Illegal Aliens and Voter Fraud

-By Charles R. Busch

Of all the extremely complicated challenges facing our country coming at the end of the disastrous Obama administration, immigration will prove to be the most difficult and most critical to the survival of our constitutional republic and the nation itself. One aspect of the whole immigration morass that is of upmost importance and must be addressed immediately following this recent national election is the monumental voter fraud being perpetrated on the citizens of the United States. Greg Phillips (, after completing an analysis of 180 million voter registrations, reported that over 3 million votes were cast by non-citizens. Given that most illegal aliens will vote for the liberal amnesty and welfare-friendly Democratic policies, it is likely that nearly all of these votes went for Hillary Clinton.

Had only actual citizens voted in this last election, Donald Trump would have had much larger winning margins and probably would have secured the popular vote as well. It is fortunate that voter turnout in favor of Republicans was as large and decisive as it was or this country would have been defrauded of its true choice. If the non-citizen vote was so significant in this most recent contest, one has to wonder about the validity of past presidential and midterm elections. Barack Obama’s victory over John McCain in 2008 was particularly questionable.
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Illegal Aliens and Voter Fraud”

Wrong Answer to the Ebola Question

-By Chuck Busch

President Obama called an emergency cabinet meeting to decide on how to address the looming Ebola emergency after a Liberian man died and two of his attending nurses contracted the disease. The seriousness of the situation has settled on Obama such that he actually cancelled several fundraising events to attend the meeting. The country will know if an even greater crisis develops if Obama has to delay a golf outing.

After meeting for several hours, the president emerged from the discussions with this gem of statement that may well be remembered, perhaps bitterly, for many decades to come, “The best way to contain the Ebola virus in the US is to control it in Liberia.”

Aside from the obvious politically correct framing of the statement and probably because of it, this is a completely non-sensible and foolhardy assessment of the situation.

The United State’s national health can in no way be linked to or predicated on the success of the Liberian government to overcome the plague in their own country.
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Wrong Answer to the Ebola Question”

Chicago Sun-Times’ Carol Marin Indulges Her Inner Bigot

-By Warner Todd Huston

Looks like long-time Chicago investigative reporter Carol Marin really laid her hate for everyone right of center bare with her lie-filled attack on WLS radio personality and political operative Dan Proft last week.

Marin, a reporter with quite a reputation for factual columns, lambasted a mail ad that Proft’s political action group sent out that featured a “homophobic” slam on House member Ron Sandack.

Only there was a problem with Marin’s attack on Proft. The ad she was criticizing wasn’t sent by his PAC. It was sent by Illinois Family Action.

Marin slammed Proft as a gay basher, called him a homophobe, and attacked him in several ways interpreting all his mailers are anti-gay.

She proved to be one of those haters of conservatives and Republicans that reads “hate” into everything people right of center do. She proved to be shrill, blind to reality, and more interested in promulgating her own brand of hate than in the truth.
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Chicago Sun-Times’ Carol Marin Indulges Her Inner Bigot”

Glenn Beck Goes ‘Wobbly’

-By Chuck Busch

To: Mr. Larry Klayman of Freedom Watch

I just received your recent newsletter in which you related what Glenn Beck said on his Internet Broadcast program concerning inane ideas about “surrender.” I was not aware of his statement as I make it a point to not tune into Glenn on the Internet or on his radio program. Initially, I thought he was doing a service by bringing out controversial information on little discussed subjects that all American’s should be aware of. However after a time, he lost believability, was let go by FOX News and his radio program dissolved into silliness. This is not a time for frivolity and jokes. It is time for a serious effort to educate a misguided populace.

I have been concerned for some time that the host of conservative commentators on radio and TV, with the exception of Rush Limbaugh, have become entirely too harsh and strident contributing to the characterization that conservatives are uncaring and cold-hearted. Anger (and we all have reason to be angry) is too strong of an emotion to sustain over the long term and it is Obama’s strategy to wear us out. Rather than engaging in a personal shouting match with our opponents, we need to meet the challenges to our liberties with a steadfastness, confidence and calmness that will convince people of the soundness of our arguments. The face of conservatism and the Republican Party must attract more listeners and entreat them to consider objectively the major issues of the day. Instead of people reacting to the personality of the talk show host, let them focus on the substance of the debate. (See article on Fox News programming by Michael Reagan titled “New Song, New Singers” March 21, 2013.)

I have already mentioned Rush Limbaugh who founded conservative talk radio and is, without doubt, the master of the trade. He has an uncanny way of being critical of the administration but doing it in a good-natured humorous manner. Ridicule can be a good weapon against these uptight liberals but only if used in a skillful way. Rush, in this post-election cycle, has also made it his objective to connect with the “low information voter” which is a brilliant strategy. The people must be convinced that the supposed benefits of a generous federal welfare state are not only corrupting, but are unsustainable and are not worth the lost of liberties that they entail. They must also learn that this administration does not have their best long-term interests are heart and it’s social and economic policies have produced this ongoing distress in all aspects of American life.
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Glenn Beck Goes ‘Wobbly’”

Fiscal Cliff Fallacies

-By Chuck Busch

The “fiscal cliff” negotiations, although they are hugely consequential, are an over-dramatization of a self-imposed crisis narrowly focused on federal revenue policies. The country wouldn’t have to endure these theatrics in the middle of the holiday season during a lame duck session of congress, if our national leaders had made the hard decisions months ago to curb government spending which is the real crisis. The resumption of the Clinton era tax rate increases was known in well in advance and now, as the protections are about to expire, at least one party is doing what it can to preserve the Bush tax rate cuts.

To heighten the political theater, the whole episode is being portrayed as a cataclysmic event as though an immediate precipitous national financial collapse will occur on New Years Day if there is no resolution of the spending and tax issues. Certainly the country will continue its path of decline, but this occurrence will simply be one more step, not off a “cliff”, but down a very slippery slope to the rocky shore of a runaway inflation, massive unemployment, massive federal debt, and national insecurity where the economy will be continually pounded by fierce waves of unfunded spending, a devalued currency, a popular entitlement mentality, and an expansion of government control.
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Fiscal Cliff Fallacies”

Thanks Mitt

-By Chuck Busch

I want you to know that I greatly appreciate the effort and sacrifice you made in seeking the presidency. I have been a supporter of you since the 2008 election and always believed you had a lot to offer the people of this country. History took a strange turn in 2008 and it would seem that the country got started down a wrong path that will now take extraordinary efforts to reverse. In the final analysis we have to accept that God is still on the throne and he will use whatever circumstance for His redemptive purposes. If I didn’t believe that, we would all have reason for despair.

You were an excellent candidate and ran a superb campaign. It was encouraging to hear someone articulate sound economic and national policies as well as you did. I believe you and Paul Ryan won the debate season hands down with factual and sensible proposals delivered in a confident and professional manner. As you reflect on the last year’s whirlwind events, please do not second-guess your message of limited government or think that you could have done anything different to affect the outcome. The Republican Party should make no change to its 2012 platform or compromise on social, cultural and economic issues. The contrast between the “paths” of the two parties could have not been made clearer.
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Thanks Mitt”

Colin Powel is Not a Racist, But Neither Is He a Republican

-By Chuck Busch

Many in the Republican camp were disheartened that Colin Powel, after four years of seeing Barack Obama in action, would again endorse the president as he did in 2008. But none were as imprudent as Governor John Sununu, who suggested race might have been a major factor in his decision. He made this statement during his appearance on CNN’s “Piers Morgan Tonight”, “Well, I think when you have somebody of your own race that you’re proud of being president of the United States, I applaud Colin for standing with him.”

This comment was met with a hostile response from retired Army Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson, also a Republican, who once served under General Powel during the first President Bush’s term. He said to Ed Schultz on MSNBC he didn’t “respect” the Governor’s opinion. Not being content to disagree with the Governor alone, Wilkerson went on to trash his own political party stating that “most” of “those people…are still basing their positions on race.” “My party is full of racists, and the real reason a considerable portion of my party wants President Obama out of the White House has nothing to do with his content of his character, nothing to do with his competence as commander-in-chief and president, and everything to do with the color of his skin, and that’s despicable.”

Really? Perhaps Colonel Wilkerson should examine the character and performance of President Barack Hussein Obama a little closer. Powell and Wilkerson and Sununu, all Republicans, are sure making the Democrat’s task of defeating Governor Romney a lot easier. In fact, the Obama campaign, which is no doubt delighting over the misstatements, accusations and infighting in the Republican camp, has just released a new radio ad featuring General Powell endorsing the president. It is time for the RINOS, whose only interest seems to be to conform to the prevailing contemporary liberal consensus of Washington, to choose to get with the Republican platform or get out.

A recent yard sign sighting gave this quip, “If you voted for Obama the last time because he was black to prove you were not a racist, vote for Romney now to prove that you are not an idiot!” (Just for the record, Colin Powel was born in New York City to Jamaican immigrant parents with a link to some Scottish ancestry and Obama is only half black, whose father was from Kenya and his mother from Kansas. Neither has southern slave ancestry.)
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Colin Powel is Not a Racist, But Neither Is He a Republican”

A Positive Republican Position on Rape

-By Chuck Busch

Republican candidates have simply got to define suitable language for their personal views on life at conception according to their own convictions or the biblical standard apart from some legislative or political compromise that cannot be truthfully misconstrued. And Republican party leaders should not make a habit of shunning those candidates such as Todd Akin and now Richard Murdock just because they embrace a rationally consistent view of the sanctity of all life and their statements have been distorted by the opposition.

Holding to the position that God is the author of all life including conception in a rape case, is not a political liability in a nation that espouses, “all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among those are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness”. This is especially true considering that the Republican Party’s platform encompasses a very strong pro-life stance not specifying an exemption for rape or incest.
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A Positive Republican Position on Rape”

Letter to the RNC – Todd Akin Controversy

-By Chuck Busch

It is true that Todd Akin’s medical knowledge is mostly wrong about a women’s body “shutting down” in a rape situation. And Todd Akin’s reference to “legitimate” rape was truly an unfortunate choice of words. He might have been suggesting that there are variable circumstances distinguishing a “rape,” including forcible rape (“legitimate” as Rep. Akin described it), statutory rape (consensual) between an adult and a minor, and possibly those occasional uncertain cases when rape is claimed. But this is also lame by inferring that pregnancies resulting from a rape are extremely rare as though trying to mitigate the thorny problem of whether abortion is justified in such cases.

Lessons learned: 1.) Do your homework and verify your scientific facts before opening your mouth; 2.) Rehearse your lines and know your position before you do interviews;’ 3.) Be principled in your beliefs. Say what you mean and mean what you say. If you believe life begins at conception and is sacred, how often a rape situation occurs is irrelevant. A life is still a life no matter how it is conceived. 4.) Distinguish between your personal views and party platforms or current legal standard or proposed legislation. As I understand it, neither the Republican or Democrat platforms are specific about rape cases.

Nonetheless, the Republican Party is wrong to try to ostracize Rep. Akin for his misstatements regarding rape and abortion. Certainly, it is ridiculous for anyone to presume from even Rep. Todd Akin’s terrible wording, that he minimizes rape or is insensitive toward its victims, as some have declared. The Democrats appear desperate to build a whole campaign on just this one incident.
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Letter to the RNC – Todd Akin Controversy”

Climate Nazis

-By Alan Caruba

What is it with the “warmists”, Al Gore and his clones who keep insisting the Earth is warming, that too much carbon dioxide (CO2) will be the death of us, and that we have to immediately stop burning “fossil fuels” if we are to save the planet? They are the most relentless liars on the face of the planet.

They want us to cover the surface of the U.S. with solar panels and the mountains with wind turbines to generate the energy needed for everything we do. These Green energy alternatives are so wonderful they are producing a mere three percent of our current needs, require government subsidies and loan guarantees to exist, and tend not to be all that great when the sun isn’t shining and the wind isn’t blowing.

So why are we still hearing from this discredited and disgraced bunch of charlatans and buffoons? In early May, The New York Times published “Game Over for the Climate” by a major offender of the truth, Dr. James Hansen, who for some reason is still the director of the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS), despite having pocketed big bucks beyond his humble government salary. In 2007 he split a million dollar Dan Davis Prize with someone else and in 2001, received a $250,000 Heinz Award. Former GISS employees want him fired.
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Climate Nazis”

Pondering People Pills: Don’t think it can’t happen here

-By Daniel Clark

According to the U.K. Daily Mail, customs officials in South Korea have confiscated about 17,000 Chinese “miracle cure” capsules, filled with the powdered flesh of aborted and stillborn babies. The existence of these pills was first uncovered last summer by a South Korean documentary, which found that the manufacturers received a regular supply of tissue from a network of affiliated abortion clinics and hospitals.

It’s tempting to assume that this outrage will confine itself to the Far East. After all, reporter Yojana Sharma revealed in a 1995 Daily Telegraph story that, in China, the eating of human fetuses for health reasons is not uncommon. She even obtained a “fist-sized glass bottle stuffed with thumb-sized fetuses” from a state hospital, by pretending to be sick. “Normally, we doctors take them home to eat,” she was told.

That doesn’t sound like the kind of thing we have to worry about over here, where taboos against cannibalism have held up quite nicely over the years. Nevertheless, the Daily Mail story ought to concern Americans, because many other elements conducive to that result are present in our society today.
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Pondering People Pills: Don’t think it can’t happen here”

ISAIAH 9: 10 JUDGMENT – Video Review and Interview with Producer Joseph Farah

-By Rev Michael Bresciani

In 1970 even the churches were not regularly taught the doctrine of the second coming of Christ more commonly known as premillennial prophecy. Then along came Hal Lindsey’s block buster best seller, “The Late Great Planet Earth.”

The nation and the world were catapulted into a revival of knowledge that even the Prophet Daniel proclaimed would not be well known or revealed until the last days. A few great works have been added to Lindsey’s book and those who had only Clarence Larkin’s 1918 version of “Dispensational Truth” were reinvigorated to begin again to start studying the subject of eschatology. (The last things)

Certain signs have been fulfilled in this generation that make it impossible to miss that the generation Jesus spoke of as the one sure to precede the second coming of Christ, is as the Bible says, “at hand.”
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ISAIAH 9: 10 JUDGMENT – Video Review and Interview with Producer Joseph Farah”

Those Ashamed Of America Shouldn’t Make A Penny Off The Name

-By Frederick Meekins

Though at one time barely considered worthy of the appellation of literature, scholars of popular culture have today established the thesis that comic books and other forms of media expression derived from these illustrated periodicals serve as a snapshot of the perspectives and assumptions prevalent at particular points in American history

Certain characters and series evoke more reflection on certain aspects of culture and ideas than others.

For example, the Fantastic Four evoke reflection upon the loving but some times contentious relationship inside a family. The plight of the X-Men have been compared to assorted struggles for civil rights and social acceptance.
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Those Ashamed Of America Shouldn’t Make A Penny Off The Name”

EU’s Regulated Mobile Prices Higher than US Competitive Mobile Prices

-By Scott Cleland

The EU’s latest round of mobile price regulation provides a golden opportunity to show how market competition produces much better results for consumers than government price regulation. Ironically, the European Parliament voted this week to lower mobile roaming charges by mid-2014 to levels that will still be much higher than America’s competitive wireless market prices are today.

Per New York Times reports, the EU mandated price for making a roaming mobile voice call will be reset from 35 cents a minute today to 19 cents a minute by mid-2014, and the price for receiving a roaming mobile voice call will be reset from 11 cents a minute today to 5 cents by mid-2014. Putting this in perspective, Recon Analytics’ research shows that Americans pay 4.9 cents a minute vs. 16.7 cents a minute for Europeans — ~70% less; and because of these dramatically lower American wireless prices, Americans consumers use more than twice as much wireless as Europeans, 875 minutes of use per month vs. 418 minutes for Europeans. Simply, the EU’s ~50% mandated price reductions will still have European consumers paying much more for mobile usage even if one incorrectly were to assume that competition won’t further lower the market price for American consumers like it has every year.
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EU’s Regulated Mobile Prices Higher than US Competitive Mobile Prices”

The Rise of Black-on-White Violence

-By Alan Caruba

The media and the usual race-mongers made sure that all of America knew about George Zimmerman’s killing of Trayvon Martin in Sanford, Florida on February 26. The local police initially did not arrest Zimmerman because it was an obvious case of self-defense.

There was no such outcry, however, when a month later on March 26 a 50-year-old white man was attacked and beaten with a hammer by two black teens, in Midway, Florida, just six miles from Sanford. The Orlando Sentinel published a description of the attackers, but neglected to mention their race. One of them had just finished a seventeen month prison sentence.

On May 9, the Star-Ledger of Newark, NJ published an article, “Group of 10 or 15 ‘thugs’ rob and beat 5 people following Prudential Center concert, cops say.” There was no reference to their race in the article and when I emailed the reporter for clarification, I received no response.

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The Rise of Black-on-White Violence”

The Dominoes of Cloward-Piven

-By Frank Salvato

In 1966, two Columbia University sociologists, Richard Andrew Cloward and Frances Fox Piven, collaborated on a theory to end poverty in the United States. This theory, today, is referred to as the “Cloward-Piven Strategy.” People who are familiar with the likes of Saul Alinsky and William Ayers are familiar with the strategy, as are the full complement of the Progressive Movement. In a nutshell, the underlying principle of the Cloward-Piven Strategy is to so overload the entitlement system – to add so many to the entitlement rolls, that the country’s economic system collapses, unleashing chaos and violence in the streets, thus affecting radical Leftist political change in government. Up until recently this theory has been just that, a theory, and a theory that anarchists and Progressives have salivated over for their want of execution. But today, we are seeing the fruits of the Cloward-Piven Strategy played out to success in Greece and several other financial destitute countries in Europe.

To briefly summarize the Cloward-Piven Strategy, I turn to Richard Poe who wrote an article of the same name, which is featured at

Mr. Poe observes that Mr. Cloward and Ms. Piven sought (and “seeks,” in the case of Ms. Piven) to facilitate the fall of Capitalism by “overloading the government bureaucracy with a flood of impossible demands, thus pushing society into crisis and economic collapse.” Mr. Poe explained that Cloward and Piven saw the so-called “ruling class” as using entitlements to “weaken the poor”; to make the poor dependent on government, thus “dousing the fires of rebellion,” following the “don’t bite the hand that feeds you” theory.

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The Dominoes of Cloward-Piven”

Friends at Liberty University: Dump Driscoll!

-By Don Boys, Ph.D.

My friends at Liberty University made a major mistake when they had Mark Driscoll at their school. Mark is a very successful pastor and author, and is known as “the cussing preacher.” Ministers should be known for wisdom, knowledge, godliness, kindness, fairness, generosity not cursing, carnality, and crassness! I hope Liberty officials realize their mistake and will drop Driscoll from their list of speakers.

Driscoll preaches many truths that I hold dear and no doubt he is a very effective communicator; however, to purposefully use profanity to “pump up” his sermons and to appeal to youth is really bizarre as well as sinful. If I had sat on his ordination counsel, I would demand he return his ministerial credentials. He should be selling insurance or used cars not corrupting his immature audience.

Many Southern Baptist Churches (where 30% of pastors do not have a biblical worldview!) have engaged Driscoll to preach for them. At the Axxess Church in Arlington, Texas he was told that swearing might fly in Seattle but not in Texas. Rather than take the suggestion (warning) Driscoll used the F word in his first statement! He later apologized.
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Friends at Liberty University: Dump Driscoll!”

The Real News Today: Obama Was Always for Faux Marriage

-By Selwyn Duke

So another mask has dropped. Barack Obama made history yesterday in becoming the first president to announce support for faux marriage.

And on January 20th, 2009 he made history in becoming the first president who supports faux marriage.

Obama revealed himself in a Wednesday interview with ABC News’ Robin Roberts, saying, “At a certain point I’ve just concluded that, um, for me, personally, it is important for me to go ahead and affirm that, uh, I think same-sex couples should be able to get married.”

This statement was made after Obama explained his “evolution” on the issue, a hothouse transformation that included discussions with homosexuals on his staff. But here’s the reality: the aforementioned “certain point” he reached had more to do with the electorate’s perceived evolution than anything else. This is because Barack Obama has always been pro-faux marriage.
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The Real News Today: Obama Was Always for Faux Marriage”

Obama’s ‘Evolved’ Position on Gay Marriage – Anti Biblical and Anti-Christ

-By Rev Michael Bresciani

Only days after the Vice President announced he was comfortable with same sex marriages; President Obama announced his newly revised (Evolved) position on gay marriage. The debate has been whether Joe Biden forced the Presidents proclamation and boxed him in, but it may be that he used Biden to test the waters before he un-closeted his new position on the issue.

No one can argue with the polls that show that a majority of people between ages 18-29 would side with gay marriage, even as most between ages 29-60 would reject gay marriage completely. Mr. Obama is busy trying to persuade the youth who have all the PC gab and Steve Jobs gadgets to gather in his camp. Most of those in the other age group are jumping ship before it hits the iceberg at full speed. The result of this awakening in the political realm; will be made known on November 6, 2012.

It goes without saying that since there is little chance or enough time between now and November 6, to enact a gay marriage bill or executive order that Mr. Obama has managed to buy the gay community’s vote for the mere price of a well timed statement.
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Obama’s ‘Evolved’ Position on Gay Marriage – Anti Biblical and Anti-Christ”

Netflix’ Net Neutrality Corporate Welfare Plan

-By Scott Cleland

Apparently Netflix is angling to become Silicon Valley’s king of corporate welfare. We learn from a New York Times economics column advocating for an Internet industrial policy that “Netflix is trying to build a coalition of businesses to make the case for… net neutrality.” And that the “online video powerhouse Netflix started a political action committee to complement a budding lobbying effort in support of the idea that all content must be allowed to travel through the Internet on equal terms” — translation: always at no cost to Netflix.

But Netflix isn’t in need of public assistance; it is America’s video subscription leader with 23 million subscribers. Netflix has $3.3b in annual revenues, $1.2b in gross profits, $800m in cash, a 34% return on equity, and a market valuation multiple over twice the market’s. And Netflix flexed its exceptional pricing power last year in raising its prices 60% without losing many subscribers.

Netflix’ net neutrality plan is a shameless Washington plea for corporate welfare via Government price regulation of privately-owned broadband networks so… Netflix’ uniquely voracious 33% usage of the Internet’s traffic peak does not cost Netflix anything! Greedily, Netflix is asserting that it somehow has an inalienable “right” to forever gorge on nearly a third of the Internet’s peak capacity without any obligation, responsibility or expectation to either responsibly use, or contribute to the cost of operating or investing in, the Internet infrastructure that they use more than any entity.
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Netflix’ Net Neutrality Corporate Welfare Plan”

Why the Health Nazis are on the March

-By Selwyn Duke

They say “Jolly is the fat man,” but perhaps not when he’s being chased (and, I’m sure, caught) like a Frankenstein monster by the Body Cult crazies. And that is the case today, as it has become fashionable to affront the friendly-fronted.

It seems most anything goes now: bloated houses, bloated egos, bloated libidos, bloated bureaucracies, bloated government – except bloated bellies. And a perusal of the news makes this clear, with a never-ending stream of stories about obesity this and obesity that. For example, headlining Drudge the other day was a piece about how fathead officials in Massachusetts propose to ban school bake sales – even before and after school hours – to combat obesity. This, of course, is just the next step in a progression that has seen localities purge schools of cookies and sodas along with the faith and patriotism that was deemed unhealthful long before.

We also had the San Francisco Stupidvisors, who run the city (into the ground), who banned toys in McDonald’s Happy Meals. Deliciously, the restaurant chain circumvented the law by charging an extra ten cents for those who want the toy. I would’ve really rubbed the health Nazis’ noses in it and made it a penny.
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Why the Health Nazis are on the March”

Gay Marriage is Obama’s Poison Pill

-By Alan Caruba

Let the chatteratti and political pundits say what they will, dancing around the issue of gay marriage on Obama’s chances of reelection, but I will tell you plainly that he has swallowed a poison pill.

Gay marriage is a deal-breaker for a vast swath of American voters that includes Catholics as well as the black and Hispanic communities. Urbanites and suburbanites may say that are okay with gay marriage, but what they tell pollsters and what they say privately among friends and family is far different. Americans may want to be tolerant, but their distaste for the gay lifestyle and incessant demands for acceptance is deeply offensive to most people.

Thanks to what will be seen as a historic gaffe by Vice President Joe Biden, the President was put in a vice as he was seen to vacillate—evolve—his position regarding gay marriage, but elections often turn on such issues. Yes, the economy will be the dominant issue of the 2012 election, but the President found himself in a position where he could not avoid taking a position. It was diametrically different from the one he expressed in the 2008 campaign.
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Gay Marriage is Obama’s Poison Pill”

Biden ‘Comfortable’ with Same Sex Marriage – Thirty Two States Are Not

-By Rev Michael Bresciani

Gay marriage opponents have won bans or amendments 32 times on ballot measures since 1998. Joe Biden, like his boss, doesn’t seem to care much for the general consensus of voters around the country and he seemed even a bit cocky in his announcement that he is okay with men who want to marry men, and women that want to marry women.

Biden ignored the 4,000 year old solid scriptural teaching to offer his all new definition of marriage to NBC’s Meet the Press, Sunday May 6, 2012 at Mellon Auditorium in Washington.

Biden told his audience that – “marriage should be about being loyal to someone you love, whether that marriage is between a man and a woman, two men or two women.”

With such a high official of the U. S. government chiming in with both his good attitude and an entirely new definition of marriage, we are caught between Biden and Jesus and must now decide who we are more disappointed with.
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Biden ‘Comfortable’ with Same Sex Marriage – Thirty Two States Are Not”

Your Vote — Your Future

-By Frank Hyland

After I graduated from High School, and even before college, I was more than ready to get out on my own. I very much looked forward to having my own place, setting my own hours, and setting my own rules. I have no doubt that the great majority of young folks today feel the same. The difference is that I could do it and did it. Today, more than eight in ten college graduates are forced to move back in with their parents, saddled with tens of thousands of dollars in debt in the form of student loans and/or credit cards. I can’t imagine what I would have felt like if I had moved back into the home that I wanted very much to have “in the rearview mirror.” Today’s graduates needn’t imagine it because they’re living it daily. The great majority of my high school classmates had moved out on their own, had gotten jobs, and had even started families. It wasn’t at all uncommon. Today it is very uncommon. If I had, for some reason, had to move back into my parents’ house, I would have taken every step to conceal that fact from my classmates who lived in their own apartments and houses. These days, with so many young folks back home, it may be a bit easier to admit the fact to one’s peers because at no time in the past, it is reported, have so many college graduates ever had to move back into their parents’ houses.

Leaving the issue of the cost of higher education aside for another column, the point to focus on here is the jobs market, especially for recent college graduates. In a word, it is “lousy.” Salaries and wages are low and are shrinking in terms of buying power, along with the number of jobs. The added burden, though, of having to repay student loans and credit card debt while coming up with the cost of filling a car’s gas tank, buying groceries, and clothing makes the prospects even dimmer. Many, I’m sure, question why they ever even went to college in the first place.
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Your Vote — Your Future”

Is Fast and Furious the Next Watergate?

-By Alan Caruba

When suspects in a crime are interrogated, they often develop memory loss. When the crime is running guns to drug cartels on both sides of the border, the crime involves the murder of a U.S. Border Patrol officer, Brian Terry, Immigration and Customs Enforcement agent, Jaime Zapata, and countless Mexican citizens.

Katie Pavlich has written an extraordinary expose, “Fast and Furious: Barack Obama’s Bloodiest Scandal and its Shameless Cover-Up” (Regnery Publishing). Pavlich, a reporter with extensive contacts within the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) she has meticulously documented a story that should result in contempt of Congress action against Attorney General Eric Holder and possibly Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, Janet Napolitano as well.

It is an appalling story of arrogance, stupidity, and the intimidation of ATF agents who dared to question and expose the operation. It is a story of deception at the highest levels of our government. Both Holder and Napolitano exhibited memory lapses before a congressional committee. Both knew about a federal government authorized gun-running operation to Mexico called “Fast and Furious.”
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Is Fast and Furious the Next Watergate?”

Space Aliens Would Think We Are Insane!

-By Don Boys, Ph.D.

Recently a global warming fanatic (who now uses the term, “climate change” since there is no proof of man-caused global warming) made a shocking statement: “Any rational being coming to our planet from outer space would say ‘There is a species here that has gone insane.'”

Like most fanatics, he makes some gargantuan leaps in his thinking especially when he makes an assumption of space aliens even existing; then he presumes they are rational! After all, if humans are not rational, why would we expect make-believe aliens to be? Humans are not rational and I agree that any close look at our society would tend to indicate that we are also insane!

I seldom agree with environmental fanatics but am inclined to think he may be correct. So what evidence suggests that space aliens might think we are a planet of insane people?
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Space Aliens Would Think We Are Insane!”

NEA: Poverty Pimp #1

-By Larry Sand

The teachers union not only plays the poverty card, but by battling reforms, ensures that the impoverished will remain that way

No Education Reform Without Tackling Poverty, Experts Say,” is the title of an article on the National Education Association website. Experts? A trip into the weeds leads to something called the Center on Poverty, Inequality and Public Policy at Georgetown University. Its main benefactor is none other than the Open Society Foundations run by former Nazi sympathizer, rabid America hater and megalomaniac, George Soros, a man who once said he saw himself as “some kind of god, the creator of everything.” Expecting anything without an agenda from this bunch would be foolish.

The NEA’s “experts” claim that pouring money into education will eradicate poverty is wrong on all counts. For example, they state that children would be better educated by attending a “high quality pre-school.” Yet Head Start, according to Reason’s Lisa Snell, U. of Arkansas Professor Jay Greene and others, has been a bust. In 2010, Lindsey Burke at the Heritage Foundation wrote,

Taxpayers have been on the hook for more than $100 billion for the Head Start program since 1965. This federal evaluation, which effectively shows no lasting impact on children after first grade and no difference between those children who attended Head Start and those who did not, should call into question the merits of increasing funding for the program, which the Obama administration recently did as part of the so-called “stimulus” bill.

So, $100 billion later, children are no better off attending a preschool, but what’s important to the unions is that more adults are employed. And that means more dues for them to spend on their progressive political agenda which favors causes that have nothing to do with education – e.g. abortion on demand, same-sex marriage, income redistribution, and nationalized health care. In 2010-2011, NEA spent $133 million in lobbying and gifts to further its progressive agenda.
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NEA: Poverty Pimp #1″

Dan Savage Bombs while Bullying Christians and Bashing the Bible

-By Rev Michael Bresciani

Gay anti-bullying spokesperson, Dan Savage, belittled, berated and bullied Christians the Bible and the Pope while addressing 3,000 high school students at a school journalism convention in Seattle, organized by the National Scholastic Press Association. Savage, a militant high profile gay activist who writes graphic sex columns tried to humiliate the Christian kids but went away as a bully himself, in a bad show of self-indulgent hedonism. He is the head of the ‘It Gets Better Project,’ an activist group that is supposed to help gays make the transition out of the straight life into the wonderful brave new world of the gay life.

Apparently he sees himself as the guardian angel of those whose feelings may have been hurt or who are depressed because of the difficulties involved with the transition out of the world of the straights.

While most people discover who they are as they mature and find their place in society, the gays need special help to get into their little sphere and they also need special laws and alerts for the use of non-politically correct catch words and phrases that signal that they are being bullied.
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Dan Savage Bombs while Bullying Christians and Bashing the Bible”

Hokumhontas Warren’s Stupid Horse Moment

-By Selwyn Duke

Many critics have called Massachusetts Senate hopeful Elizabeth Warren a “racist” for relating a family story about how her grandfather had “high cheekbones like all Indians do.” But they’re wrong. The comment wasn’t “racist.”

It was stupid.

In fact, it was childishly stupid. Really, it reminds one of the copout Bill Clinton disgorged when addressing his marijuana use: “I tried it, but I didn’t inhale.” And it should come as no surprise, either — leftists are childish.

As for the “racism” charge, many conservatives take that leaf out of the left’s book because, they figure, turnabout is fair play. If a conservative had uttered Warren’s words — stereotyping minority characteristics and using a politically incorrect term — he’d be Derbyshired.
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Hokumhontas Warren’s Stupid Horse Moment”

Seniors Beware

-By Frank Hyland

The scary thing is that all this time you’ve focused on the Obamanation mouthpieces telling you that insurance firms and others were the enemy. That’s another trick the administration has pulled on you, like the magician who tells you to watch one hand carefully while the other pulls the trick on you. While the large and growing number of sleight-of-hand tricks that have been foisted on Americans by the administration is insulting overall, there is one that is perhaps the most insulting of all, and it is being pulled on Seniors. It is Bait ‘n’ Switch of the highest order.

Undoubtedly you already know that the Obamanation took five hundred million dollars from Medicare in order to fund Obamacare. As bad as that was, since you already know it, unlike most of the Lame Stream Media’s so-called news shows, I won’t repeat that here.
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Seniors Beware”