Why Is Free Republic’s Jim Robinson Attacking Conservative Bloggers?

Is Free Republic Down? It should be.

(Note:To show how irrelevant Free Republic has become, on the day of Donald Trump’s inauguration the site was booted off line for the entire day. The ENTIRE day. One of the most important days for the center right movement and Free Republic was no where to be seen during the day’s events. What a joke.)

-By Warner Todd Huston

I hate it when conservatives attack each other, I have to say. The latest example of suicidal intra-conservative attacks is coming from Jim Robinson, the owner of the famed righty message board Free Republic. Sadly, Mr. Robinson has launched a campaign to harass and ultimately ban from his board all right leaning bloggers that try to post their items there.

Over the last three months or so what many Freepers thought was a self appointed band of FR-police began appearing and attacking posts by bloggers. Several screen names have been used to attempt to harass bloggers into quitting the board. The campaign has been successful in several circumstances, driving some bloggers to quit the board. In other cases, when the campaign wasn’t successful in driving the blogger to quit, Robinson himself has stepped in to ban the bloggers from posting on FR.

The sad thing is that none of these bloggers have been attacked and/or banned for the topics of their posts. All of these bloggers are good conservatives, none holding views which conservatives find antithetical to their ideology. These posters are not being attacked for what they posted but are being attacked for posting at all.
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Why Is Free Republic’s Jim Robinson Attacking Conservative Bloggers?”