VIDEO: Sluts Appear to be Dumb as Rocks

-By Warner Todd Huston

This is the sort of vapidity that gives serious causes a bad name, the sort of stupidity that makes people roll their eyes at every protest because idiotic efforts like this make light of every other effort.

CNN has the “news” — and video — of a protest march in Texas called the Slut Walk, an effort to highlight the idea that the way women dress is no invitation to rape them.

The Daily Mail also carried the story and quotes Elizabeth Webb, one of the organizers, as to her purpose. “I know, definitely, it is a controversial name, but we’re trying to reclaim that word and take the power away from that word. And, we want to specify that women dressing like sluts is not how people get raped.”

What? What the heck does “reclaim that word” even mean? What nice women of the past once used the word “slut” as a positive term in order for it to be “reclaimed”?
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VIDEO: Sluts Appear to be Dumb as Rocks”

Michelle Obama on ‘World’s Most Powerful Women’ List. Why?

-By Warner Todd Huston

Forbes has published its world’s most powerful women list and on that list, in the top slot no less, is Michelle Obama, the wife of the President of the United States of America. Along with Obama a few singers and entertainers made the list. It all goes to prove that apparently no one knows what “powerful” means anymore.

On the most powerful list – after Obama at number one — Lady Gaga comes in at seventh place, in ninth singer Beyonce Knowles appears, and bringing up the rear is entertainer Ellen DeGeneres. Oprah Winfrey makes it in as number three.

There is no reason that any of these women (well, I’ll give you Oprah) belong on a “most powerful women” list — or a most powerful anybody list, for that matter.
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Michelle Obama on ‘World’s Most Powerful Women’ List. Why?”

Thieves Make Boobs of Victoria Secrets, No Bust Yet

-By Warner Todd Huston

A cup-le of thieves made boobs of the security at Victoria Secrets in Ocala, Florida last week. Early in the week 101 tank tops were stolen and later bras worth $2,000 were lifted and separated from the store chain.

Apparently the thefts were bracing enough to get the ogling of the media as the Star Banner sent top drawer reporter Austin Miller to cover the points.

It appears that a pair of boosters distracted the store clerks while a third manhandled the bras and made off with them.

Store workers were upset at the ta tas waved to their merchandise but thieves were not too busted up over the prospect.

I’ll try to keep abreast of story details as they develop.
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Thieves Make Boobs of Victoria Secrets, No Bust Yet”

Dear Boss, This ‘HOPA’ Just Ain’t That Into You

Today’s palette cleanser: Young Jenny was apparently a “HOPA” at the office… at lest she was as far as the boss was concerned. Well, let’s just say that our Miss Jenny wasn’t amused. So she quit her job and as she did so she emailed these 33 photos to her colleagues explaining why.

CLICK HERE to see her clever resignation letter.

Now, news is that this is a hoax meant to advertise a new website. But whether it’s real or not, it is very funny. I still like it.

Babies Violate Labor Laws

-By Warner Todd Huston

Kim Grandy, the President of the National Organization for Women, has announced a new initiative to sue all babies born in the U.S. for violating labor laws by forcing mother’s into what Grandy calls “mommy slavery.”

NOW’s new program Freedom From Kids™ launched early this week and lays out a plan for the courts to take all children from beleaguered mothers at birth so that women can find their true potential in working for the government or university Wymin’s programs.

“For decades,” Grandy said, “Wymin have been chained to these ungrateful brats and have been held back from achieving their true potential. We believe that the this program will free wymin from the drudgery and hateful business of raising kids.”

Not to be outdone, the ACLU filed papers in federal court to require Federal Accredited Kid’s Entertainment (FAKE) services to supply every baby with the latest video games, the coolest clothes and only straight “A” grades in government schools in order to assure a comfortable lifestyle and raise levels of self esteem.

NOW’s plan to sue all babies will establish a fund by placing a lien against all future earnings of newborns to pay would-be un-mothers for the trouble of having birthed the burdensome children in the first place. Much of this fund will go to Planned Parenthood in order to spare other un-mothers the whole mess through abortion mills being set up across the country.

Grandy said that she is satisfied that this is the “best of all worlds.”

President Obama issued a press release praising the plan and apologizing to our European allies for not having thought this up decades ago. “If more American children were aborted or warehoused by government agencies to reduce the burden on wymin, perhaps WWII would never have been fought and peace would reign in every corner of the earth,” Obama said.
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Babies Violate Labor Laws”

Another Motherhood-Hating, Traditional Gender Role-Attacking, San Fran Liberal

-By Warner Todd Huston

Margot Magowan a blogger for the San Francisco Chronicle must have gone to college. I say that not because she seems so well educated, but because she seems to hate traditional gender roles. After all, the only place that women become radical feminists is in college because the real world does not teach such balderdash.

In a short April 7 blog post Magowan furiously attacked the magazine Good Housekeeping for its latest cover story on First Lady Michelle Obama. Magowan hated the photo, claims she hates “the media’s” supposed “abuse” of first ladies, and even more to the point hates the fact that a magazine named Good Housekeeping still even “lives on” in this day and age when all things connected with homemaking should have been destroyed by the triumph of feminism long ago… as far as she is concerned apparently.

This post is a liberal feminist’s rant extraordinary, for sure.
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Another Motherhood-Hating, Traditional Gender Role-Attacking, San Fran Liberal”

More Stupid Feminazi Tricks

-By Warner Todd Huston

Not long ago, I wrote of how the English language is being destroyed by the stupidity of feminism. Well, today I’ve found another perfect example of how feminism is making our language trite and silly.

The example turns up in a report on new prehistoric discoveries near Stonehenge, in Hampshire, England. Apparently, a pair of Neolithic tombs was discovered in the English countryside and researchers are all excited. I can’t say I blame them for this is very interesting news.

It isn’t the discovery that served as a vehicle for a stupid feminazi trick, though, but the coverage. Tucked into the story about the discovery is this line (my bold):

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More Stupid Feminazi Tricks”

Feminist Grammar That Isn’t

-By Warner Todd Huston

Feminists are in essence an anti-intellectual lot. After all, the back flips they have to do to justify their anti-male crusade is an act worthy of Olympics style awards. Such are the illogical back bends that feminists must to do to justify their ideology that men become wholly unnecessary, biology and nature be damned. There are many intellectual outrages to education and tradition that feminists employ to make themselves feel superior. But I want to focus here on just one of these.

The example I’d like to discuss today is the elimination of the masculine pronoun. For those not “up” on their Strunk & White’s, the masculine pronoun is used when speaking about people generically. Example: Everyone should take his tea with milk. In this example the tea drinker is identified as “his” because a specific person or gender is not a focus, the sentence being centered on how people in general should drink tea.

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Feminist Grammar That Isn’t”