More on Obama’s ‘No Justification’ Comments

-By Gary Krasner


The Muslim gang who raped Obama’s wife announced that they raped her as punishment, because she had not covered her head in public, as Islamic law requires.

At a news conference, President Obama announced that while he respects all beliefs, and does not wish to denigrate the opinions of the rapists who say that women must be modestly attired, he also stated that there is absolutely no justification for this type of senseless rape of Michelle. None.

The above incident never happened. But thanks to former CNN correspondent Bernard Shaw, we have a precedent for pondering such parallels, when Shaw proffered such a hypothetical scenario when he questioned presidential candidate Michael Dukakis during the debates.

However, Obama’s hypothetical answers may look familiar to you. That’s because he actually uttered those words in his reaction to the invasion of our Libyan embassy in Benghazi, Libya, and the murders of U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans there. (The next day we learned that Stevens was raped and tortured to death.)

This is what Obama actually said on September 12, one day after the attacks and after the 911 anniversary:

The United States condemns in the strongest terms this outrageous and shocking attack. Since our founding, the United States has been a nation that respects all faiths. We reject all efforts to denigrate the religious beliefs of others. But there is absolutely no justification to this type of senseless violence. None. The world must stand together to unequivocally reject these brutal acts.

This was part of Obama’s first statement in response to the first assassination of a US ambassador in over 4 decades. And it was disgraceful. HOW SO? There happens to be a small issue and a larger issue involved here.
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More on Obama’s ‘No Justification’ Comments”

Pretext vs. Rationale — Why We Were Attacked

-By Gary Krasner

When Islamists attack the US, they always make sure to have pretexts ready at hand. That’s to ensure that Americans remain divided over solutions, while the Islamists get what they originally wanted.

They understand the danger of a united consensus in the US. Even the Iraq war obtained support among 80 percent of Americans.

That is why organized attacks (portrayed as “spontaneous”) on Americans always accompany a “grievance narrative”, so that the murders do not appear gratuitous.

But in point of fact, they are not. It’s just that Americans cannot conceive of a population willing to “kill the infidel wherever you find them”, as one of its holy commandments.

So islamists, eager to spread Shari’ah law everywhere, generously furnish the gullible media with pretexts that Americans WOULD understand.
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Pretext vs. Rationale — Why We Were Attacked”

The ‘No Justification’ Talking Points

-By Gary Krasner

Referring to events in Libya and Egypt today, Obama said there was “no justification” for Muslim mobs violating US sovereign territory and murdering our embassy people and ambassador.

Hilary also said there was “no justification.”

Presidential spokesman Jay Carney said there was “no justification.” That was the administration’s line for the day. It’s an abamination.

Whenever one says that there’s no justification for a particular action, that means there are situations when that action might be deemed justified.
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The ‘No Justification’ Talking Points”

The ‘No One Gets Rich On Their Own’ Baloney

-By Gary Krasner

Obama’s “no one gets rich on their own” rant was to justify policies that soak the rich, and not about the wonders of roads & bridges! But that was how Obamians had tried to spin it, such as here at Huffington Post.

You can read my postscript deconstruction of his Roanoke speech at the end of this article to see how ridiculous that is. Bottom line is that when Obama uttered these two sentences, “If you’ve got a business—-you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen”, he was NOT referring to roads and bridges from the prior sentence. It would have been far too obvious for him to have meant that shop keepers do not build the roads and bridges in the towns where they operate. He sure as hell didn’t mean to suggest that their taxes help build them! No, holding to the full context of the speech, he meant that they are not singularly responsible for their success, that would warrant the degree of wealth they reaped.

The original thesis—-the product of liberal linguistics consultant George Lakoff—-is a way to minimize individual success, so as to justify taking from successful people the rewards of their success, through taxes. Liz Warren—-the women who couldn’t get into Harvard on her own without falsely claiming to have one drop of Cherokee blood—-had adopted this simplistic baloney to frame the debate for OWS, if you recall.

Here’s Lakoff:
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The ‘No One Gets Rich On Their Own’ Baloney”

Why Is Islam at War With the West?

-By Gary Krasner

Indeed, why are there so many acts of terrorism by Muslims today? If there can be one central reason, I think it was that Judeo-Christianity was better able to reform and conform to political modernity of secular government and freedom of conscience, based on a less specific code of conduct than that of Islam.

The Catholic Church, for example, does not require Catholics to cite specific tenets to do or not do something. Indeed, the Church itself has stated in doctrine—-which is „tenets‰—-that it doesn’t have to specifically oppose or endorse something in order for a Catholic to oppose or endorse that something—-if it’s based upon his Moral Conscience. There is nothing in Catholic doctrine, for example, for a Catholic to conclude that it‚s wrong to kick a dog or surf the internet. Or he is being a good Christian by kicking a dog or surfing the internet. Either way, no specific doctrine is required.

As instructed in Catholic Doctrine, in Dignitas Humanae, Pope Paul VI wrote in 1965: “It is through his conscience that man sees and recognizes the demands of divine law. He is bound to follow this conscience faithfully in all his activity so that he may come to God, who is his last end.” More recently, Pope John Paul II wrote on October 11, 1992: “The Catechism of the Catholic Church, which I approved June 25th last and the publication of which I today order by virtue of my Apostolic Authority, is a statement of the Church‚s faith and of catholic doctrine, attested to or illumined by Sacred Scripture, the Apostolic Tradition and the Church‚s Magisterium. I declare it to be A SURE NORM FOR TEACHING THE FAITH, and thus a valid and legitimate instrument for ecclesial communion.” [On matters of conscience, refer to CCC 1776, 1777 & 1782]
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Why Is Islam at War With the West?”

Tutorial For Understanding The Fast & Furious Scandal

-By Gary Krasner


A sting operation PURPORTEDLY to identify and arrest gun smugglers who transport guns over the border, and Mexican drug cartel members.


The contraband in THIS sting operation was not tracked electronically and there was no surveillance of suspects.


Because the most important feature of all sting operations is to track the contraband, otherwise there’s no sting and hence no prosecutions, and the dangerous contraband gets distributed to harm people.
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Tutorial For Understanding The Fast & Furious Scandal”

Obama Lies, Nation Dies

-By Gary Krasner

The Maranis biography identified 3 dozen Obama lies in “Dreams From My Father”, including the libelous claim that Signa Insurance discontinued his mother’s medical payments for her cancer treatments. Not including his claim that he was never a member of the socialist New Party in Chicago.

None include the lies of omission either, such as the denial of historians from gaining access to Obama’s school records from Harvard, Columbia and Occidental. Including the sponsoring letters, which some claim came from Islamists and other unsavory sources. And he has the hutzpah to call Romney “the most secretive executive”?!

Perhaps the greatest lie of omission is one which has succeeded through the silence of many people: The 2003 party in Chicago, where then-Illinois state senator Barack Obama lavished praise on the guest of honor, Rashid Khalidi—-former spokesman for master terrorist Yasser Arafat. At the time Khalidi, a PLO adviser turned University of Chicago professor, was headed east to Columbia. There he would take over the University‚s Middle East-studies program (which he has since maintained as a bubbling cauldron of anti-Semitism) and assume the professorship endowed in honor of Edward Sayyid, another notorious terror apologist.
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Obama Lies, Nation Dies”

Romney strikes out…

-By Gary Krasner

Again. I posted on his missed opportunities last week. Yesterday was another one.

Romney attracted maximal media coverage for his speech at NAACP. What an opportunity to teach supply side economics to economics-challenged liberals who never vote for republicans.

Instead, he delivers a warmed over campaign speech everyone has heard him utter countless times before. Even the black audience yawned, when they weren’t booing.

I’m convinced more than ever that Romney is not only NOT a supply sider, he knows little about macro economic theory. When does he ever discuss it in any depth?

Anyway, yesterday, it was reported (see below) that San Bernardino is the 3rd city to go bankrupt. No surprise. California state workers have a deals to kill for. They won’t give it up, and cities are paying the price.
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Romney strikes out…”

So? So You’re a Liberal

-By Gary Krasner

I like listening to Rush Limbaugh and Bill Bennett radio shows.

But I also watch and listen to many liberal forums.

After many years of watching and listening to NPR, PBS, CSPAN, and sometimes the lunatics on Pacifica, i’ve noticed a speech affectation or mannerism.

I has increased in prevalence in recent years. Until now, I can always immediately identify a liberal on any panel discussion, or interview.

What is it? The liberal begins his her answer to a question with the word “so.”
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So? So You’re a Liberal”

This Is Why We Are Not Winning The War

by Gary Krasner

Lt. Gen. Curtis Scaparrotti held a press conference in Kabul Monday morning.

After using the term “the enemy” several times, one reporter asked him to clarify what he meant by it. You can read his answer here:

When you cannot designate who your enemy is in one sentence or less, then you are looking at a defeated force.

But Scaparrotti’s meandering answer is just the symptom. His boss, President Obama, won’t even call it a “war”. Rather, it’s an “overseas contingency operation”!
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This Is Why We Are Not Winning The War”

Obama’s Chickens Coming Home To Roost

by Gary Krasner

I don’t know if any pundits took note of the many news items (like the post below) mentioning that thousands of Syrian children are appealing to Obama’s daughters to intervene via military force in Syria.

The banners and placards read the same message:

Malia and Sasha Obama: Tell your father that we are being assassinated. from Children of Syria

Here’s my commentary about this:

GW wanted the media to lay off his daughters. They deserved a life of privacy as much as that was feasible. So GW never made references to them in any public statements. I also personally believe that GW didn’t want his daughters to become so prominent that they would become media-popular and thereby become targets of jihadist violence.
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Obama’s Chickens Coming Home To Roost”

There’s Something Here That Will Offend You

-By Gary Krasner

This article includes a discussion of sex and nudity. I just wanted that caveat up front. So don’t complain.

I’d like to comment on two bits of recent curiosities in the news.

The first story was reported on March 27, 2012. The computer hacker who had leaked nude photos of actress Scarlett Johansson last summer is facing 60 years in prison and a $2.2 million fine. He plead guilty to nine charges of hacking.

I thought, that seems like a hell of a long sentence for that offense. Out of curiosity, I searched for the photos he was responsible for stealing. I found these.
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There’s Something Here That Will Offend You”

Libel By Any Other Name

-By Gary Krasner

If you thought the pro-Democrat company, Google, was the only company actively tarnishing the name “Santorum” by showcasing a false definition of it, you can now add Wikipedia and Firefox browser to that list.

For several years and currently, if you Googled “Santorum”, you would get this as the FIRST entry out of over 2 million hits:

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
Santorum 1. The frothy mix of lube and fecal matter that is sometimes the byproduct of anal sex.
2. Senator Rick Santorum.
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

A gay activist, Dan Savage, created the website and the false definition. It is the only website that displays that erroneous definition. Google “defends” itself by disingenuously claiming a passive role. Yet Google has yet to explain why it gives it the top priority in its search results.

But now, there are other companies joining Google in the defamation campaign against Senator Rick Santorum.
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Libel By Any Other Name”

A Tutorial on Economics for Liberals

-By Gary Krasner

The debate over the debt crisis and the S&P downgrade of Treasury bonds last Friday revealed some remarkably ignorant claims from the left on economics. This tutorial, or polemic, addresses some of them. But before I delve into the conservative view, a new convert to it, David Mamet, may have hit upon a reason liberals have no practical solution to the crisis, or a viable alternative to free market capitalism, for that matter.

In his book, “The Secret Knowledge: On the Dismantling of American Culture”, Mamet argues that in the West’s abandonment of Israel, liberals do not care that Palestinian claims are insoluble, exaggerated, unjust, or skewed. To care about those salient details would require them to actually do something, which would end their enjoyable, responsibility-free position as sideline viewers.

An additional observation he makes is that as in any confidence game, the liberal “is flattered that he, in contradistinction to his benighted countrymates, has been chosen to advance the policies and the doctrines of Liberalism.” In endorsing them, he is one of the Elite, “one of those empowered to eradicate those historical evils entailed upon humanity because of the unfortunate delay of his advent.” Mamet quotes Obama from his victory address in Chicago in November 2008: “We are the people we have been waiting for.”
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A Tutorial on Economics for Liberals”