I am Guest Blogging for Gatewaypundit.com for a While

The famed Jim Hoft of Gatewaypundit.com recently learned that he had some disc troubles in his neck and is undergoing surgery to fix the problem. Because of that he’ll be out commission for a while. He’s asked me and a few others to fill in for him as he recovers.

So, as of today and for the immediate future I will also be posting at Gatewaypundit.com along with my other duties.

I must say that the running joke at RightOnLine 2010 was that it is easier to count the sites I don’t post on than it is to count the ones I do post on. Well, now we can tick GatewayPundit off the list of sites I hadn’t yet posted on! Ha, ha.

Anyway, do come on over to GatewayPundit and tool around the joint, won’t you?