429 Pages of New Regulations Wrought from 6 Pages of Obamacare

-By Warner Todd Huston

Obamacare will destroy our healthcare system and our economy both while giving unprecedented and unconstitutional powers to unelected, unaccountable federal regulators. It’s just that simple. Further proof of this was reported by US News and World Report on April 7 where we see that out of just six pages of the Obamacare law, federal regulators have written 429 pages of new regulations!

As it happens, that 429 pages of new federal regulations amounts to 45 more pages than Barack Obama’s autobiography, The Audacity of Hope.

Section 3022 of the law, which is about the Medicare shared savings program, take up just six pages in the 907-page Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. But HHS has turned that into 429 pages of new regulations and that’s too much, says Republican Wyoming Sen. John Barrasso, a practicing doctor.

Brasso is correct to say that these thousands of new regulations will “increase the cost of doing business,” too.
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429 Pages of New Regulations Wrought from 6 Pages of Obamacare”

Global Warming, R.I.P.

-By Alan Caruba

Have you noticed that you rarely hear “global warming” mentioned on radio or television and the term rarely occurs any more in the print media?

One reason is that it has been replaced with “climate change” and the other reason is that the only people talking about climate change seem to be leaders of governments like the United States or Australia.

To borrow a line from Shakespeare, I come to bury global warming, not to praise it.

An early and unrelenting skeptic from the days it first debuted in the late 1980s, I rather instinctively knew that the only warming occurring was the same natural warming that always follows a cooling cycle; in this case the warming that began in 1850 after the Little Ice Age that began around 1300.

It never made sense to me that “industry” should be blamed for pumping massive amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere when the amount of CO2 was a minuscule 0.038 percent with far greater amounts of hydrogen and oxygen that protect the Earth from becoming the galactic equivalent of a toasted marshmallow.
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Global Warming, R.I.P.”

The Great Race Deception

-By Selwyn Duke

Just about two years ago, people were speaking of a new era: post-racial America. Well, it occurs to me that if we get any more post-racial, we’ll have a race war. And the latest on this front is a new exhibit at the Boston Museum of Science (MOS) called “RACE – Are we so different?” Reports American Thinker’s Peter Wilson:

The exhibit offers a fascinating window into the fun-house mirror world of race theorists, racial “scholars,” and a good part of the anthropology profession. Even a sympathetic reviewer in the Boston Globe admits that “there’s a wearying didacticism to the show,” and it’s no surprise that the didactic lessons about race are all slanted toward the left.

As for that Globe reviewer, Mark Feeney, he writes:
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The Great Race Deception”

UN Climate Summit, Cancun, Mexico: Climate Conmen Sending You Back 100 Years

-By Warner Todd Huston

As most of you know last week I was down in Cancun, Mexico reporting on the U.N. Climate Change Summit (officially called COP16/CMP6). It was several days of sun, surf, and U.N. conmen. I am back in the saddle here at home but Friday I went from the warm white sands of Cancun back to the cold white snow of Chicago. Where’s all that global warming when you need it?

At least I have the modern conveniences of natural gas to keep my house warm and coal and nuclear-fired electric to power my electronic entertainment and work devices both. Unfortunately, if the con in Cancun is successful we may no longer have such luxuries.

One of the last places I visited in Cancun was the Villa de Cambio Climatico — or in English the climate change village. The exhibit was sponsored by the Mexican federal government and was set up in order to indoctrinate Mexico’s school children in the ways of environmental hokum.

At the exhibit we found what was presented as the ideal eco-friendly house. Of course, it was suitably small as the enviro-Nazis most certainly don’t want anyone enjoying a bit of elbowroom in their homes though it did have space for a few modern niceties. It had a tiny computer area, an actual flush toilet, and a four-foot-tall refrigerator that looks like it might be able to store enough food for two or three days.
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UN Climate Summit, Cancun, Mexico: Climate Conmen Sending You Back 100 Years”

UN Climate Summit: The Con in Cancun

-By Warner Todd Huston

In but a few hours I’ll be headed to Chicago’s O’Hare airport to wing my way to sunny Cancun to do a few days reporting on the U.N. Climate Change Summit. As is my luck in life, sunny Cancun will be rainy Cancun if the weatherman is to be believed. Of course, weather reports aren’t the only thing going on down there that isn’t to be believed.

There has already been some guffaw inducing inanities in Cancun. For instance, an Oxfam report is telling summit attendees that “more than twice the number” of people have died from natural disasters in 2010 than have in 2009. And they tell us this is all due to global warming even though they also admit “it is impossible to link any single event with rising temperatures.”

What is the solution to the problem that Oxfam cannot prove exists? Why your money, of course. Oxfam wants the U.S. to establish a “Green Fund” of at least $100 billion annually to combat all this carnage and global warming.

If a big, multi-billion dollar slush fund that’s at the beck and call of globaloney peddlers isn’t enough, summit attendees are also demanding that the whole civilized world ration itself back to the stone age to “solve” global warming/climate change.
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UN Climate Summit: The Con in Cancun”

Al Gore’s Climate Exchange Scheme Utterly Fails… Media Ignores It All

-By Warner Todd Huston

Al Gore’s much ballyhooed Chicago Climate Exchange (CCX) has recently announced that it will no longer be engaging in carbon trading, an activity that was the sole purpose that it was created. This is an utter failure of purpose in global warming hysteria yet the Old Media is almost completely silent on this colossal failure.

Why has the media remained utterly quite on this abject failure after unleashing on the public an avalanche of stories that touted the creation of the CCX back in 2000 — and since for that matter? Roger L. Simon and David Thomson wonder just that.

The CCX was the brainchild of Northwestern University business professor Richard Sandor, who used $1.1 million in grants from the Chicago-based left-wing Joyce Foundation to launch the CCX. For his efforts, Time named Sandor as one of its Heroes of the Planet in 2002 and one of its Heroes of the Environment in 2007.

But as of the October 21 announcement that carbon trading would end, the Old Media is nowhere to be seen on the story.
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Al Gore’s Climate Exchange Scheme Utterly Fails… Media Ignores It All”

Feds Deciding When Healthcare Science Costs Too Much To Save Lives

-By Warner Todd Huston

If anyone wants a current example of what is looming ahead for medical science at the hands of Obamacare, the Avastin controversy is a perfect one. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) wants to de-list the cancer drug Avastin one reason being that it is a drug too expensive for government to fund. It is scary to think that the federal government can summarily dismiss cancer drugs merely because of expense, but that is what happens when government starts counting the beans. It becomes an issue of cost instead of effectiveness.

There were other reasons that the FDA wants to dump Avastin, but cost was one of them. One of those that sat in judgment of Avastin admitted that cost was a factor in the decision to delegitimize the treatment. Natalie Compagni Portis, a member of one of the panels that the FDA convened to investigate the drug, said, “We aren’t supposed to talk about cost, but that’s another issue.”
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Feds Deciding When Healthcare Science Costs Too Much To Save Lives”

Professor Bloodlust: Kill All Meat Eating Animals for THEIR Sake?

-By Warner Todd Huston

In the warped moral thinking of the extreme left, all creatures are better off never having existed for their “suffering.” This is, for instance, how in-human leftists excuse abortion. If a child was never born, they contend, he will never suffer.

Well, at least one professor has taken this extreme precept to its ultimate end. In a recent rambling New York Times piece Rutgers philosophy professor Jeff McMahan has proposed that we kill off every meat eating animal (including humans presumably) on earth to stop the “suffering” of their prey.

He proposes that we can do this either by just killing them all, or by some sort of genetic manipulation to breed out their carnivorous propensities. Why should we do this? Because it is the nice, Christian thing to do, of course. Why, think of it, we’d be ending “suffering” on earth he says.
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Professor Bloodlust: Kill All Meat Eating Animals for THEIR Sake?”

No Science, Fake Science, and the Deliberate Destruction of the Nation

-By Alan Caruba

Any scientist who has not sold his soul to the environmental movement will tell you that the reason that greenhouse gases, primarily carbon dioxide (CO2), do not cause any warming is due to the fact that they have to conform to the laws of thermodynamics. The first law states that “energy can be neither created nor destroyed. It can only change form.”

Energy produced by coal, natural gas, oil, or nuclear is energy that has changed from one form of matter to another. The attack on these sources of energy is a direct attack on the economic success of America and it is one that is at a dangerous peak of activity generated by the Obama administration, primarily through the Environmental Protection Agency.

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No Science, Fake Science, and the Deliberate Destruction of the Nation”

Embryonic Stem Cell Research: The blood trail of progress

Paul A. Ibbetson

With a recent federal appeals court decision temporarily lifting the ban on embryonic stem cell research, the question of destroying a life to save a life is again thrust back into the realm of public debate. As reported by medical AP writer Lauran Neergaard, the National Institutes of Health will rapidly resume embryonic stem cell research as well as remove holds on grants and contracts allowing the use of embryonic stem cells.

The stance from the White House on this debate has been predictable. Former President George W. Bush’s position against federal funding for embryonic stem cell research was a part of his pro-life stance and heavily based on his religious belief in the sanctity of life. Barack Obama, the president who said in 2008 at a rally in Pennsylvania that if his daughters ever made the mistake of getting pregnant he would not want them “punished with a baby,” has predictably taken the modern liberal stance on this issue in support of federal funding for embryonic stem cell research.
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Embryonic Stem Cell Research: The blood trail of progress”

Obama Scrubs White House Website of Climate Change Promises, Media Mum

-By Warner Todd Huston

Despite that President Obama made Cap and Trade and other green policy plans a focal point of his early days in office — not to mention his campaign for president — the White House has quietly scrubbed from its official website many of Obama’s promises and green initiatives. I guess the era of Obama really is “change you can believe in”?

Especially interesting it the sudden disappearance of Obama’s plan to commit $150 billion on clean energy research and development.

In 2008 as Obama was preparing to take office he featured on his “Office of the President Elect” website a pledge to spend $150 billion on energy R & D. As of today, that pledge is still there.
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Obama Scrubs White House Website of Climate Change Promises, Media Mum”

Conceived Overpopulation One Reason DDT Perished

-By Kevin Roeten

Humans killing humans. It’s happened in the past, and will likely happen in the future. One of the most prolific baby-killing machines has been the banning of the man-made chemical [dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane]. Billions know it by its acronym—“DDT”.

Why would so many feel justified with the deaths of 50-80 million mostly children (2-3 million per year), and mostly in Africa from malaria? (1) This genocide is painfully described by Steve Jalsavec in how National Geographic acknowledges huge loss of life to malaria and …the need for DDT. (2)

Some Americans believe the death of African children is wholly justified for population reduction. Evidently, they are expendable. But Malaria is the biggest killer of African children.
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Conceived Overpopulation One Reason DDT Perished”

Just One More Freedom Crushed: Feds Destroying Exotic Pet Industry

-By Warner Todd Huston

Congress has suddenly realized something. Animals could be dangerous! Gosh. One wonders what magick faierie dust was sprinkled on these stalwart protectors of the public weal that made them realize that animals are dangerous? Whatever fantastic episode befell Congress they have acted and hence these high mukety-mucks last year introduced an ominous sounding bill called the Nonnative Wildlife Invasion Prevention Act (H.R. 669).

According to the summary this bill is supposed to, “prevent the introduction and establishment of nonnative wildlife species that negatively impact the economy, environment, or other animal species’ or human health, and for other purposes.” But like most federal laws it has an element of overreach to it.

That overreach is a stipulation that would require all dealers in pets to “prove” that their animals are “safe” and “noninvasive” and to present scientific proof to that end. As specified, the act would require, “sufficient scientific and commercial information to allow the Secretary to evaluate whether the proposed nonnative wildlife species is likely to cause economic or environmental harm or harm to other animal species’ or human health.”
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Just One More Freedom Crushed: Feds Destroying Exotic Pet Industry”

Liberal’s Tendency To Laud the Noble Savage Masking Self-Hatred?

-By Warner Todd Huston

In another one of those stories that casts ancient civilizations as somehow just as learned as we are today, the Los Angeles Times has pronounced the Ancient Mayans to be the world’s “first polymer scientists” because they knew how to mix sap from the rubber tree to create rubber balls in Mesoamerica.

Now, don’t get me wrong, it is very interesting (even exciting at some level) to realize that the ancient Mayans knew how to create rubber soled sandals, rubber balls for sports competition, and a type of glue from the sap of the rubber tree. No one can belittle that accomplishment and ingenuity. But this discovery does not make of them “polymer scientists.” It makes them clever, yes, but not scientists. This LATimes article wallows in that ridiculous tendency in western society today to mischaracterize ancient civilizations and ascribe modern characteristics or ideals to peoples from the past, ideals that simply don’t make sense.

As it happens the Mayans found that if they mixed the juice of the morning glory plant with the sap from a rubber tree in varying amounts they could get solid rubber balls, glues, and other rubber products. These formulas were a result of trial and error, certainly, but not science.
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Liberal’s Tendency To Laud the Noble Savage Masking Self-Hatred?”

American Medical Group Facilitates Barbaric Practice of ‘Female Circumcision’

NOTE: To avoid confusion, this article is NOT about the American Medical Association. It is about a different American medical group called the American Academy of Pediatrics. My headline is not meant to implicate the AMA in anything but means to discuss the actions of “an” American medical group, in this case the AAP. I add this note because some people have made the mistake to think I am discussing the AMA here. I am not.

-By Warner Todd Huston

The barbaric Muslim practice of mutilating the genitals of little girls apparently is A’OK with the American Academy of Pediatrics, at least just a little bit, anyway. In an act of political correctness gone mad the AAP has announced that it thinks it’s a good idea to mollify Muslims and gloss over their barbaric practice by instituting what they are calling a “ritual nick” on little girl’s genitals.

It’s the veritable camel’s nose under the tent flaps. After all, by what logic does one refuse to accept this disgusting attack on womanhood when you agree that any part of the practice is justifiable? Today it will be a “ritual nick,” then it becomes a “ceremonial slash,” graduating to excuse the removal of some ever growing amount of flesh, and before you know it we have full-blown mutilation of little girls just like many Muslims want.
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American Medical Group Facilitates Barbaric Practice of ‘Female Circumcision’”

Almost a Thousand Major Scientists Dissent from Darwin!

-By Don Boys, Ph.D.

A major storm of protest against the myth of evolution has been building for many years, as proved by almost a thousand major scientists, all with doctorates who have signed on to the following statement as of 2010: “We are skeptical of claims for the ability of random mutation and natural selection to account for the complexity of life. Careful examination of the evidence for Darwinian theory should be encouraged.”

Those scientists threw down the gauntlet to evolutionists by publishing a two-page ad in a national magazine with the heading, “A Scientific Dissent From Darwinism.” Fevered, fanatical, and foolish evolutionists will charge that those dissenting scientists were backwoods yokels (maybe even a few snake handlers and flat earthers mixed in) dug up by pushy creationists to promote their cause. Not so, I have gone over the list and if certification and accreditation are so important, impressive, and indispensable, then those people will give evolutionists a perpetual heartburn. Major scientists around the world agree with them and many of them have not yet signed on to the dissent although they have gone on record that mutations and natural selection did not produce evolution. Other major scientists critical of evolution have died in the last 25 years.
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Almost a Thousand Major Scientists Dissent from Darwin!”

Obamacare Will Kill Medical Technology

-By Warner Todd Huston

In 2008 Patrick Swayze was treated with an advanced medical tool called a “CyberKnife.” It helped add months to his life as he tried to beat the cancer that was consuming him. But, Swayze wasn’t the only American with the good fortune to have this highly advanced medical technology available to him. In fact, there are 100 such machines across the United States. From California, to Minnesota, to Illinois and Washington D.C. Americans currently have the luxury of these wonderful new devices.

Sadly, Britons are not so lucky. There are two CyberKnife machines in the Britain, but they aren’t going to do anyone in the country’s socialist healthcare system any good because despite how successful these machines are British authorities won’t allow them to be used on patients.

Despite that the Mount Vernon cancer hospital in London is part of the National Health Services, despite that they spent £3m to purchase the machine, and quite despite the praise the machines receive in the U.S. and throughout the world, British NHS authorities won’t let NHS doctors use the machine on their patients.
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Obamacare Will Kill Medical Technology”

Behavioral Science, Behavioral Economics, Social Science, Psychology… How are these ‘Science’? Why Is Obama Using them to Ruin This Nation?

-By Warner Todd Huston

OK, let me get this straight. The bulk of the “research” that the so-called sciences mentioned in the headline above are done in university labs. There they conduct these “experiments” mostly, not exclusively, but mostly, on grad students and other students willing to go to the lab and take surveys, answer questions, and participate in the “experiments,” often for money.

The “results” of these hackneyed “experiments” are then used as “proof” of an often politically motivated concept, like “why are conservatives filled with fear,” or “why are the religious so hateful and full of fear,” or “why are Republicans so hateful and full of crap?,” of “why are gays and lesbians so cool”? You know, important questions like that.

Now, I remind you who the participants are in these pseudo experiments: college students.
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Behavioral Science, Behavioral Economics, Social Science, Psychology… How are these ‘Science’? Why Is Obama Using them to Ruin This Nation?”

Evolutionist: A Blind Man in a Dark Room Looking for a Black that isn’t There!

-By Don Boys, Ph.D.

I would be delighted if my critics would refute my article “DNA in Your Body Could Reach to the Sun and Back—70 Times! Please help me see the light. I will be waiting, but I don’t expect any answers, only vulgar and incoherent blathering.

An Australian critic “responded” to my DNA article by sending me a link to an atheist website replying, “Properly (sic) refutation required? Well allow me to provide you with this information. Consider yourself refuted.” I responded: “That was a rebuttal? You’ve got to be kidding. I assume you are a smart mouth (or is it dirty mouth) 12-year-old kid. I do not “consider [myself] refuted.”

Atheists/evolutionists are pathetic. They allegedly believe in being open, balanced, fair, and logical but are the most illogical people living. I will consider myself refuted if anyone can inform me how the DNA got the information that determines whether a person will be short, tall, eye color, and whether he will have five fingers on each hand. Alternatively, I will be satisfied to know how the Universe got here without God. You know, simple things like that.
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Evolutionist: A Blind Man in a Dark Room Looking for a Black that isn’t There!”

Evolution Believed by Fools, Fanatics, and Fakers!

-By Don Boys, Ph.D.

My recent article titled, “DNA in Your Body Could Reach to the Sun and Back—70 Times” caused a stir in different parts of the world. I especially had unusual responses from the Canadian Free Press readers. I have never followed the results of my articles but did so because of the volume, vileness, and viciousness of responders. Those atheists/evolutionists really get angry when their religion is debunked!

One wrote, “This is the dumbest g** d*** article I’ve ever read in my life.” Well, that is his opinion but not well expressed. May I point out that he did not try to refute it? Wonder why? Could it be because he is dumb as a box of rocks? No one can tell me where and how DNA gets its information. Information must have a Source. A book does not compile itself. A computer code does not create itself. Only fools, fanatics, and fakers believe such nonsense and non-science.

Another evolutionist wrote pretending to be Jesus. “Thanks for the laugh. My dad and I are totally cracking up. Please keep in mind that my dad created science as way for you to learn what you couldn’t figure out morally. Some people just need that. Also, my dad created evolution to keep the planet going in perpetuity.” I thank the writer for his original and thoughtful message. It is good to hear from Jesus when I read the Bible; however, this is obviously not from the Bible. No doubt, the writer thinks of himself as a wit and he may be half-right. I hope he will take time to refute my article.
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Evolution Believed by Fools, Fanatics, and Fakers!”

DNA in Your Body Would Reach to the Sun and Back–70 Times!

-By Don Boys, Ph.D.

Dr. James A. Shapiro, bacterial geneticist at the University of Chicago, and one of the leading researchers in his field said, “A cell under stress will splice its own DNA into over 100,000 pieces. Then a program senses hundreds of variables in its environment and then re-arranges those pieces to produce a new, better, evolved cell.” Please read that again. Absolutely astounding! Moreover, all that happened by accident; however, only a closed-minded fool or dedicated follower of the religion of evolution believes such balderdash.

All scientists admit that DNA is an informational code. It would have to be in order to accomplish what it does. However, creationists insist on knowing where the information came from. How does the DNA know to do the above? Professor Richard Dawkins did a television interview where he was asked about how information originated and he looked to his upper right then to his upper left, licked his lips, then looked at the camera, then to the interviewer and by this time even I was feeling sorry for his discomfort. Here was the number one atheist in the world without an answer for eleven loooong seconds. Finally, he told them to turn off the camera then after an unknown period of time, he came up with an irrelevant answer to give the impression to the stupid that he had given an answer to the question. If that had happened to me, I would be ashamed to show my face in public again. I sure would not go back on television. All he had to say was that God had placed all necessary information in our DNA. So pathetic.
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DNA in Your Body Would Reach to the Sun and Back–70 Times!”

Evolutionists: An Embarrassment to Real Scientists!

-By Don Boys, Ph.D.

Hey, it’s getting embarrassing! Another “missing link” is still missing after a few months exposure to science and common sense. I am referring to Ida, revealed last spring by Norwegian paleontologist Jorn Hurum and his colleagues who assured us Ida was “an unusually complete prehistoric primate fossil.” The dog and pony show that followed in May of 2009 on “ABC News,” “Good Morning America,” “Nightline,” “A & E,” “The New York Times,” etc., portrayed Ida “as a blockbuster discovery nothing short of an “eighth wonder of the world” that would offer a look at one of mankind’s earliest evolutionary ancestors. Afraid not.

We heard all that before with Piltdown Man, Nebraska Man, the famous horse series, peppered moths of England, Ernst Haeckel, etc. One tragic example of evolution’s embarrassing results is the silly, now totally discredited teaching of vestigial organs. It was commonly believed by non-thinking evolutionists and atheists that the tonsils, adenoids, appendix and about 200 other human organs were totally unnecessary. If they had declared “unknown” rather than unnecessary (there is a difference, you know) I would have agreed; however, now we know that all those organs are necessary, many having to do with the immune system. Moreover, uninformed doctors removed those organs in hundreds of thousands of children weakening their ability to fight disease. I deal with such embarrassing frauds in my book, Evolution: Fact, Fraud, or Faith! available at www.cstnews.com .
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Evolutionists: An Embarrassment to Real Scientists!”

Time to Turn Up the Heat on the Warmists

-By Selwyn Duke

At one time some would call them “deniers.” The more generous called them “skeptics.” But now, increasingly, it appears that they can be called something else: sane. Yes, the climate has certainly changed.

Even in the mainstream media, the less liberal organs are waking up. There is now a never-ending barrage of articles on the climate scam, with The Washington Times, The Wall Street Journal and the New York Post firing some recent salvos. And these inconvenient truths are just adding to a case against the Climateers that has become dizzying.

Really, those issuing Chicken Little warnings had a tough sell from the get-go. We’re told that our world has seen at least five major ice ages, but, then again, I’ve also heard four. It has experienced numerous minor ones, although I’m not sure anyone knows precisely how many. In fact, we hear that the pattern is to have 100,000-year glacial periods followed by 12,000-year interglacials, with1500-year cycles of warming and cooling embedded within them. We’re told that during part of the Cryogenian Period — otherwise known as “Snowball Earth” — the world was completely blanketed with snow and ice and that during another period, glaciers were almost or completely gone. Furthermore, we’re informed that during the latter there was still, believe it or not, dry land and creatures to tread upon it.
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Time to Turn Up the Heat on the Warmists”

Abortion Rates Rose in Illinois 2008

-By Warner Todd Huston

United Press International is reporting that abortion rates rose five percent in Illinois in 2008. Illinois doctors performed 47,717 abortions, the most in five years.

The state Department of Public Health reported 47,717 abortions in 2008, the latest year for which it has figures. In 1998, there were 49,403.

There is a law on the books that could bring this number down, of course, but extreme leftists and infanticide fans in the state have stalled its implementation over and over again. A Parental Notification Law for teens 17 and under was passed in 1995 and the left has been fighting it in court ever since. So far, every attempt they’ve made to have it declared unconstitutional has failed, yet each year they continue to find pliant, ant-constitutional judges to once again declare it “on hold” until its legal status can be “reviewed” and determined.
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Abortion Rates Rose in Illinois 2008″

Cuz Animals Are People Too, Ya Know?

-By Warner Todd Huston

I’ve always been amazed at liberals when it comes to their absurd penchant for acting as if animals are somehow just like people. This anthropomorphizing of the animal kingdom is fine if you are talking with kids, reading fairy tales, or creating entertainment, but when you are talking like adults about science or generally about animals there is no place for it. Animals are not people. It’s just that simple.

But apparently we can’t tell that to the left-wingers at NPR because on Dec. 22 on the Morning Edition program we got a pretty silly story about baboons and their “mystical moment” that beggers description.

The story is about a troop of 30 baboons in Kenya that was being observed by professor Barbara Smuts who was studying them for several months. As it happened, one day as Smuts was following the troop back to its sleeping area, the whole troops stopped dead in its tracks.

Here is how NPR described the incident:
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Cuz Animals Are People Too, Ya Know?”

Understanding the Global-warming Jihadists

-By Selwyn Duke

“I was born with a chronic anxiety about the weather,” said John Burroughs in 1877. Today, anxiety about the weather is more common than ever, although it’s not inborn but cultivated in schoolrooms, through television sets and by lying, rapacious ex-vice presidents. And I have anxiety about the weather, too — especially when it’s being used to promote a destructive agenda.

This brings us to Climategate, the scandal everyone is talking about and that inspired British journalist James Delingpole to write “it’s [the climate con is] all unravelling now.” I only wish I could be so optimistic. Sure, we have the smoking gun of the hacked emails from the University of East Anglia, which provide evidence that we “deniers” were only denying a lie. And the erstwhile head of its Climatic Research Unit, Phil Jones — a con man with a science degree if ever there were one — had to resign in disgrace. But don’t for a moment confuse a smoking gun with a coup de grace, or being sacrificed for the team with waving the white flag. I say this because I long ago realized something about man’s nature, something that may sound like a gross exaggeration: If a person has a strong enough vested interest in believing 2+2=5, he will surely insist it is so — in the face of all evidence to the contrary. But before I talk about who the real deniers are and what is being denied, let’s discuss the ugly reality reaffirmed by Climategate.
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Understanding the Global-warming Jihadists”

Why This Conservative Wants To Be Like Al Gore

-By Warner Todd Huston

I have to admit it. I am jealous of former Vice President Al Gore. I want what he’s got, at least in a generalized way.

It isn’t that I envy him for having been vice president. The number two spot has traditionally been one not well regarded and only a few VPs have made the position an important one, if only in a fleeting way. Thomas Jefferson did some excellent work fashioning the procedure of the Senate while he was the veep, Nixon became an important part of Ike’s foreign policy team, and Dick Cheney became, well, Dick Cheney! But Al Gore was not in that class. He, like most other vps, was a seat warmer without much of import to his stint in the junior chair.

The office has been chided as “not worth a warm bucket of spit” (though I am fairly certain VP Garner said the “s” word and not spit), been called “the most insignificant office ever the invention of man contrived or his imagination conceived” by John Adams, and at least one occupant of the office spawned such trenchant bits of philosophy as, “what this nation needs is a good 5-cent cigar.” (That last bit of philosophical legerdemain uttered by vp Thomas Marshal. In other words, the office has not been very consequential on its own merits.)

So, it isn’t Al’s rather pointless stint as VP that I admire. No it’s his almost universal acceptance as a man of great expertise because he once narrated a movie script. Not unlike how so many graying old TV news readers have been hailed as men of substance because they can read aloud with conviction, Al Gore has been hailed around the world because he can read and talk at the same time.

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Why This Conservative Wants To Be Like Al Gore”

Ben Franklin: On Science

-By John Armor

As most of you know, the international recognition of me as a scientist began with the day that I captured lightning with a kite. Had I done that experiment the way the popular myth says, I probably would have been electrocuted, an early end to an ordinary career.

You probably recall that my formal education ended when I was 14. After that, I bought and read every worthwhile book I could find. I died in 1790, but one aspect of the Other Side that I can share with you is that we get to read and see whatever interests us about the continuing fate of this nation we created, and started on its way.

You are in the middle of national consideration of laws that would involve more than a trillion dollars of public and private spending for purposes based, or claiming to be based, on scientific weather considerations. Now, I know the word trillion, but I never had occasion to use it. I recall the greatest warship Congress approved in my day, the USF Constitution and known as “Old Ironsides” now lies at harbor in Boston. She cost about $60,000 to build and equip. That gives you an idea of how far the value of the dollar has declined.
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Ben Franklin: On Science”

ClimateGate and the UN: New Red Scare over Green Lies

-By Warner Todd Huston

Believe it or not, the UN just whined that climategate is the Russian’s fault. It appears that the United Nation’s position is that the obvious cover-up of the false doctrine that is global warming perpetrated by global warming “scientists” is not the fault of the lying scientists, but that of the assumed “paid” Russian hacker that hacked the globaloney scientist’s emails and exposed the cover-up to the world. Convoluted reasoning, no?

Remember when you were a child and your Mother discovered through hearing about it from the neighbors that you were doing something you weren’t supposed to be doing? Remember how instead of taking responsibility for your actions you cried that it wasn’t right that someone narced on you? Well, that is the same sort of childish, facile reasoning that the UN has employed to explain away this climaegate scandal.

Jean-Pascal van Ypersele, a vice-chairman of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), recently said that the hacked emails from the University of East Anglia’s Climatic Research Unit (CRU) were obtained and hyped by Russia in order to “destroy public confidence” in the “science” of man-made global warming… or is it now “climate change”? It’s hard to keep up with their constant name changing as they look for more sellable rhetoric.

Just like that kid that’s mad at getting caught but can’t see that he is at fault in the first place, the UN is now trying to get everyone to consider this as “hackergate” instead of climategate. Various UN folks are in essence telling us not to look “here,” but to instead look “over there.”
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ClimateGate and the UN: New Red Scare over Green Lies”

English Balls, Eco-Snitches & Filipino Whores: Headline Potpourri #11

-By Frederick Meekins

British Balls calls for mandatory sex education. The Secretary of Education there has announced that students over the age of 15 can no longer be exempt from compulsory instruction regarding human procreation and physical relationships. The parents of students failing to report to these classes could be fined or prosecuted.

Rosie O’Donnel denounced Glenn Beck as a carnival barker. If that’s the case, then as a lesbian, wouldn’t she be the bearded lady?

Cheryl Crowe is to be at National Christmas tree lighting. Wonder if this witch flew into town on a single sheet of toilet paper.
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English Balls, Eco-Snitches & Filipino Whores: Headline Potpourri #11″