Welcomes ‘2016’ Filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza to Chicago Sept. 22

“I am coming to help Chicagoans get the side of the story that has been hidden from them for the last four years.” — 2016: Obama’s America filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza

Filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza will be in Chicagofor a special screening and Q&A about his controversial box-office smash, “2016: Obama’s America.” The event is being hosted by at the Gene Siskel Film Center on September 22nd.

After traveling to exotic locales in Kenya,Indonesia, and Hawaii to uncover Barack Obama’s past, D’Souza finds it fitting to be visiting the President’s adopted hometown and political breeding ground.

“ has invited me to come to Chicago for a special screening of my film, ‘2016: Obama’s America,’” D’Souza said. “Chicago may be the President’s adopted hometown but how many Chicagoans know the real Barack Obama? I am coming to help Chicagoans get the side of the story that has been hidden from them for the last four years.”
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Obama Refuses to Submit New Regulations Plan Required By Law

-By Warner Todd Huston

Early every spring an administration is required by law to submit its regulatory plans for the year. Obama, however, has refused to submit this report perhaps afraid of how badly it might impact his prospects for re-election.

The spring 2012 Regulatory Agenda is supposed to be submitted so that both Congress and the nation can get a handle on the regulatory changes the president intends to make. It is a requirement imposed by the Regulatory Flexibility Act as well as Clinton era Executive Order 12,866 — an order that President Obama reaffirmed last year.

This report is supposed to be submitted to Congress between October and April. Obama still hasn’t satisfied this lawful requirement.

Ohio GOP Senator Rob Portman has sent a letter to the White House scolding it for this dereliction of its reporting duties.
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Obama Refuses to Submit New Regulations Plan Required By Law”

Maryland State Dems Claim Fundraising on 9/11 Is ‘Patriotic’

-By Warner Todd Huston

Here on the 11th Anniversary of the attacks that took some 3,000 American lives on September 11th, 2001, a pair of Maryland State Democrats are throwing fundraisers. If that isn’t bad enough, one of them even said it is “patriotic” to hold a fundraiser on the anniversary of the day we were so brutally attacked.

Jon Cardin, a member of the Maryland House of Delegates (like the House of Representatives), was defiant upon claims that holding a fundraiser on 9/11 was at least a bit gauche. He replied to critics saying it was actually a patriotic thing to do.

“I don’t think it’s inappropriate, and we have a lot of patriotic things that we do, and one of them is getting involved in political action in the political world, and it’s an opportunity to really get together and also have sort of a very important conversation about improving our country and our state. Sept. 11 should be a day that we do that like every other day.”

So, the anniversary of 9/11 should be “like every other day.”
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Maryland State Dems Claim Fundraising on 9/11 Is ‘Patriotic’”

Media Blackout: GAO Says Obama’s Welfare Waivers Illegal

-By Warner Todd Huston

On Sept. 4, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) made a startling assertion saying that Obama circumvented the law when he summarily waived the work requirements in the welfare law. Perhaps not as shocking, to date, few news outlets seem interested in the story.

In its Sept. 4 letter, the GAO found that Health and Human Services (HHS) should have formally submitted a letter of its intent to make the changes to Congress and the Comptroller General before any waivers can be legally issued.

The letter also said that the GAO had not determined if HHS had the legal right to even make such waivers available. The GAO is basically saying that the Obama administration is breaking the law with its waivers.
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Media Blackout: GAO Says Obama’s Welfare Waivers Illegal”

The Machine: The Truth Behind Teachers Unions

Here is a great video showing why teachers unions — and public employee unions in general — should be illegal.

The Machine: The Truth Behind Teachers Unions

For the first time in 25 years, the Chicago Teachers’ Union is planning to strike on Monday.

That’s because the machine that runs the K-12 education system isn’t designed to produce better schools. It’s designed to produce more money for unions and more donations for politicians. We’re spending more money on education but not getting better results for our children and now america’s public education system is failing.

Our kids deserve better.

For decades, teachers’ unions have been among our nation’s largest political donors. As Reason Foundation’s Lisa Snell has noted, the National Education Association (NEA) alone spent $40 million on the 2010 election cycle (source: As the country’s largest teachers union, the NEA is only one cog in the infernal machine that robs parents of their tax dollars and students of their futures.

Students, teachers, parents, and hardworking Americans are all victims of this political machine–a system that takes money out of taxpayers’ wallets and gives it to union bosses, who put it in the pockets of politicians.

“The Machine” is 4:30 minutes.
Video produced by the Moving Picture Institute in partnership with ReasonTV.

DNC’s Joe Biden Video Features Joe Standing With a Union Criminal

-By Warner Todd Huston

The Democrat National Committee wanted to make a nice heartwarming video telling America and convention goers how wonderful ol’ “Sheriff Joe” Biden is. But, oops, one of the still photos included in the retrospective shows Biden standing chummy with a union member that was arrested for pick pocketing in 2009.

The video, titled, Vice President Joe Biden’s Story, is filled with heartwarming photos of good ol’ Joe with old folks, school kids, and American workers. But one worker in particular would have been best left out of the bio-video.

At about 5:17 into the video you’ll see a still photo of Service Employees International Union member Marshall Clemons and Vice President, Biden. In that photo you see good ol’ Joe standing next to Clemons and his wife and son. All smiles there, with Joe’s arms warmly embracing the family.

Still shot from the DNC Video of Biden and the Clemons family

It’s a nice family photo showing how personable Joe is. But who is this Marshall Clemons?

As it happens, Joe Biden did a little union-touting video with Mr. Clemons back in 2007. The film was called Walk a day in my shoes: Joe Biden/Marshall Clemons and was made in cooperation with the SEIU.

That film, too, was supposed to be a heartwarming tale of good ol’ Joe palling around with the common worker.

Still shot of Biden and Clemons from the 2007 video

But I guess Joe didn’t help Mr. Clemons make enough money at the SEIU because not long after they appeared together in the union-selling video, Clemons was arrested for stealing money out of women’s purses at the Iowa State Capital.

This is a case of a union member reaching into people’s pockets a bit more directly than they usually do. In 2009 an Iowa lobbyist caught Clemons reaching into and stealing wallets from the unattended bags of other lobbyists who were busy plying lawmakers at the state capital. The lobbyist alerted the Iowa state police and when they tracked Clemons down they witnessed him trying to ditch a second stolen wallet in a public bathroom. Clemons was charged with two counts of fifth degree theft.

This is the guy that the DNC thought was a good idea to show Vice President Biden paling around with? Does “Sheriff Joe” have a habit of hanging around pickpockets!
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DNC’s Joe Biden Video Features Joe Standing With a Union Criminal”

Proof Positive that Democrats Have Morphed into an Un-American Party

-By Warner Todd Huston

One of the main themes of this fetid Democrat Convention is that we, the citizens of the United States of America, belong to the government. This is one of the most un-American ideas I’ve ever seen adopted by a major, important American political party.

The whole point of the United States of America was that we the people owned our government. The founders did not start this country with the ideal that the government owned the people. In fact, they were adamant that this not be the case.

You see, the founders knew that a government that imagines that its citizens are its property is a despotic one, indeed. In fact, the founders had a controversy right at the outset of their new nation’s birth, one not of their own making but one that both proved the point of the danger of tyranny and threatened to snuff out their nascent union. That thing was slavery.
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Proof Positive that Democrats Have Morphed into an Un-American Party”

Hey, Obama, It’s Time for a ‘Breakup’

CHARLOTTE, NC – The Republican National Committee (RNC) released a new 30-second ad “The Breakup.” It’s been four years and it just isn’t working. President Obama is just not the person you thought he was. Tell us why you’re breaking up with President Obama at

“After four years, it is clear that our country is not better off under Barack Obama,” said RNC Chairman Reince Priebus. “Whether it’s because of his countless broken promises or failed economic policies, he is simply not what many hoped he would be. America needs a change. Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan will get our country working again and restore economic security to the middle class.”

BOYFRIEND: Obama Seemed Perfect But Women Are Feeling Cheated

(WASHINGTON D.C.) –, a project of the Independent Women’s Voice, today released a 30-second web video, “Boyfriend,” ahead of President Obama’s convention speech.

Women, who four years ago overwhelmingly supported candidate Obama based on his promise of a robust economic recovery and a new tone in Washington, are feeling a bit cheated.

For the first time this year President Obama is going through a rough patch with women, leaving him upside down on favorability rankings, with a majority (50%) of women voters, single and married alike, viewing him unfavorable while only 46% find him favorably.
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BOYFRIEND: Obama Seemed Perfect But Women Are Feeling Cheated”

Democrats Booed Re-Insertion of God, Affirmation of Israel’s Capital in Platform

-By Warner Todd Huston

Earlier in the day on Wednesday, the Democrat Party suffered two embarrassments over its platform by the elimination both God and the capital of Israel from the document. Worse, when a move was made to reinsert them into the guiding positions of the party, the floor erupted in loud boos.

Earlier in the day news leaked out that the Democrat Party platform saw the word “God” removed from it. Hot on the heels of that news it was discovered that anti-Israel activists had also succeeded in removing the affirmation that Jerusalem is the rightful capital of the nation of Israel.

As the chattering classes in the news media wrangled over these deletions, the Democrat Party began to feel pressure to fix this sleight to God and our biggest Mid East ally, Israel.

The pressure built to the point where a move was made to put these items back into the platform. And so, on a voice vote from the podium at the convention, the changes were introduced to loud booing from the floor.

It was worse than a simple booing of support for Israel and God, though. The voice vote procedure was clearly rigged by the chair of the convention, Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, and the voice of the convention’s delegates was ignored.

With the two important issues removed from the platform, the Party needed to bring their reinsertion to a floor vote. Mayor Villaraigosa had the resolution to reinsert the words read to the convention and then called for a floor vote to approve it. The rules state that two thirds of the floor needed to agree to the change for it to be approved.

Villaraigosa’s first attempt brought as many voices saying they didn’t want God and Jerusalem back in the platform as those that did.
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Democrats Booed Re-Insertion of God, Affirmation of Israel’s Capital in Platform”

Godless Illinois Democrat Gets Mad Being Asked Why God Was Dropped from Dem Platform

-By Warner Todd Huston

One of the most vile members of the Senate is Dick “Turban” Durbin and he once again proved his ignorance and hatemongering on Fox News when asked why the Democrats removed God from their platform.

On Sept. 4, Durbin appeared on Fox with Bret Baier when the discussion turned to the removal of the word “God” from the Democrat Party platform. Now, correspondent Baier drew no conclusions about the removal of God from the platform. He just asked, straight away and without commentary, why did the Democrats remove God from the platform.

Instead of answering the question, this scumbag Durbin went on a wild rant on how Baier and “your network” are calling the Democrats Godless.

But, again, Baier drew no conclusions. He just asked the question.

This is how the biggest jerk next to the liar Harry Reid in the Senate replied to the simple question:

Now, the fact is, even though Bret Baier did not call names like idiot Durbin did, the fact is Democrats do hate religion. They hate God, they hate Christianity, they hate everything to do with our nation’s traditional creeds. The Democrats removed God from their platform because they are a godless, un-American group. Dick Turbin knows this fact and his defensive, explosive, over-the-top reaction was proof positive that he knows that his party is anti-Christianity.

If you are a Christian and a Democrat, one wonders how you square that circle?
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Godless Illinois Democrat Gets Mad Being Asked Why God Was Dropped from Dem Platform”

The Democracy Alliance: Soros-Linked Liberal Super Group & Its Secret Funding of Democrats

-By Warner Todd Huston

The Washington Free Beacon has undertaken a series of reports that are important for anyone interested in a follow-the-money investigation of one of the biggest influences on today’s Democrat Party. This is a hard-core group of far left extremists holding the Democrats purse strings and is called the Democracy Alliance. It is a George Soros-sponsored group and it ain’t your father’s Democrat Party, for sure.

The Free Beacon has a great primer page (Democracy Alliance Editor’s Note) on this group that helps you follow the money and the players. But to me, one of the most insidious aspects about this group — aside from its purely anti-American ideals — is that it serves as a “pass through” organization.

By that I mean that the organization serves as a central money pot to which many Democrat and extremist progressive groups funnel their campaign cash. They do this for two reasons. One is to create an even larger pot of money for their causes and second is to hide their activity in the efforts of a third party.

You see, when a group gives its money to a pass through organization the donors have a certain level of plausible deniability on where the money ultimately ends up. That way, if something blows up PR-wise, the original donors can distance themselves from the trouble by saying that they didn’t necessarily donate for that purpose.
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The Democracy Alliance: Soros-Linked Liberal Super Group & Its Secret Funding of Democrats”

Obama Lies While Accusing Romney Aide of Lying

-By Warner Todd Huston

At a recent campaign stop Obama openly lied about what the Romney camp said just as he was claiming the GOP nominee’s campaign is itself filled with lies.

Obama was at a campaign stop in Charlottesville, Virginia when he unleashed an outright untruth claiming that a Romney spokesman was purposefully obviating “the truth” in the campaign. (My bold throughout)

“Sometimes they just make things up,” the President said on the stump. “I mean, somebody was challenging one of their ads — they made it up — about work and welfare. And every outlet said this is just not true. And they were asked about it and they said — one of their campaign people said, ‘We won’t have the fact-checkers dictate our campaign. We will not let the truth get in the way.'”

But Obama’s is a claim that even The New York Times cannot allow to stand.
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Obama Lies While Accusing Romney Aide of Lying”

VIDEO: Obama DID Claim He’d Save Janesville GM Plant

-By Warner Todd Huston

Phil Kerpen discovered the film of Obama claiming that he’d save the day and prevent the GM Plant in Janesville, Wis. from closing.

The liberals and their lapdog “fact-checkers” attacked GOP VP candidate Paul Ryan for claiming that Obama promised to save the Janesville GM plant. Ryan was deemed a “liar” for his claim.

Turns out, Ryan was right…

I believe that if our government is there to support you, and give the assistance you need to retool and make this transition, that this plant will be here for another 100 years. So, that’s our priority… I want it to thrive right here in the United States of America, I want it to thrive right here in Janesville, Wisconsin. And that’s the future I will fight for as president of the United States of America.

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VIDEO: Obama DID Claim He’d Save Janesville GM Plant”

Calif. Dem Chair Says Romney/Ryan Like Nazi Joseph Goebbels

-By Warner Todd Huston

California Democrat Party Chairman John Burton is setting the Democrat National Convention off on the sort of demagogic footing that has characterized the Democrat’s campaign this year by accusing Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan of being like Nazis, specifically Nazi official Joseph Goebbels.

At a California delegation breakfast today, Chairman Burton went on one of his epic, rambling, half-informed rants about Romney Ryan when he uttered the Goodwin’s Law violation.

Burton is reported as saying:
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Calif. Dem Chair Says Romney/Ryan Like Nazi Joseph Goebbels”

Bill Clinton to Ted Kennedy: In The Past, Obama Would Be ‘Carrying our Bags’

-By Warner Todd Huston

If Obama so desperately wants examples of racist rhetoric being cast against him, there’s none better than what Bill Clinton said of him only a few short years ago.

In 2008 during that contentious Democrat primary that pitted Hillary Clinton against Barack Obama, the former president was in full sales mode to get his wife the nomination of the Democrat Party and in an effort to enlist Ted Kennedy to his cause he uttered what any journalist would immediately brand as a racist remark.

Ryan Lizza reports that the late Tim Russert related a Bill Clinton anecdote that must shock anyone overly sensitive to charges of racism.

You might recall, as does Lizza, that Bill Clinton was already being accused of acting in a racist manner by discounting Obama’s primary wins that year and an incident after the South Carolina primaries figured prominently in that charge. But the former president was even more vehement in private.
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Bill Clinton to Ted Kennedy: In The Past, Obama Would Be ‘Carrying our Bags’”

Ad Wars: Obama’s ‘Republican’ Woman, Registered as Dem. for Last 6 Years

-By Warner Todd Huston

One of Barack Obama’s recent ads for his re-election campaign is supposed to feature Republican women who have turned away from the GOP to support Obama/Biden. But, as it turns out, one of the women in the ad is not so “Republican” as she’s presented, having been a registered Democrat for the last 6 years — several years longer than Obama has been president.

Still Shot of Fake Obama Republican, Maria Ciano of Colorado

“People like me and my family have realized that the Republican Party once was inline with our views, but are no longer,” Ciano says in the ad.

But Maria Ciano of Colorado has been a registered Democrat since October of 2006 according to her voting records.
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Ad Wars: Obama’s ‘Republican’ Woman, Registered as Dem. for Last 6 Years”

National ID Card? First Stop Giving Inducements to Law Breaking

-By Warner Todd Huston

Syndicated columnist Jonah Goldberg recently wrote a piece headlined, Arizona, immigration and the welfare state, in which he ruminated on the state’s never-ending desire to track its citizens, sometimes resulting in the implementation of a national ID card. Goldberg is, of course, against a national ID and laments that our government “bequeaths so many benefits” to citizens and non-citizens alike which might require such an effort.

Naturally the proper solution, the best way to prevent a national ID card, is to be rid of the “liberal welfare state,” the Tyranny of Clichés author notes.

After a summation of the history of intrusive, overbearing statism, Goldberg says that most conservatives aren’t necessarily against “large-scale immigration,” but the Arizona law reveals a serious flaw in our country nonetheless. He concludes with the following:
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National ID Card? First Stop Giving Inducements to Law Breaking”

Frmr Sec of State Madeleine Albright Says Her Bush Hate Lasts Forever

-By Warner Todd Huston

Obama-pushing former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright has at last revealed when Obama will stop blaming George W. Bush for every ill of our day. Never! At least that is what she told attendees at an Obama rally in Highlands Ranch, Colorado this week.

Albright was speaking to a small audience of Obama supporters and she thought it might be amusing to relay an encounter she had at a previous appearance were a man tired of the blame game confronted her on her Bush Derangement Syndrome. He asked her “how long are you people going to blame the previous administration” for everything?

Albright’s reply was telling.

I guess we can say Albright, has gone all Moby Dick on us with her own rendition of, “to the last I grapple with thee; from hell’s heart I stab at thee; for hate’s sake I spit my last breath at thee.”

But what we see here is the Obama administration’s total refusal to take responsibility for its own actions. No matter what, Obama intends to stick with the blame game, refusing to address the actual issues before the American people. If you are one of those “moderates” that claim you are sick of the vitriol in politics, see this as confirmation that Barack Obama has no intention of putting the brakes on this sort of negative politics.
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Frmr Sec of State Madeleine Albright Says Her Bush Hate Lasts Forever”

Gary Hart Predicts Obama in a Landslide

-By Warner Todd Huston

One-time presidential hopeful Gary Hart recently penned a blog post at Huffington Post predicting that if the coming presidential election is decided on “the economy stupid,” it “won’t even be close.” It’ll be Obama/Biden in a landslide.

Hart notes, and correctly, that the economy is quite intertwined with foreign policy these days due to globalization. Considering the interconnectedness of economic and foreign policy, Hart says, Obama/Biden have the greater experience.

Should President Obama have had a successful foreign policy doctrine and would that Vice President Biden been an able and vital partner in such a policy, Hart might be correct. Unfortunately, few foreign policy experts see a successful Obama foreign policy regime much less any sort of scheme that could even be called the “Obama Doctrine” of foreign policy.

“Leading from behind,” if you will, is not a successful foreign policy doctrine. But Hart is sure that because Obama grew up in Indonesia he better understands the “international set of complex networks” that is our world today.
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Gary Hart Predicts Obama in a Landslide”

Obama’s Constant BS About Thomas Jefferson and Islam

-By Warner Todd Huston

Every year he’s been in office, President Obama has hosted an “iftar dinner” to honor Islam in the White House. The President has also each time led his speech with the outlandish nonsense that Thomas Jefferson held the “first iftar dinner” in the White House. And every time it’s been utter hogwash. This year’s speech was no different in that respect.

For the 2012 iftar dinner celebration. Obama said the following:

As I’ve noted before, Thomas Jefferson once held a sunset dinner here with an envoy from Tunisia — perhaps the first Iftar at the White House, more than 200 years ago. And some of you, as you arrived tonight, may have seen our special display, courtesy of our friends at the Library of Congress — the Koran that belonged to Thomas Jefferson. And that’s a reminder, along with the generations of patriotic Muslims in America, that Islam — like so many faiths — is part of our national story.

This year’s reference to Jefferson’s so-called iftar dinner is at least a step closer to reality in that Obama said it was “perhaps the first iftar at the White House.” In the past, he was less equivocal. In 2010, for instance, Obama said it was the first iftar dinner.
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Obama’s Constant BS About Thomas Jefferson and Islam”