Those Delusional ‘Coffee Party’ Lefties

-By Warner Todd Huston

The self-delusional world in which liberals wallow truly is amazing. It takes an Olympic gymnast’s level of agility to warp your logic enough to think like one of them and a recent report on the left-wing blather site Newsvine is yet one more example of the backbreaking contortions that liberals must indulge to make themselves feel better.

In this post on the presumed falling numbers of the tea party protests and an amusing subsequent praise of the coffee party effort, this left-winger calling himself “MoeZilla” desperately tried to massage the truth in order to make his losing left appear as if they are holding their own in the American political debate. The truth is, of course, that our pal Moe warped reality in multiple ways in order to make it seem as if his side is winning — or at least is treading water — while the tea party is losing.

He began his “report” saying that organizers for a tea party protest in Stockton, California were “hoping for 1,000 people to join the protest,” but only about 250 showed up (according to ABC News 10). MoeZilla segues on to reveal that the tea party event in Sacramento “was only around 2,000.” Moe estimates that the April 15 protest was an 80% drop from last year’s tea party protest.
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Those Delusional ‘Coffee Party’ Lefties”

What Does Tea Party and Coffee Party Mean, Anyway?

-By Warner Todd Huston

All true Americans know what “Tea Party” means. It is “T”axed “E”nough “A”lready, we all know. But what does Coffee Party mean. Is there an acronym for the “Coffee Party”?

Well, of course there is. And here you go:

Front for

Yep, that about says it. A false front used to try and destroy the economy. This thing IS run out of the Obama campaign, anyway, since it was created by Obama operative Annabel Park.
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What Does Tea Party and Coffee Party Mean, Anyway?”

Left-Winger’s ‘Coffee Party’ Huge Success in Belleville, Illinois

-By Warner Todd Huston

Well, you really could knock me over with a feather… and a red colored one at that. This coffee party thingie was much more successful than I imagined.

You may have heard of this coffee party idea that an Obama operative in Virginia tried to start? It’s called Coffee Party CCCP… sorry, I always get that wrong, it’s Coffee Party USA and it was started by one Ann Park, an Obama operative and employee of the New York Times.

The diminutive Mz Park has deep ties to the Obama campaign and her coffee party effort is classic astroturf and that is why I assumed it would fail miserably. After all, the only reason the tea party movement is so wildly successful is because there is real passion behind it, passion that the left currently does not have behind it.
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Left-Winger’s ‘Coffee Party’ Huge Success in Belleville, Illinois”

Coffee Party Astroturf

-By Warner Todd Huston

What is it that the left and the Old Media said about the Tea Party movement? Didn’t they say it was not really filled with regular folks and didn’t they say it was not really a grass roots level effort because some nefarious “top-down” Republican groups were secretly behind the whole thing? That’s what Paul Krugman said in The New York Times. So did Democrat Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi — after someone taught her was “astroturf” even was, that is. In fact, the whole left-wing Old Media establishment attacked the tea party movement as some fake, manufactured thing and claimed that it wasn’t peopled by regular folks like you and me. All you need do is put “astroturf” and “tea party” in a search engine and you’ll get thousands of hits revealing the left’s unhinged response to the tea parties.

So, since they seem to want us to believe that they hate “astroturf,” will the left-wing press get all upset that this “coffee party” effort really IS Astroturf? Will the Old Media explode in calls of “astroturf” as it did during the early phases of the tea party movement? Or will they pretend that this coffee party business is real grass roots and report on the effort based on that false assumption. Already it seems as though the coffee party effort is not meeting any real scrutiny and I just got an email that proves the essential “top-down” style upon which this effort is built.

Of course, we know the charge that the tea party movement is astroturf is untrue. While groups like Dick Armey’s Freedom Works, Americans for Prosperity, and a few others did rush to add their voices to the tea party events held all across the county last year (and continue to today) they neither originated the movement, nor did they invent the scope of events, nor did they control the message in any way. In fact they had to scramble to have any part in it at all. Even the big group’s efforts were ad hoc early on.
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Coffee Party Astroturf”