight restrictions” on how medical marijuana can be used and sold.
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Illinois Going to Pot? GOP Leader Now Supporting Medical Marijuana Bill”

Illinois Family Institute’s Illinois Voter Guide

NOTICE: I am seeing this post getting hit a lot today. This is an OLD post from 2010. If you want an updated, 2012 voter guide use THIS LINK.

Congressional District Breakouts of IFI’s 2010 Primary Election Voter Guide are now available for download!!

With Election Day just around the corner — February 2nd, it is imperative that voters have information available to help them make educated decisions as they cast their votes for the different candidates.

IFI has 19 different two-page local Voter Guides — one for each of Illinois’ Congressional Districts. By printing the two-page local Guide front to back on legal size paper (8.5″ x 14″), you can easily make this a one-page handout, which you can then distribute in your neighborhood and local church. These are non-partisan and completely legal under IRS guidelines for distribution in churches. Call IFI to order them in bulk for your church or neighborhood.
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Illinois Family Institute’s Illinois Voter Guide”