HuffPo Contributor: ‘Why Should I Care’ About Death of Ambassador Stevens

-By Warner Todd Huston

Huffington Post contributor Sharmine Narwani took the occasion of the murder of our ambassador to Libya to launch into an anti-American diatribe that culminated in her asking why she is supposed to care about Ambassador Chris Stevens’ death or that of the other two killed with him.

Sharmine Narwani, who is also a correspondent for Al Jezeera and an associate at St Antony’s College, Oxford University, took to her Twitter account on Wednesday after it was reported that Ambassador Stevens was murdered by a rioting Islamist crowd in Benghazi, Libya.

100s of 1,000s of Arabs & Muslims slaughtered by American troops. Tell me again why I should care about whatshisname-plus-three?

Almost immediately Twitter followers began to attack the HuffPo blogger for her callousness. But Narwani was unapologetic. At one point she asked a detractor why he questioned her “logic” just because it was different from his. “His life,” she said of the ambassador, “does not hold any more weight than another.”
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HuffPo Contributor: ‘Why Should I Care’ About Death of Ambassador Stevens”

HuffPo Scolds Dems for ‘Caving’ On Reinsertion of God and Jerusalem Into Platform

-By Warner Todd Huston

It might appear odd, but Huffington Post seems to be scolding the Democrats for having “caved in” to pro-religion and pro-Israel forces in the Democrat Party for succeeding in having God and Jerusalem put back into the Democrat Party platform after they were removed earlier today.

Clearly proving that there is a great division in the Democrat Party over these two issues, Huffington Post’s headline screamed that the Democrats have become “The Pushover Party” now that God and Jerusalem have been reinserted into the party platform.

What is also clear is that Huffington Post is siding against God and Israel and saying that real Democrats don’t cave to Christians and Jews.

The day has not been good for the Democrat Party. After the Democrats were embarrassed all during the morning and afternoon of Sept. 5 over the unsettling deletions of God and Jerusalem from their platform, a voice vote was called on the floor of the convention to have God reinserted and also to have it reaffirmed that Jerusalem is the rightful capital of Israel.
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HuffPo Scolds Dems for ‘Caving’ On Reinsertion of God and Jerusalem Into Platform”

HuffPo Editorial Director Howard Fineman: Romney Supporters ‘Xenophobic’ and ‘Nativist’

-By Warner Todd Huston

On a July 23 appearance on MSNBC’s Hardball with Chris Matthews, Huffington Post Editorial Director and former Newsweek Editor Howard Fineman accused Mitt Romney of pandering to a “xenophobic” Republican Party, a racist party, he said, that is “afraid of the world.”

During a discussion of Michele Bachmann’s questions about Hillary Clinton aid Huma Abedin’s possible familial ties to the Muslim Brotherhood, host Chris Matthews asked the left-wing HuffPo editor why Mitt Romney doesn’t “have the guts” to stand up to those in his own party. In reply, Fineman slammed Romney and the “nativist” GOP.
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HuffPo Editorial Director Howard Fineman: Romney Supporters ‘Xenophobic’ and ‘Nativist’”

Arianna Huffington Sued for Being Blog Slavemaster

-By Warner Todd Huston

I have to say my feelings swing wildly on this story. After all, I thrill to see these extremist, lefties slaving away for free while their boss makes millions upon millions of dollars off their backs. It’s just too funny. Yet… and yet, I too am a writer that does some work (and too much at that) for free and I fully understand the ire that some of Huffington’s digital plantation slaves feel. And apparently the ire over there has caused at least one guy to take Puffington Post to court. This week Jonathan Tasini filed a class-action lawsuit against HuffPo on behalf of the Puffington plantation’s blogger slaves.

Ever since Arianna Huffington merged her famous blog with AOL and was awarded control of its news services, some of her former bloggers began to get restless. With Arianna getting $315 million buckaroos in her pocket those writers that made her famous with their years of unpaid blogging began to think that they deserved to get a piece of the puffypie at long last…

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HuffPost Makes Sarah Seem Like a Genius

-By Warner Todd Huston

Being a liberal is like being Hitler, murderer of over six million human beings, were he to have tsk tsked Pol Pot for being so evil as to have murdered three million Cambodians. There is no sense of shame with a liberal. They have no sense whatsoever that anything they’ve ever done should temper their reactions to the actions of others. They have no understanding of the old saw of throwing stones in glass houses.

Take the latest Huff-n-puff screed by Stefan Sirucek, for instance. Our pal Steffie is all up in arms over the fact that Sarah Palin had a few crib notes scribbled on the palm of her hand during her Tea Party appearance.

To young Steffie this is proof that Palin isn’t ready for prime time, proof that she “still couldn’t answer the previously agreed-upon questions without a little extra help.”

Thankfully his post is short. After all, he doesn’t have anything much to say except to guffaw that Palin had scribbled a few notes on her hand and that he thinks this is proof that she’s stupid.

OK, let’s take just a minute to go with that concept. Let’s say that anyone that has to have notes for every single appearance is an idiot that cannot remember to draw a breath unless he has a note to remind him to do it.

If that is a solid point to make, we have but one word that can put little Steffie in his place, make Sarah seem like a genius, and diss his messiah all at once. That word…
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HuffPost Makes Sarah Seem Like a Genius”

Lincoln Mitchell’s Disingenuous Huffington Post on Healthcare

-By Warner Todd Huston

On Huffington Post, Lincoln Mitchell bills himself as the “Assistant Professor in the Practice of International Politics” at Columbia University but I think he’s better suited to a job as a minion in a ministry of truth in some Orwellian dystopian fantasy novel. In any case, his latest screed on the evilness of evil Republicans and their Nazi-like attack on those peace-loving, kind, and pure Obamacare policies certainly serves as a perfect sample of his propensity to propagandize. Truth be damned because here comes Linc Mitchell to the rescue of Obamacre.

In his HuffPo piece Mitchell attacks anyone that opposes Obamacare casting them as evil monsters yet in this perfect example of propaganda offers not a shred of proof or a single example to prove out his claims of the evil machinations of anti-Obamacare protesters. In his sycophantic support of Obama he makes all sorts of charges about the motives and organizations supposedly behind the healthcare townhall protests yet offers nothing to connect the dots. He just says it’s so and moves on as if it is all a matter of obvious fact.

Mr. Mitchell also makes several pronouncements about the kindness and soft-spoken nature of the American left and makes to compare their supposedly more intelligent and mature form of debate to that of those loud, crass Republicans. Again, he simply states this nonsense as it if is true regardless of the last 100 years of loud, crass liberal riots, bombings, murders, and protests that prove his claims an outright lie.
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Lincoln Mitchell’s Disingenuous Huffington Post on Healthcare”

Natives Getting Restless: HuffPo Blogger Wants to be Paid

-By Warner Todd Huston

In How The Huffington Post Can Pay Its Bloggers, HuffPo blogger Michelle Haimoff seems to have gotten a tad miffed at how Arianna Huffington is making millions on the backs of her bloggers without “paying it forward,” as it were. Consequently, Haimoff has developed a prototype scheme on how Arianna can pay her long toiling bloggers to help fulfill her “responsibility” to journalism.

I think that Haimoff, however, misses the point of the Huffington Post. It isn’t now and never was about “journalism.” It’s about left-wing advocacy and advertising sales. Journalists need not apply. As we discussed early in July, journalism isn’t what HuffPo does.

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Natives Getting Restless: HuffPo Blogger Wants to be Paid”

What Passes for ‘Journalism’ At HuffPo Isn’t

-By Warner Todd Huston

If you listen to the blabbers and gossipers, the Huffington Post is the talk of the town. It is claimed that Arianna Huffington’s “success” is the “new journalism,” the future of the news. TechNewsWorld proclaimed it “appropriate” that Huffington appeared in the YouTube series on journalism apparently because she personifies it. The New York Times celebrated HuffPo as “hybrid journalism” for its Iran coverage. Jeff Jarvis of The Guardian claims that Arianna is “saving journalism.” She was even just awarded the Fred Dressler Lifetime Achievement Award in journalism from Syracuse University. She even testified before a Congressional committee on journalism. And the list of accolades goes on.

But, what sort of “journalism” does Huffington Post represent? Is it the well researched sort with multiple links, named sources, or other such common journalistic practices? Most often no. In fact, those that write for Huffington Post rarely even bother with the normal journalistic practices of research, attribution, or the habit of having more than one source. Sadly, the largest bulk of what Huffington writers do is merely opine whether they have sourced information or not. And more often than not they do so from the extreme left-wing perspective.

Huffington Post is not “journalism.” It’s really just that simple.

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What Passes for ‘Journalism’ At HuffPo Isn’t”

Huffington Post Stealing Others’ Writing?

-By Warner Todd Huston

The humor site The Onion, the offbeat weekly The Chicago Reader, and Time Out Chicago have discovered that some of their articles have appeared in total on Arianna Huffington’s mega web outlet The Huffington Post. And they are none too happy about the wholesale lifting of their material, either. has the full story about the Huffington Post’s unwelcome lifting saying that Huffington Post is “being accused of slimy business practices by a handful of smaller publications who say the site is unfairly copying and publishing their content.” And this wholesale stealing of others’ work seems strange when the latest news about Huff Post is that it was graced with a $25 million capital infusion by investors. With that kind of cash flow, you’d think they could hire a few out of work MSMers and give them a job, wouldn’t you?

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Democrats Really do Despise Religion, Don’t They?

-By Warner Todd Huston

On his November 10 Huffington Post, Nicholas Graham and nearly every commenter thereafter, purposefully distorted what Governor Palin said about prayer and the 2012 presidential race. The universal misconstruction of Palin’s comments was that she was “praying to become president” in 2012 and that somehow God was speaking directly to her. But reality is she did not say that at all.

Graham offhandedly claimed that Palin said that she was waiting “for a sign from God” as to whether she would run in 2012. Further distorting her comments, he claimed she was “confident God would show the way to the White House.” But, once again, she said neither of these things. In fact, what she actually said is rhetoric that is pretty much in accord with what even elected presidents have said at one time or another.

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