GM Exec: Reporting GM’s Failures Hurts… Republicans?

-By Warner Todd Huston

In an odd turn of events, former GM Vice Chairman Bob Lutz thinks that anyone that criticizes GM is not only “mis-informed” but insists that those “foaming ideologues” that criticize the car giant are “damaging the Republican Party.”

It is interesting that an executive in the company derided as “Government Motors” is trying to direct attention away from his minders in the Obama administration and toward the opposing party, and just before a general election at that.

It is also interesting to see Lutz defending GM as the “future” of the car business. Lately GM has not been turning out the sort of products that puts the company at the head of much of anything.
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GM Exec: Reporting GM’s Failures Hurts… Republicans?”

Warrantless Searches By Police of Your Cell Phone

-By Warner Todd Huston

News during this past week a story made the rounds that police in Michigan may be using a device in random traffic stops that instantly copies all the data on your cell phone and stores it for later use by police. It was said that this data copying is going on without consent and without a warrant. Michigan police are denying this claim, but the ACLU posted a letter warning them against this policy regardless. The fear here is, of course, that copying cell phone data without a warrant is a violation of the Fourth Amendment’s proscription against illegal search and seizure.

This device copies everything that is on your phone. Your contacts, your emails, your texts, other instant messages, what aps you use, web bookmarks and usage, GPS location info… every bit of data stored on your phone is instantly copied into the device and into the data base maintained by police.

Famed blogger Glenn Reynolds, a lawyer by trade, seems to think that it is obviously a violation of the Fourth and that current law can even be used as precedent to assure that fact. Others are not so sure.
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Warrantless Searches By Police of Your Cell Phone”

Absurdity: Detroit’s Mayor has 48 City Unions to Deal With

-By Warner Todd Huston

Want to know one of the reasons that Detroit (and every other major US city) is in such trouble? Democrat Mayor Dave Bing is struggling with a black hole of a budget deficit that he is stuck dealing with and one of his biggest stumbling blocks to fiscal sanity is the government unions. Oh, it isn’t just a few city government unions, either. He has 48 of them to deal with. 48 government unions all sucking up the tax payer’s dollars!

Granted Mayor Bing has decided not to take steps that might alleviate the budget long-term (like abolishing certain programs and city departments), but as the Detroit Free Press notes the unions are a major problem causing the city to spend $1.08 in employee benefits for every dollar the city spends on payroll.

As things stand the city has 8,000 active employees but is stuck with a legacy cost of 22,000 retired workers. Because of this, fully 30% of Detroit’s budget is going to retirees’ pension benefits.
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Absurdity: Detroit’s Mayor has 48 City Unions to Deal With”

Mich. Teachers Assoc. Features Photo of Gov. Snyder as Devil on Facebook Page

-By Warner Todd Huston

The Mackinac Center for Public Policy has a devil of a story. It appears that the Michigan Education Association was hosting a photo of Michigan Governor Rick Snyder replete with bloodspatters and occult symbols making the governor out to be the devil. (See image below)

The Mackinac Center alerted the MEA about the offensive image that had been on the page since March 11 and the teachers group claimed they had no idea it was there and did not put it there themselves.

How it is that such an image can for days be on the MEA’s official Facebook page and the organization not knowing it is rather absurd.

“We do monitor our page — unfortunately, we missed this one (items move down the Facebook feed pretty quickly, so if we miss it, it can get buried fast),” Pratt said in an email. “We’ve deleted the item. Thank you for bringing it to our attention.”

Remember, folks, THESE are the sort of people “teaching” our children!

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Mich. Teachers Assoc. Features Photo of Gov. Snyder as Devil on Facebook Page”

Michigan: Teachers Trying to Hide Union Activism in School Email Accounts

-By Warner Todd Huston

Michigan’s union thugs have found a new way to hide their on-the-job union activism from the prying eyes of public transparency — or at least they think they have. Activist school teachers are using their state-sponsored email accounts to discuss their strike ideas, their union work slow down ideas and other illegal activities but are claiming that these emails are “personal” and therefore should not be open to Freedom Of Information Act (FOIA) requests by the state’s budget hawks, government transparency advocates, and the news media.

Michigan’s Mackinac Center for Public Policy recently reported that the Michigan Education Association has sent out messages to its members that they should exclude any emails sent from school-owned email accounts in FOIA requests because they are “personal” emails and are legally not eligible for FOIA requests.
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Michigan: Teachers Trying to Hide Union Activism in School Email Accounts”

Democrat Election Fraud: Fake Tea Partiers Charged

-By Warner Todd Huston

Early in 2010 two former leaders of the Michigan Democrat Party came up with a brilliant idea, one that has just gotten them charged with election fraud.

Back in May of 2010, it was discovered that a new party was circulating petitions to get itself official recognized by the state as an official political party. It was supposed to be called “The Tea Party.” Local activist and blogger, the late Chet Zarko, tracked down who was behind the petition drive and found that this “Tea Party” was being pushed by a group well known to be a fixture in Michigan democrat Party activism. This called into question the legitimacy of this “Tea Party” party.

Eventually it was discovered that the new “Tea Party” party was the brainchild of then Oakland County Democratic Chair Mike McGuinness and Democratic Operations Director Jason Bauer. They intended to use it to cause chaos on the ballot and split the Republican vote by fooling voters into thinking that a “Tea Party” candidate was, well, a Tea Party guy.
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Democrat Election Fraud: Fake Tea Partiers Charged”

Tolerant Union Protester Damages Capitol Armed with Knife

-By Warner Todd Huston

Law breaking and violence has always been the stock and trade of unions and today’s budget conflagrations are no different as witness the most recent threatening actions by a union thug, this one in Lansing, Michigan, the Wolverine State’s capitol city.

On March 17 a man was arrested at the Capitol armed with a “sharp-edged weapon,” after he broke through a window and assaulting officers. 13 other protesters accompanying the man in his illegal entry and were charged with trespassing.

Meanwhile, in Camden, New Jersey, the police union chief there has compared Governor Chris Christie to Hitler. More of that “new tone” we keep hearing about from Democrats, I suppose.
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Tolerant Union Protester Damages Capitol Armed with Knife”

Union Thugs Attack Petition Worker, Destroys Petitions

-By Warner Todd Huston

From Joe Schoffstall we find yet another example of the way unions and Democrats use thug tactics to force their way on those around them, yet one more example of how Democrats and union thugs don’t care about democracy or the American system when it comes to their ill-gotten gains and freebies paid for on the backs of the working poor.

The scene was a petition drive aimed at recalling a Democrat state senator and the participants are a bunch of union thugs one of whom grabbed up all the completed petitions, defaced them, and then ripped them up.

As Schoffestall explains:
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Union Thugs Attack Petition Worker, Destroys Petitions”

Union Boss: Yeah We’ll Talk, But Go Our Way or You’re a ‘Human Rights Violator’

-By Warner Todd Huston

As President Obama clucks his tongue at America for “pointing fingers” and “assigning blame” in our political debate, and as his friends on the far left ignore him and point their fingers and assign blame to the Republicans, Tea Partiers, and Sarah Palin, at least one union chief in Detroit is doing his part to add to the political vitriol by charging anyone that disagrees with him with being a “human rights violator.”

Oh, he’s all about sitting down at the table and talking, he claims. Yet, United Auto Workers President Bob King is ready to finger point and accuse people of a vile abuse of basic human rights if they don’t bend over and take it up the tailpipe courtesy of those greedy, profligate unions.

For Crain’s Detroit David Barkholz reports that the UAW chief is all prepared for negotiations with the Big Three auto makers this year, but his tone makes it pretty clear that his idea of negotiations is his way or the highway. His vitriol is already flowing before the first negotiation session begins.
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Union Boss: Yeah We’ll Talk, But Go Our Way or You’re a ‘Human Rights Violator’”

Truth in Accounting Issues: Michigan’s ‘Financial State of the State,’ True Burden $50.1 Billion

From the Institute for Truth in Accounting…

Chicago (January 6, 2011) — Today, the Institute for Truth in Accounting released Michigan’s “Financial State of the State.” After an intensive review of the State’s 2009 audited financial report the Institute determined the State is in a precarious financial position because it does not have the funds available to pay more than $50.1 billion of the State’s commitments as they come due. Each taxpayer’s share of this financial burden equals $16,400.

Michigan state law requires a balanced budget. “If governors and legislatures had truly balanced the state’s budget, no taxpayer’s financial burden would exist,” said Sheila Weinberg, founder and CEO of the Institute for Truth in Accounting (IFTA). She continued, “A state budget is not balanced if past costs, including those for employees’ retirement benefits, are pushed into the future.” The Institute reviewed 2009 data because the September 30, 2010 financial reports for Michigan have not yet been made available. Weinberg added, “How can legislators and the governor be making decisions without timely financial data?”
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Truth in Accounting Issues: Michigan’s ‘Financial State of the State,’ True Burden $50.1 Billion”

Unions: Who Needs ‘Em?

-By Thierry Godard

Detroit in 2010 is unlike any other American city. Once a bastion of American industrial might, Detroit was not only home to the Big Three, but a thriving community of small business owners who supported the automotive industry. In a sad twist of fate, Detroit has come to symbolize the crippled state of the American economy.

Foreclosure has rendered the city nearly vacant. Detroit is a modern-day ghost town. The infamous bailout of GM and Chrysler came about largely because of the massive obligations these automotive companies had to pay to their labor unions. The Democratic Congress, left with the option of propping up failing companies or risking a complete breakdown of mid-western society, chose the bailout instead of confronting the true problem—unions—head on.

It’s no secret to industry insiders that the United Auto Workers’ unreasonable demands played a large role in the collapse of the auto industry in 2008. The irony, of course, is that the UAW’s rampant waste prompted the downfall of the very industry it not only claims to serve, but wholly relies on for the employment of its members.
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Unions: Who Needs ‘Em?”

Nanny State Republican Upton Wants House Energy Committee Chair?

-By Warner Todd Huston

Light bulb banning Republican Fred Upton (R, Mich) is angling to become the new GOP chair of the House Energy and Commerce Committee as the House begins to look to adjusting to reflect the Republican’s tidal wave election. Upton is a perfect example of the sort of representative that the new GOP congress needs to think about very carefully before elevating them to higher positions.

Upton has the seniority to take the position, it is true, but his past nanny state-styled votes for banning the light bulb in favor of CFLs makes his bid troubling taking into consideration the conservative direction voters went on November 2 — and Upton didn’t just vote for the bill, he co-sponsored it with the left leaning Dem. Jane Harmon of California.

Upton’s voting record is quite a mixed bag where it concerns proving his conservative credentials. Along with the nanny-state light bulb ban vote, Upton also voted against extending the Bush tax cuts, he was in favor of the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP), as well as the first stimulus bill.
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Nanny State Republican Upton Wants House Energy Committee Chair?”

John Conyers Speaking at Democratic Socialists of America Meeting

-By Warner Todd Huston

Should Democrats “pal around” with socialists? Whether it is a good idea or not here we have a sitting congressman actually going to a group of socialists and addressing them at one of their meetings. It wasn’t that many years ago that such a meeting would ring the death knell for a politician’s career.

Today, though, it goes entirely without note.

On October 5, 2010, Congressman John Conyers went personally to speak before a meeting in Michigan’s of members of the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA).

The socialist that introduced Conyers reminded the gathered comrades that Conyers was a major sponsor of the single payer healthcare system. Amazingly Conyers noted that he was “honored” to be introduced by the socialist, too, and paid all due deference to those assembled.
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John Conyers Speaking at Democratic Socialists of America Meeting”

Mich. Ponders ‘Criminal Public Official’ Ban, Shame is They Even Have to

-By Warner Todd Huston

Thanks to an increasingly lowered level of public discourse and comportment, more than ever those notorious or infamous for their behavior are help up as people worth applauding. Just as unfortunate, many of these lowlives are ending up voted in as our representatives in state and federal offices. Michigan thinks it has a way to address this problem, but the sad thing is they even have to do it at all.

A November ballot proposal will give voters in the Wolverine state the opportunity to decide if criminals should be barred from holding office for at least 20 years after they’ve earned certain types of felony convictions.

As the AP reports:
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Mich. Ponders ‘Criminal Public Official’ Ban, Shame is They Even Have to”

WOW, Democrat Jokes That Seniors Should Be Denied End-Of-Life Healthcare

-By Warner Todd Huston

Democrat Gary McDowell is running to replace Bart Stupak (D, MI) in Michigan’s First District and while he may be hoping he might get the votes of seniors coming to the end of their time here on this mortal coil, he sure seems reticent to give them the medical care they’ll need to be around much longer after the election!

At a campaign appearance, McDowell agreed with those Obamacare supporters that think giving lifesaving medical care to seniors at end of life is a “resource” that needs to be rationed.

McDowell even makes a joke of the issue by saying that those that say end-of-life care should be rationed must be “from a safe district” because the “inconvenient truth” as he sees it is a tough pill to swallow.

Death panels, anyone?

Like a true Democrat McDowell thinks that setting up death panels should be swathed in less alarming language but that they should still be set up. “I was more diplomatic in not mentioning the end of life,” he said to those gathered. Yet he still meant to talk about how we need to ration healthcare at the end of life because “as adults” we need to accept McDowell’s “truth” that it’s just too expensive to save grandma’s life.

Let’s hope that Michiganders vote for Doctor Dan Benishek instead of McDowell for Michigan’s First.
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WOW, Democrat Jokes That Seniors Should Be Denied End-Of-Life Healthcare”

Michigan Home Healthcare Workers Sue State Over Forced Unionization

-By Warner Todd Huston

So imagine that you are working out of your home or the home of a friend. Say you are helping care for your own developmentally disabled relative or that of another. You are working for a family, not a company, and you are not employed by the state. Then one day you get a letter in the mail that says you have been forced by the state to join a union and henceforth you will be paying dues by having some of your salary removed by the state and given to the union. Does this sound like you are living and working in America? It is if you are a home healthcare worker in the State of Michigan.

Because of a special deal made behind the scenes between Mich. Gov. Jennifer Granholm and two unions, the United Auto Workers (UAW) and the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME), Michigan’s 40,000 in-home healthcare workers were unionized by a shady “vote” of less than 20% of these workers in 2006 via a mail-in ballot that most workers had no idea even existed.

The forced unionization has been in and out of courts since 2006 and now it is about to go back in again as a group of in-home healthcare workers is suing the state for driving them into a union against their will.
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Michigan Home Healthcare Workers Sue State Over Forced Unionization”

Michigan Democrats Told Their Fake Tea Party Is Illegal

-By Warner Todd Huston

The Michigan Supreme Court has made the final decision eliminating the fraudulent “Tea Party” Party from the 2010 elections.

Two of Michigan’s Democrat appointed justices joined its small three Republican appointed contingent to declare the so-called “Tea Party” Party ineligible for the ballot.

For months various Democrats and union members have been trying to create a new political party in Michigan misleadingly named the “Tea Party” Party. 23 candidates had been slated from this Democrat dirty trick effort in order to confuse voters into imagining that they are voting for candidates that actually support Tea Party movement ideals.
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Michigan Democrats Told Their Fake Tea Party Is Illegal”

Democrat Trickery: Fake Mich. Tea Party Mastermind Resigns

-By Warner Todd Huston

In a see-I-told-you-so moment, one of the organizers of fake Tea Party candidates that got on the 2010 ballot in Michigan has been fully revealed to be a Democrat attempting an election dirty trick.

Back in May I wrote of the sudden appearance of a Tea Party petition effort being shopped about to voters in Michigan. The petition was trying to get official recognition for a new political party, the Tea Party as it was being called. The petitions aimed to get enough signatures on petitions for the state to then certify it as a real party.

The petition was being passed by a petition firm that works largely for Michigan Democrats. At that time I then said that this was obviously a Democrat dirty trick meant to confuse voters and split the Republican vote in Michigan.
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Democrat Trickery: Fake Mich. Tea Party Mastermind Resigns”

Fake Michigan Tea Party Acting Spoiler for Republicans?

-By Warner Todd Huston

Back in May I posted a report on what seemed to be a fake tea party group circulating petitions in the state of Michigan to get themselves recognized as an official political party.

The group circulating the petition, Progressive Campaigns, Inc., had long-time connections to the Michigan Democrat Party and at that time no one in the various Michigan tea party groups had any knowledge of this new so-called Tea Party petition effort.

Now the Detroit Free Press is reporting that a United Auto Workers union member named Mark Steffek has filed papers with the state announcing that this so-called Tea Party has had a “convention” and is fielding a slate of candidates for the 2010 elections.
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Fake Michigan Tea Party Acting Spoiler for Republicans?”

Chet Zarko, RIP

-By Warner Todd Huston

I really hate to report this, but friend to the blog Chet Zarko of Michigan has suddenly passed away.

I’ve known Chet for a few years now and he was a tireless advocate for small government as well as accountable government in the Wolverine State. Chet gave the Democrats fits up there.

Apparently, Chet had some sort of attack that took his life as he sat home reading on the evening of the 19th. He was missed the next day and was found in his chair, reading material at his feet.

Chet was only 39 but was full of life every time I ever met him. His sense of humor was infectious and every room he entered was filled with mirth and cheer.

Chetly Zarko will be sorely missed.

Rest in Peace, Chet. I’m glad I knew you.

Here’s the notice at Michigan’s Mackinac Center.

Here is an interview with Chet not long ago:

Michigan To License Journalists?

-By Warner Todd Huston

This is the face of tyranny. A Michigan State Senator has introduced an Orwellian bill that would provide for the licensing of journalists. There is no doubt that this thing is aimed squarely at delegitimizing the New Media, silencing bloggers, and creating a protected class of state approved “journalists.”

State Senator Bruce Patterson is the braintrust behind this flouting of the U.S. Constitution and outrageously enough, this Patterson fellow claims to be a “constitutional lawyer.” Pair him with the “constitutional scholar” we have as president and we have a matched set of revisionists out to steal as much power for themselves as one can find in any tinpot dictatorship! Even more ridiculously, this mustachioed villain is a Michigan Republican, proving that this sort of megalomania infests both sides of the aisle.

So what is this licensing deal supposed to do for we, the stupid people not able to figure out what end is up with current events, anyway? According to Patterson we can’t get “good information” any more because of the proliferation of new sources of info. But not to worry, granny Patterson is here to save the day and he’ll selflessly take it upon himself to determine what news source is a “legitimate media source.” What could possibly go wrong, eh?
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Michigan To License Journalists?”

Fake Mich. ‘Tea Party’: Another Example of How Democrats Fight Dirty

-By Warner Todd Huston

Every Democrat I know likes to act as if it were the GOP that fights dirty. Of course, every time I ask them for an example they just stare back blankly at me — I know, it’s their normal state, but this question gets particular blankness. On the other hand, I can give reams of evidence of the left doing all it can to win by hook or crook, and it’s usually crook. From ACORN, to constant use of the race card, to changing rules in the middle of the game both at a local level as well as a federal level, as well as the leftist’s prosaic hypocrisy of double standards, we can all name a dirty trick from the left. Well, as if you needed another one, there is a new dirty trick being perpetrated by the left in the great state of Michigan.

There a Democrat Party group is registering a “new” party that its calling the “Tea Party.” Yeah, imagine that! Where do you think they got the idea for the name, eh?

Over at we find that a Democrat connected petition management firm has been deployed with petitions to “organize one new state political party.” It is being called the Tea Party.
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Fake Mich. ‘Tea Party’: Another Example of How Democrats Fight Dirty”

Michigan Firemen Setting Fires Over Union Anger

-By Warner Todd Huston

Why was this story not national news? Outrageously, firemen in Flint, Mich. went about the city setting fires instead of putting them out last month and all because their union wasn’t happy with job layoffs. In a vain attempt to stop the layoffs, these union criminals went around setting fires to try and scare Flint’s residents in order to goad them to tell city officials to rescind the layoffs.

Imagine the breach of trust that this represents between firemen and the citizenry? What next, will Flint policemen commit murders and armed robberies in like manner to the criminal activities of the union inflamed foremen of the city?

Is this where unions have taken the safety of our cities?
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Michigan Firemen Setting Fires Over Union Anger”

Warning to Mich Teachers Unions: ‘The Time to Stand up to the Unions Has Arrived’

-By Warner Todd Huston

Universally, teachers unions cry for more money and insist on raising everyone’s taxes to get it. And in an era when government spending needs to be reined in, unions are dinosaurs in the modern age, outmoded and wasteful.

Kyle Olson of the Education Action Group, an education reform organization based in Michigan, spoke to the Lansing, Mich. tea party rally on April 15. He had a few warnings for the profligate spenders in teachers unions.

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Warning to Mich Teachers Unions: ‘The Time to Stand up to the Unions Has Arrived’”

Unions Support This Detroit Socialist

-By Warner Todd Huston

The left is constantly attempting to wave its hand dismissively at our claims that they are socialists and communists. They claim they are true blue Americans and we are lying about them. Unions are one of the biggest perpetrators of this misinformation.

Well, it appears that in Detroit unions came out in support of a goof ball that claimed himself to be a socialist. They all stood in the Michigan cold saying their “yeas” as he spoke about getting a free university degree, and as he touted a socialist “right” to food and their own house.

Here we see members of the AFT and the SEIU nodding in appreciation of this socialist’s ideas. They stood by his side as he pronounced these socialist “principles.”

Anyone that tells you that unions aren’t socialists and communists needs to explain why unions came out in support of this un-American nut in Detroit.
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Unions Support This Detroit Socialist”