George Orwell Statue ‘Too Left-Wing’ Says… BBC?

-By Warner Todd Huston

Apparently the most left-wing, government-supported media conglomerate in all of the British Empire, The British Broadcasting Corporation, has refused permission to place a statue of George Orwell at its new facilities in London. Why? Because George Orwell, famed as the author of novels Animal Farm and Nineteen Eighty-Four, is “too left-wing” for the Beeb.

Upon reporting the news, The Telegraph was a bit taken aback by BBC Chief Mark Thompson’s proclamation that one of Britain’s most famous modern authors is unsuitable to represent the broadcaster. After all, the BBC is considered a bit left-wing itself.

“Mr Thompson’s remark will surprise critics of the BBC, who have long accused the corporation of liberal bias,” The Telegraph dryly says.

Apparently, BBC head Thompson passed this judgment on Orwell, whose real name was Eric Arthur Blair, while at a BBC reception earlier this year. Thompson was cornered by Baroness Joan Bakewell, a supporter of the statue, and pressed on erecting a statue to the famous author and journalist. But the Beeb director instantly dismissed the idea saying, “Oh no, Joan, we can’t possibly. It’s far too Left-wing an idea.”

The decision seems to be set in stone for now as it has been confirmed that the BBC has officially nixed the idea of an Orwell statue.
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George Orwell Statue ‘Too Left-Wing’ Says… BBC?”

BBC Chief Admits He ‘Got It Wrong’ For Lack of Coverage of Murders of Jewish Family

-By Warner Todd Huston

BBC Chief Mark Thompson admitted openly that his network “got it wrong” in its initial dearth of coverage of the mass murder in the West Bank of a Jewish family, killed by Palestinians.

When the massacre of five members of the Fogel family happened back in March the captive British audience that tax-supported BBC sometimes deigns to cater to were left practically uninformed about the incident. As more Brits every week began to discover news of the murders from foreign news sites criticism of the BBC began to mount.

Murdered was Udi and Ruth Fogel, sons Yoav (age 11) and Elad (4), and daughter Hadas (only three months). The family was slaughtered in their beds as they slept in their home. Their throats were cut, they had been stabbed through their hearts, and father Udi was decapitated. The incident was discovered later by a daughter who wasn’t home at the time.

Naturally, Palestinians were elated by this vicious act and were reported to have celebrated by passing out candies to children.
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BBC Chief Admits He ‘Got It Wrong’ For Lack of Coverage of Murders of Jewish Family”

Man That Admitted BBC’s Left-Wing Bias to Head New York Times

-By Warner Todd Huston

Mark Thompson is the outgoing Director of England’s British Broadcasting Corp. and now, word is he’s eyeing a new job over here in the Colonies. Apparently Thompson’s interviewing to become the next chief of the New York Times. Yes, the very BBC chief that was forced to admit that his TV network was hopelessly left biased now wants to take over the most left biased paper in America. Nice fit, I guess.

You may recall that in 2010 Mr. Thompson admitted that the BBC sported a “massive” left-wing bias and that it was “a struggle” to keep the Beeb impartial.

At the time Thompson’s public comments were considered the clearest admission of the BBC’s left-wing bias by a senior staff member.

Then in 2010, Thompson claimed that he was doing his best to eliminate the bias, but even by 2012 he was still doing more admitting, at that point saying that Christianity gets less sensitive treatment on the BBC than other religions.
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Man That Admitted BBC’s Left-Wing Bias to Head New York Times”

Some Cultures Aren’t ‘Just as Good as Ours’

-By Warner Todd Huston

Multiculturalism is the dream state of the extreme left, not just in the U.S.A. but worldwide. From the pointy-heads at university, to the self-congratulatory oafs in Brussels and Washington D.C., these leftists sternly warn us all that any assumption that one culture is somehow better than another is “racist,” or at the least gauche. Everyone is the same, they say and you are a creep to think otherwise.

And they are simply wrong. Some cultures are better than others. A recent BBC report proves my nay saying of multiculturalism is right, too.

On Jan 7 the BBC posted a report on the increase in child sacrifice in Uganda where so-called witch-doctors are increasingly killing children in faux religious practices in order to bestow good luck on adults.
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Some Cultures Aren’t ‘Just as Good as Ours’”