Austin: Successful Rally to Oppose AG Holder’s Attack on Election Reforms

-By Warner Todd Huston

On Tuesday, December 13 a rally was held near the LBJ Library at the University of Texas, Austin to highlight the attack on election reforms launched inside by U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder. Holder went to Texas to denounce the Lone Star State’s voter ID laws and claimed that simple voter ID laws were somehow discriminatory. Holder ominously claimed that he would use the power of his office to “enforce civil rights protections” during the upcoming 2012 elections.

Outside the LBJ Library nearly 200 citizens gathered to hear a multi-racial panel of six speakers denounce Holder’s partisan attempts to push the administration’s agenda to turn a blind eye to continuing voter fraud that consistently favors candidates from the Democrat Party.

The rally was sponsored by the Houston-based True The Vote, a grass roots voter integrity project staffed by volunteers. True The Vote is a nation-wide organization that has affiliates across the country, every day citizens interested in the integrity of the elections in their home district.
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Austin: Successful Rally to Oppose AG Holder’s Attack on Election Reforms”

Congressional ‘No Confidence’ Resolution Filed Against AG Holder

-By Warner Todd Huston

A couple of new things have occurred concerning the deepening scandal over Operation Fast And Furious, the Obama policy of arming Mexican narco-terrorists that has killed so many. The biggest is, of course, that an official resolution of no confidence has been introduced in the House of Representatives that has more support than any recent no confidence resolution filed against a U.S. Attorney General in a long time.

The resolution (H.R. 490) was filed by Rep. Paul Gosar (R, AZ) who says that Congress needs to “raise awareness” of the failed gunrunning program. Gosar hopes that the resolution will spur needed discussion about the program. He also feels Congress has an important role in determining if an administration is on the right track….

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Proof: Obama DID Intend to Use Fast And Furious For Gun Control Push

-By Warner Todd Huston

Early in my coverage of the mounting scandal over Obama’s policy of arming Mexican narco-terrorists, I said that this was obviously a thinly veiled attempt to create a false narrative geared toward pushing more gun control policies on Americans in order to eliminate our Second Amendment rights. Looks like I was right if a new report by CBS News is any indication.

Sharyl Attkisson reports that newly uncovered documents from the Department of Justice indicates that Obama officials contemplated just that, an plan to use the fake crisis manufactured by them to claim that guns are too easy to get and therefore must be further regulated….

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Oh, So DOJ DID Lie About Fast & Furious — Plus A New DEA Criminal Program

-By Warner Todd Huston

On Friday the Department of Justice indulged a favorite Washington practice, one meant to hide the truth from the American people even while submitting the same info to public scrutiny. It is called the Friday evening document dump and this one tends to show that the DOJ did lie about what it knew of Fast and Furious. And in a second story we find that the Drug Enforcement Agency (SEA) appears to have helped Mexican narco-terrorists launder their money in another failed “tracking” program.

… The documents show that several ATF and DOJ operatives were trying hard to hide what they knew, were discussing the process of how to hide it, and were attacking members of Congress as they did so…

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So Much for ‘Transparency’: Obama Seals Records of Border Patrol Agent’s Murder

-By Warner Todd Huston

It has been almost a year since U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry was murdered in part by criminals using guns — as many as three of them — obtained through Obama’s arming of Mexican narco-terrorists with Operation Fast and Furious. Now, all of a sudden, Obama’s DOJ has sealed records about that investigation, cutting them off from the prying eyes of those looking to investigate to learn the truth about Obama’s failed gunrunning program.

One might recall that Barack “Hope-N-Change” Obama ran for office claiming that he’d run the “most transparent administration” ever. Once safely in office Obama has done little to bring either hope or transparency to Washington D.C. Obviously his penchant for secrecy is now being extended to records concerning to Fast and Furious…

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Three More GOP Hopefuls Calling for Holder’s Resignation Over Fast and Furious

-By Warner Todd Huston

Last week I noted that not too many of the candidates for the GOP nomination for President had said much about Obama’s murderous Operation Fast and Furious. But since then we’ve gotten two more than Just Bachmann to call for Holder’s resignation.

As I mentioned a few days ago, Michelle Bachmann became the first GOP hopeful to call for Holder’s resignation over the disastrous gunrunning program that armed Mexican narco-terrorists, arms used to kill over 200 Mexican citizens…

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Video: Holder Refuses to Apologize to Family of Border Agent Murdered By Fast And Furious

-By Warner Todd Huston

U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder has finally been brought before a Congressional investigative committee looking into Obama’s disastrous policy of arming Mexican narco-terrorists with Operation Fast and Furious.

Unfortunately, he refused to apologize for the death of Brian Terry, the U.S. Border agent that was killed with a gun sold to Mexican narco-terrorists by Holder’s employees in the BATF…

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DOJ Bosses Must Have Approved Fast And Furious Wiretapping

-By Warner Todd Huston

Recently we’ve been introduced to what appears to be the Obama administration’s sacrificial lamb for Operation Fast and Furious; Assistant Attorney General Lanny Breuer.

One of the interesting questions that arises over how high into the Dept. of Justice knowledge of F&F went concerns the approval of the wiretaps used during some of the F&F operations. For his part, Breuer says that anyone higher than he that had to approve these wiretaps could not have known exactly what F&F was all about because they had no knowledge of the total operation and so could not have put two and two together…

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New Docs: DOJ DID Know About Fast and Furious, And an Argument for More Gun Control

-By Warner Todd Huston

On Monday a new dump of documents from the Department of Justice revealed that a DOJ official named Lanny Breuer knew about Fast and Furious long before Eric Holder says anyone in his office was aware of the operation that armed Mexican narco-terrorists and has been responsible for the murders of at least two U.S. law enforcement agents.

Lanny Breuer, the head of the Justice Department’s criminal division, is quoted as expressing “regret” that he didn’t tell others–including his boss, Attorney General Eric Holder–about troubling similarities between the Obama administration’s “Operation Fast and Furious” and an earlier gun-walking operation called “Wide Receiver,” which was launched during the Bush administration.

Breuer claimed to Politico that he did not alert his bosses about what he knew and regrets that he didn’t…

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FBI Pressed to Say Which F&F Gun Used to Kill Border Agent

-By Warner Todd Huston

After these many months, the FBI is still stonewalling the congressional committee investigating Obama’s Fast and Furious program that illicitly armed Mexican narco-terrorists. One particular bit of info the FBI refuses to confirm concerns the guns from F&F found at the scene of the murder of U.S. Border Agent Brian Terry.

This week Chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, Rep. Darrell Issa (R, Calif), sent a letter to FBI Director Robert Mueller demanding definitive answers about the F&F guns found at the scene of the border agent’s murder. Issa specifically wants to know if any of them were used to kill the agent…

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Another Empty Obama Promise: Fast And Furious Screw Ups Will Pay

-By Warner Todd Huston

Obama has made a specialty out of the bald-faced lie, more so than any president in modern history. Obama has issued more pronouncements, floated more false claims and told more tall tales than any president and he’s done it again in an upcoming interview with ABC’s Jake Tapper where the President tries to fool America into imagining that he will be the one to hold accountable those that “screwed up” in Fast and Furious.

This is a joke since from day one he and his administration has lied, stonewalled, and covered up every aspect of their part in F&F.

Obama’s tells Tapper…

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Issa Now Probing FBIs Part in Fast & Furious

-By Warner Todd Huston

Looks like Congressman Darrell Issa (R, Calif) will next focus his gaze on the FBI’s part in Operation Fast & Furious and will be pressing the agency for more “gunwalking” information.

When U.S. Border Agent Brian Terry was murdered near the U.S. Mexico border last year it was initially reported that two guns that could be traced back to F&F were found at the scene. However, it came to light that the FBI had covered up the fact that there was not two but three F&F guns at the scene. Issa is seeking more information about this situation.

Issa told CBS he’s looking into this third gun…

-By Warner Todd Huston
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‘The Black US Attorney Has Common Cause with the Black Criminal’

-By Selwyn Duke

According to Department of Justice whistleblower J. Christian Adams, AG Eric Holder has a certain something in his wallet. It is a quotation – and he has carried it for decades. It essentially says, to quote Adams, “Blackness is more important than anything, and the black US attorney has common cause with the black criminal.” It’s not surprising that Holder would feel this way about black lawyers and criminals.

Because in his case they’re one and the same.

Holder, the man whose misfeasance led him to drop the infamous Black Panther voter-intimidation case, now may have done what all corrupt men, sooner or later, eventually do. He has tripped up in his efforts to hide his misdeeds.
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‘The Black US Attorney Has Common Cause with the Black Criminal’”

How Did Obama Know About Fast & Furious Before Attny Gen Holder Did?

-By Warner Todd Huston

Here is a question: Attorney General Eric Holder has said that he didn’t learn of Fast and Furious until May of 2011. Yet in a March interview, Obama said he already knew about it months before Holder claimed he did.

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Attny Gen Holder Faces Subpoena in Fast & Furious Investigation

-By Warner Todd Huston

Rep. Darrell Issa has finally done what he threatened to do. Namely, issue U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder a subpoena in the Fast and Furious investigation. Now, I have sort of avoided some of the latest happenings in the F&F case because, well, I’m becoming F&F all the time here lately. But this one I can’t ignore.

Rep. Issa (R, Calif.) is heading the congressional investigation into F&F and he’s been stonewalled, lied to, and attacked by Obama, Eric Holder, and the entire administration. Apparently he’s had quite enough of it, too…

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Obama’s Illegal Guns End Up In Arsenal of Killer in Mexican Drug Cartel

-By Warner Todd Huston

Reports are emerging that Mexican authorities have discovered in the home of an “enforcer” for the notorious Sinaloa drug cartel in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, guns that were illegally sold by Obama’s Fast and Furious program.

These are just some of the thousands of weapons that Obama’s BATF sold to straw purchasers who then transported them into the hands of Mexican narco-terrorists. And this one was a particularly dangerous man…

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BATF Officials Reassigned Over Fast and Furious

-By Warner Todd Huston

And the scandal grows. Now two officials of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (BATF) that were involved in the failed operation that armed Mexican narco-terrorists have been reassigned.

My guess, it’s likely an attempt to make it even harder for Congressional investigators get answers to their questions.

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Fast And Furious Finally Starting to Get Some Old Media Coverage

-By Warner Todd Huston

After months and months of the new media hitting Obama on Fast and Furious, the Old Media is finally just starting to look into the story. Aside from the L.A. Times which, believe it or not, has been giving the story extensive coverage, few Old Media outlets have done much with this mounting scandal.

CNN has finally assigned Anderson Cooper to do at least one episode of his cable show on the subject, anyway. And Coop did a fairly even handed report on the mess, too…

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House GOP Asks for Special Prosecutor For AG Holder’s Lies on Fast & Furious

-By Warner Todd Huston

Breaking news from Fox News is that the House is finally getting more serious bout Obama’s worst scandal thus far in these few destructive years in the WHite House. The House leadership is now asking for a special prosecutor to look into the obvious lies about when and how much he knew about the murderous Operation Fast And Furious perpetrated by Obama’s Attorney General Eric Holder.

It seems fairly obvious that Eric Holder has committed perjury in his testimony on his role in F&F, but Rep. Lamar Smith (R, TX) feels that he cannot ferret out the full story from Holder without a special counsel to help investigate the scandal…

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Also: Reporter Says Obama Officials Cursed at Her Over Fast And Furious Questions

Is Fast and Furious Obama’s Watergate?

-By Warner Todd Huston

If you want a comprehensive rundown of the debacle that is Obama’s disastrous Operation Fast and Furious scandal, you could click on every article linked at the bottom of my F&F entries here at Right Pundits. Orrrrr, you could go to Forbes and read the comprehensive wrap up of everything known about F&F in a well written piece by Frank Miniter.

One of the things that Miniter notes is something that can’t be stressed enough. The guy that replaced BATF Acting Director Kenneth Melson, the first fall guy that the Obama administration has tried to pin this mess on, has been replaced by a guy that was just as involved in this scandal as Melson…

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Obama Ignores F&F Questions From Latino Media, Also F&F Guns At Texas Crime Scenes

-By Warner Todd Huston

At a recent press availability for Latino press outlets, President Obama evaded questions about why he and his regime won’t reveal how deep the murderous Operation Fast and Furious goes in his administration and why he won’t even help Mexican authorities track down the guns he allowed to “walk” into their nation to kill Mexican citizens.

You sure can’t say that the Department of Justice didn’t come by its penchant to stonewall questions over its criminal culpability in Operation Fast and Furious. It’s obvious they are being directed to stonewall and avoid questions by the president if his actions at the presser are any indications.

During the roundtable event Obama was asked about the disastrous program but his answers were evasive and non-responsive…

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More Pressure on Obama’s DOJ OVer Fast & Furious

-By Warner Todd Huston

The pressure for Obama’s Department of Justice to come clean on its part in the murderous program to arm Mexican narco-terrorists is mounting as another GOP lawmaker demands answers.

Representative Lamar Smith (R, Texas) who is the ranking Republican on the House Judiciary Committee has sent a letter to Attny. Gen. Eric Holder demanding more information on the part the DOJ had in the failed program to track guns in Mexico.

Smith warned Holder that recent personnel changes would not paper over or hide its culpability in the program variously known as Gunwalker or Operation Fast And Furious. Smith told Holder that he can’t “pin this scandal on a few individuals and expect it to be forgotten.”

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Secret Recordings Shed More Light On Obama’s Gunwalker Program

-By Warner Todd Huston

CBS News posted a story on Monday revealing new evidence against the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (BATF) in the Operation Fast and Furious debacle that causes concern that more evidence has been covered up by the agency.

The audio tapes were made by a gun dealer forced by the BATF to help them transfer guns to Mexican narco-terrorists and have been turned over to the congressional investigation being conducted by Rep. Darrel Issa (R, Calif) and Senator Chuck Grassley (R, Iowa)…

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Issa Doubts Holder Could Have NOT Known About Fast & Furious

-By Warner Todd Huston

Representative Darrell Issa (R, CA) can’t believe U.S. Attny Gen Eric Holder when he says he knew nothing of the murderous operation called Fast and Furious, a program that put thousands of guns in the hands of Mexican narco-terrorists.

In an appearance on radio talker Laura Ingraham’s show on Monday, Rep. Issa scoffed at Holder’s claims that he was ignorant of the operation….

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Napolitano Denies Knowledge of Fast & Furious – Plus 3 More Murders Linked to F&F

-By Warner Todd Huston

Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano is getting into the F&F denial game this week as Tuesday she added her voice to the Obama Regime’s claims that none of them knew anything about Obama’s disastrous guns to Mexican narco-terrorists program called Operation Fast and Furious.

In testimony before the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, Napolitano said she had no knowledge of F&F.

Senator John McCain (R, Ariz) put it to her specifically asking if she was “unfamiliar” with Operation Fast and Furious. Napolitano replied, “that is accurate.”

Then she added herself as another spot in the administration’s stone wall.

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Ariz. Gun Shop Owner Suspicious of Fast and Furious

-By Warner Todd Huston

An Arizona gun shop owner that was pressed into service by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (BATF) to illegally sell guns to straw purchasers told the L.A.Times that “Every passing week, I worried” that someone was going to get hurt with the hundreds of thousands of dollars in firearms he was selling to them.

The shop owner, Andre Howard of the Lone Wolf Gun Store in Rio Rico, Arizona, sold guns to people he knew were transporting them to Mexican narco-terrorists for 15 months under orders from the BATF. As time wore on and he never heard of any arrests and saw no announcements of tracking programs made public, Howard’s conscience really began to bother him…

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Previous Coverage of Fast and Furious:

Eric Holder: Fast & Furious? What is that, a Movie?

-By Warner Todd Huston

Remember that old 60s TV show Hogan’s Heroes? If so you’ll remember Sgt. Schultz’ catch phrase, “I know nothiiiing!” Well U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder isn’t quite as fat as good ol’ Sgt. Schultz, but he sure has the catch phrase down pat because Holder now says he knows nothiiiing about Obama’s arming of Mexican narco-terrorists with the policy called Operation Fast and Furious. Or did he?

I’ve always wondered how Hogan’s Heroes was ever greenlighted for a TV series. I mean, can you imagine the pitch meeting? “So, it’s a half hour comedy about hilarious Nazis. Get it? Funny Nazis!” How the heck did that get sold only twenty years after WWII ended? But, imagine the same scenario for Operation Fast and Furious. “See, we’ll give murderers and narco-terrorists a bunch of guns and hand grenades. It’ll really work to help us stop them from getting guns and hand grenades. No I really mean it!”

But Sgt. Eric Schultz knows “nothiiiing”! Yeah, right…

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Illegal Hand Grenade Dealer Let Slip by BATF & Indiana Joins Gunrunner Scheme

-By Warner Todd Huston

Now that Operation Fast and Furious has been finally getting some media coverage — though still not nearly enough for how bad it is — we are seeing other major failures of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (BATF) in offshoots of Fast and Furious. In one instance, the BATF indulged a failed attempt to use a hand grenade dealer as a way to track Mexican narco-terrorists and in Indiana the BATF also used the ideas of Fast and Furious to track guns in Indiana.

In the case of the hand grenades, we find that the same office in Arizona responsible for so many lost guns through Fast and Furious also allowed to escape a guy selling parts to make hand grenades to Mexican narco-terrorists. And they didn’t just lose him, either. They actually had arrested the guy but let him go imagining they could follow him to his Mexican connections… THEN lost him. Total incompetents…

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Obama’s Gun Running: White House Officials Knew More Than They Claimed, Also More Guns Showing Up at US Crime Scenes

-By Warner Todd Huston

The details of Obama’s illicit gun running program to arm Mexican narco-terrorists get worse by the day, it seems. Not only have we now discovered that at least three White House national security officials were briefed about Operation Fast and Furious, but it also looks like BATF officials tried to cover up the fact that their illicitly sold guns were being found at U.S. crime scenes after the death of border agent Brian Terry.

The L.A.Times reports that three White House national security officials had received emails about the progress of Operation Fast and Furious. This seems to contradict past claims by the White House that no one in Obama’s administration was aware of the program…

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Finally: Gov’t Official Resigns Over Obama’s Arming of Mexican Narco-Terrorists

-By Warner Todd Huston

There is more on the story of Obama’s woefully murderous program of selling guns to Mexican narco-terrorists, the operation called Fast and Furious (also called Gun Walker). We’ve been reporting on this widening scandal for months, now and the latest is that two officials are either removed from their high place of influence or have resigned over the disastrous policy.

We already saw BATF agent Vince Cefalu was fired after he blew the whistle on Obama’s gun running program. But now U.S. Attorney for Arizona, Dennis Burke has offered his resignation

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