Actress Maria Conchita Alonso Smacks Down Useful Idiot, Sean Penn

-By Warner Todd Huston

Sean Penn is a bona fide useful idiot, we all know. He doesn’t have two synapses to rub together, it is obvious. Unfortunately, though, his every utterance is reported widely by the star-struck media no matter how stupid he is. Lately his foolishness has turned toward supporting one of the worst dictators in the world, Hugo Chavez. While sentient people understand that Penn is a grad “A” moron, the fact that he has such a public platform his blather does need to be countered effectively.

In pursuit of countering a useful Hollyweird idiot, a level-headed celebrity actress has come forward to slap down this infant tyro, Penn. Actress Maria Conchita Alonso has penned an open letter to the king of idiots and it’s a good one.

Dear Sean, WHY?

Even though I have great respect for your artistic talent, I was appalled by a recent television interview where you vigorously showed support for the regime of Hugo Chavez. Therefore, I’ve decided to set the record straight for you regarding the Chavez regime, supporting my case based not only on my political ideologies, but on proven facts you choose to ignore. Otherwise, I believe your position would be different.

Being born in Cuba, a country where freedom of speech is non-existent, it’s startling to observe how Venezuela, where I was happily raised, is fast becoming Cuba’s mirror image: Dismantling of fundamental democratic rights deserved by its people and citizens of the world.

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Actress Maria Conchita Alonso Smacks Down Useful Idiot, Sean Penn”

‘Adios Chavez,’ Gas Station Owner Dumps Chavez Citgo Brand

-By Warner Todd Huston

A smart gas station owner from Wadsworth, Illinois has given up his Citgo franchise and re-opened as a Shell station. To celebrate he posted a sign that gives Hugo Chavez a wonderful sendoff. “Adios Chavez,” it reads.

For the last five years I have personally boycotted any Citgo gas station. Citgo, you see, is wholly owned by Petróleos de Venezuela S.A., which itself is wholly owned by Venezuela’s despotic President Hugo Chavez and his puppet government. I have written several times in the past about this fact (here, and here) and have wondered why more Americans haven’t talked about boycotting this foreign hatemonger’s gas stations?

After all, Hugo Chavez has called the U.S. any manner of names and has centered the U.S. as the chief villain of his paranoid delusions of persecution anyway, so why not let him stew by refusing to do business with this half-witted, half-pint dictator?

So, today I am happy to report that Randy Whitmore’s gas station at Delany and York House roads in Wadsworth, Illinois has done just that. He’s flipped the tin-potted Chavez the bird and gone back to being a Shell man.

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‘Adios Chavez,’ Gas Station Owner Dumps Chavez Citgo Brand”

New Evidence of Nancy Pelosi Associate Supporting Chavez, Marxists, & Terrorists

-By Warner Todd Huston

A Colombian associate of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) is once again linked to FARC terrorists and Marxist Dictator Hugo Chavez with the revelation of damning new messages concerning Colombian Senator Piedad Córdoba that are currently being investigated by Colombian military officials. Once again we have a powerful American politician, this one the Speaker of the House of Representatives, linked to those attempting to institute Marxist regimes to our South. Why does the U.S. media steadily ignore the ties Speaker Pelosi has to Chavez and the terrorist group FARC through her association with Senator Córdoba? Isn’t it awfully big news that the Speaker of the House supports a foreigner that wishes to give more power to one of our biggest enemies in this hemisphere and to further the efforts of a decades old terror outfit?

Córdoba, who has worked closely with Pelosi on Colombian and Venezuelan issues, has been linked to terrorists and Marxists in the past and has been a key player in helping undermine her own government. Senator Córdoba is prominently mentioned in these emails and documents as attempting to create a “friends of Chavez” style movement in Colombia. This movement was also organized with the assistance of leaders of the Bolivarian Movement, a FARC sponsored terror group.

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