Illinois Government’s War Against Religious Child Services Continues

-By Warner Todd Huston

Earlier this year the State of Illinois moved to force religious-based children’s services to break their religious principles and give children in their charge to homosexual couples. Organizations such as Catholic Charities have been told by the state that they either break their religious principles or face being shut down by the state. So, pursuant to that agenda, the state has determined that all children currently in the hands of religious adoption agencies need to be removed immediately.

Representing Catholic Charities of three Illinois Roman Catholic Dioceses, the Thomas Moore Society filed an emergency motion to prevent the state from removing all the children in its care. Unfortunately, an Illinois appellate court refused to overturn the trial court’s decision to remove the children during the appeal process in which lawyers are now engaged. (Filings here and here.)

Still, other motions made in the emergency motion were granted. Thomas Moore informs that the matter “is now on an expedited schedule for briefing in the Appellate Court.” The fate of the children remains unknown at this point.
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Illinois Government’s War Against Religious Child Services Continues”

Business Roundtable: Regulations Are Killing Business

-By Warner Todd Huston

On Friday I attended an informative business roundtable meeting of Chicago-area small businessmen who came together to discuss how government intervention and its avalanche of regulations are killing jobs and businesses not only in Illinois, but nation wide. Some of the stories were chilling, to say the least. These trials go to show how anti-business the most famously capitalist country in the world has become. No wonder we can’t get out of this second great depression!

The event was held at the headquarters of The Rabine Group in Schaumburg, Illinois. The Rabine Group is a group of nationwide companies that specializes in driveway paving, roofing, and other contracting work. The company is headed by owner and CEO Gary Rabine.

Filling out the panel was Moderator, Brian Kelly of Bulk Lift International; Gary Rabine, The Rabine Group; Garrett Patten, Patten Industries; Randy Truckenbrodt, Randall Industries, Inc, and Former State Senator Steve Rauschenberger, Rauschenberger Partners.

The panel began with some of the regulatory horror stories experienced by the panel. Each story illustrated how government stands in the way of job creation, small business, and expansion, and how government is not working hand-in-hand with small business but actually fosters an inimical relationship. The panel showed how the oppressiveness of these regulations actually tempts business to break laws just to be able to carry on with business.
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Business Roundtable: Regulations Are Killing Business”

Union Organizers Work 1 Day As Teachers, Get $100K+ in State Pensions

-By Warner Todd Huston

Two union organizers that represent the Illinois Federation of Teachers were able to secure millions in state pensions by working one day as a teacher here in Illinois. This outrageous abuse of the state pension system is exactly why government unions should not be allowed to exist.

The Chicago Tribune has the story of Steven Preckwinkle and David Piccioli who took advantage of a loophole to enrich themselves off the backs of the taxpayers written into law just for them by pliant Democrat politicians.

The crony legislation enabled the unionistas to quickly get state teaching certificates, work one day as a substitute teacher, then count their years as union operatives to qualify them for pension benefits from the state.
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Union Organizers Work 1 Day As Teachers, Get $100K+ in State Pensions”

Bad News for Obama: His Big Lead in Illinois Narrowing

-By Warner Todd Huston

A Southern Illinois newspaper reports what should be an ominous warning for Obama occurring in Illinois, his homestate. His margin of victory is narrowing in the one state that everyone assumes he should have in the bag.

In 2008 Obama won his homestate by 25 points against John McCain. That is landslide proportions, for sure. But a new phone survey cuts that huge lead to only 8 points when measured against Mitt Romney, for one, a little more against the other GOP candidates.

Obama did best against Perry, with 50.8 percent of respondents reelecting the president and 32.8 percent choosing the Texas governor.

Obama did the worst again Romney, with 46.1 percent to 38.5. Against Cain, the former chief executive officer of Godfather’s Pizza, the percentage was 46.3 percent for Obama against 34 percent for Cain.

Finally against Ron Paul, Obama had a showing of 49.3 percent against 30.3 percent.

Sure Obama is still winning handily against the GOP nominees but that once monumental lead is now cut more than in half in many cases.
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Bad News for Obama: His Big Lead in Illinois Narrowing”

Hultgren Statement on September Illinois Jobs Report

From the office of Rep. Randy Hultgren (R, Illinois 14th District)…

Geneva, IL – U.S. Rep. Randy Hultgren (IL-14) today released the following statement regarding the September unemployment report released by the Illinois Department of Employment Security.

“Today’s report that unemployment has increased to 10 percent is a clear sign that the state’s private sector has lost faith in the tax-and-spend policies espoused by leaders in both Washington, DC, and Springfield,” said Hultgren. “At the state level, I encourage leaders to work quickly to address the ever-growing pension crisis, the budget deficit, and late payments to state contractors.

“In Washington, I urge Harry Reid and the Senate to pass their first budget in more than 900 days and for them to act on the more than a dozen pro-growth, pro-job bills that have been passed by the House. We must restore the confidence of the private sector so small businesses will begin to grow and hire once again. ”

Reform Illinois Pensions Now!

-By Warner Todd Huston

Springfield must reform pensions now or our children will pay.

According to Illinois Is Broke, “The 30-second spots, in English and Spanish, will begin airing on Tuesday, October 18th and are scheduled to run through the veto sessions, which begin October 25th. The television campaign will be supplemented with a billboard, print and radio campaign, timed to coincide with the legislative sessions. In addition to nightly newscasts, the spots will run during sporting events, and programming such as 60 Minutes.”

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Reform Illinois Pensions Now!”

Citing Elmhurst Dillard Calls for Pressure on ComEd

From the office of Ill. State Senator Kirk Dillard (24th District)…

In a Friday, October 14, 2011 interview on WLS radio’s Don Wade and Roma Show, Illinois State Senator Kirk Dillard (R-Westmont) outlined his concerns about the SmartGrid legislation being pushed by Commonwealth Edison.

Voicing concerns relayed to him by local citizens and elected officials, Dillard said on the radio station that the SmartGrid legislation needs improvement. “The status quo is not enough,” Dillard said. “Cities like Elmhurst, which is right in my area, have had severe power outages. We need reliability. We’ve got to do something and we need to look at our electrical grid. In some places it’s old and decaying, so the status quo is not acceptable.”

In response to a question about how Quinn thinks raising electric rates are bad for businesses but thinks a 66% increase in income tax is okay, Dillard said, “I don’t believe in guaranteed rate increases [for utilities] by the Commerce Commission.”

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Citing Elmhurst Dillard Calls for Pressure on ComEd”

Downers Grove Republicans Endorse Dillard

From the office of Rep. Tom Cross, Ill GOP House Leader…

After tallying the ballots, the Downers Grove Township Republican Organization (DGTRO) voted to endorse Illinois State Senator Kirk Dillard (R-Westmont) in his bid for re-election to the 24th Senatorial District.

Held at Ashyana Banquets on 75th Street in Downers Grove, the vote took place after extensive presentations by Dillard and his opponent. Citing his opponent’s lack of experience and inability to work within the Republican caucus and with Democrats across the aisle, Dillard called for Republicans to unite to bring Illinois back to fiscal responsibility. There were almost 100 Precinct Committeemen from throughout the township voting, and over 30 elected officials from around DuPage County attending. To endorse, the DGTRO required an extraordinary75% of committeemen to agree.
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Downers Grove Republicans Endorse Dillard”

Government Kills… Businesses, Anyway

-By Warner Todd Huston

A small business named Nice Cream found that government wasn’t very nice to its bottom line. In fact, due to its heavy hand, government froze the company into nonexistence. So much for everyone loving ice cream!

The other day, while discussing the failures of government unions and their pliant, paid-for, lapdog politicians, one of my Publius commenters said that government should “stick to its guns” and turn a blind eye to the needs of the business sector. This commenter wanted government to continue sticking it to the business sector and maintained that business would simply stand there and take it because of the “value they receive” from government. I said that business did react to a bad business climate fostered by government regulations, taxation, and interference. He didn’t think so.

Well, here is a story of how one small business was crushed, not by the market but by government. It was crushed because of government “sticking to its guns” and slamming it with idiotic regulations and rules made for multi-billion dollar corporations that did not make sense for small business.
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Government Kills… Businesses, Anyway”

Kinzinger Joins Willis Report to Discuss Solyndra Loan Guarantee Developments‏, Applauds Passage of the Protect Life Act

From the office of Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R, Illinois 11th District)…

Congressman Adam Kinzinger joined the Willis Report on the Fox Business Network to discuss the developments over the Solyndra loan guarantee and the upcoming hearing on the House Energy & Commerce Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations.

“You have Solyndra that restructured a loan so that in case it goes bankrupt the first $75 million in assets are paid to two investors and not the American taxpayers. So the chance of us getting our money back is not looking good. The chance of us getting any of the billions of dollars we pushed out the door, coming back, is not looking good. And, we’re not even getting the jobs that the Administration promised.”

Also today Congressman Adam Kinzinger (IL-11), a member of the House Energy & Commerce, applauded passage of H.R. 358, the Protect Life Act. Kinzinger is a cosponsor of this legislation to amend the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, to ensure no health care reform funds are used to pay for abortions.

“In a time of economic hardship, I intend to do everything in my power to ensure Congress is using American taxpayers’ money efficiently and effectively. The use of our tax dollars to subsidize abortions and abortion providers is simply unacceptable. Additionally, the Protect Life Act also prohibits the federal government from requiring private insurance companies to cover abortion and protects health care providers from discrimination for refusal to participate in abortions. This legislation makes certain that taxpayers will not foot the bill for abortions or abortion coverage under the President’s health care law.”

The Protect Life Act is modeled after the bipartisan Stupak-Pitts amendment, which was added to the the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act in the House in 2009, but was excluded from the final law.

Cross Files Bill to Protect Taxpayers from Double Dipping

From the office of Rep. Tom Cross, Ill GOP House Leader…

“Can you name any place in the world where someone can get two pensions for the same job?” said state Rep. Tom Cross, a Republican from Oswego who has been pushing for statewide pension reform. “Even by our standards here in Illinois, it’s beyond belief. It’s insane.”

This was part of a story uncovered by the Chicago Tribune and WGN-TV in the last 24 hours taking a look at union leaders exploitation of a loophole created by a questionable interpretation of state statute in the Chicago pension funds.

As the media continues to uncover gross abuses in the Chicago’s pension funds, Cross filed legislation today to ensure that Chicago union officials cannot collect multiple pensions, one through the City of Chicago and one through other labor organizations for pension credit earned for the same period of service.
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Cross Files Bill to Protect Taxpayers from Double Dipping”

David McSweeney Announces Candidacy for State Representative in the 52nd District

From the campaign of McSweeny for State Rep…

Barrington Township: Barrington Township resident David McSweeney is officially announcing his candidacy for State Representative in the 52nd District. McSweeney is a longtime resident of the area and the 52nd District. He is a 1983 graduate of Barrington High School and earned an undergraduate degree at Duke University and an M.B.A. at the Fuqua School of Business at Duke University.

“After careful consideration, I have decided to run for Representative in the 52nd District. Unless tough choices are made, Illinois will soon face a serious financial crisis. The future of our state depends on citizen legislators who are committed to the hard decisions that bureaucrats and politicians have failed to make. With my business background and experience, I am ready to fight for fiscal responsibility and economic empowerment to get Illinois back on track,” said McSweeney.
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David McSweeney Announces Candidacy for State Representative in the 52nd District”

Bad News For Illinois Teachers: Illinois is Broke and You Might Not Get Your Pension!

The unions and the Democrats are lying to you, teachers.

In Illinois we have a $140 billion retirement pension deficit for teachers, folks. Don’t let the unions lie to you all the way until you decide to retire only to find out you lost everything.

And you police, firemen, and other state employees… don’t think you are better off than the teachers. You aren’t.

Chris Nybo Running for Ill. State Senate, 24th District

-By Warner Todd Huston

At the recent TeaCon 2011 event, I had a chance to speak to Chris Nybo, currently a state representative for the 41st district. Nybo is running against State Senator Kirk Dillard of the 24th District in the upcoming GOP primary.

As he is already a State Rep., the big question is why the run to upset Dillard? According to Nybo, he didn’t want to run against his colleagues Patti Bellock or Sandy Pihos, both of whom are state reps that are now in Nybo’s district due to redistricting.

Let’s allow Mr. Nybo take it from here…

So where do we stand with Mr. Chris Nybo?
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Chris Nybo Running for Ill. State Senate, 24th District”

Illinois Government Continues War Against Religion

-By Warner Todd Huston

In the first week of August the Thomas Moore Society filed an emergency injunction to prevent the State of Illinois from taking away the foster children that are currently under Catholic Charities’ care during the appeal currently underway.

Shockingly, the government of the State of Illinois has determined that religious people are ill-suited to being allowed to be foster parents for at risk children to to help place such children in safe and loving homes. And so, in his infinite wisdom, Governor Pat Quinn and his irreligious cohorts want to make it illegal for groups such as Catholic Charities to deal with child services.

The state has decided that Catholic Charities and other religious-based organizations that deal with children should not be allowed to observe their own religious principles in the doing. In other words, the State of Illinois is refusing to allow these Christians to follow their freedom of religion.
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Illinois Government Continues War Against Religion”

Abuse: Union Leaders Pull Down Millions in Public Pensions in Illinois

-By Warner Todd Huston

Andrew Thomason of the Illinois Statehouse News agency has a pair of stores on the criminal syndicate that is unions in the Land of Lincoln this week that have to be seen to be believed. In fact, these stories and the ones like them we’ve seen for the past several months in Illinois are proof positive that unions should be illegal for government employees.

In one story, Thomason reports the tale of Michael Johnson, a corrupt teacher out to milk the taxpayers dry by collecting $209,379.43 in pension benefits while at the same time also collected $324,785 from a separate Illinois pension fund. And so far this crook has already collected $1.1 million of our tax dollars on top of the $198,105 a year he makes for “part-time work” for the school district.

This is called double dipping. Johnson was able to do this because he worked at one job in Illinois education, “retired” from it, then took a second job in the same field. This means he gets two pensions to the tune of hundreds of thousands of dollars a year, likely totaling up to millions by the time he dies. All paid for by the taxpayers of Illinois.
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Abuse: Union Leaders Pull Down Millions in Public Pensions in Illinois”

Hey Illinois Republicans, Run for GOP Precinct Committeeman

-By Doug Ibendahl

In 2010 there were a total of 6,705 precincts in Illinois. (That’s across the state’s 101 counties other than Cook County. Cook has a unique legal structure and neither political party elects Precinct Committeemen there as explained below.)

Of those 6,705 precincts: 3,440 had no one running for Republican Precinct Committeeman in 2010. That’s a 51% statewide vacancy rate.

It also represents a major lost opportunity for thousands of Republicans and our entire Party. It’s unacceptable, and it’s a big reason why good Republican candidates are losing winnable races to the Democrats in Illinois.

The Illinois GOP is not coming close to matching the ground troops the Democrats field every election.

The goal of the Republican Precinct Project is to reduce the vacancy rate from 51% to below 20% next year. In 2014 our goal is to have it down to below 5%.

Every Precinct Committeeman spot is up for election in the March Primary. It’s an all-volunteer position with a two-year term. And since this is a party office as opposed to a public office, the March Primary is the election. The Democrats elect their own Precinct Committeemen in March…

Read the rest at

Taxpayers Receive Unwelcome News

Dr. Arie Friedman for Illinois State Senate (29th District)…

“Many Cook County property taxpayers received unwelcome news in the mail early this week, news of a tax hike,” said Dr. Arie Friedman, Republican State Senate candidate in the 29th District, “delivered in the form of their second installment real estate tax bills.”

Friedman noted the mailing from the Cook County treasurer included “a catchy little insert called ‘Want to Know Why Your Taxes Are So High?’ It offers an interesting argument – that the hikes in taxes for the various local governments were caused by ‘mounting debts,’ but that approach goes only so far,” he said.

“More fundamentally, why are local governments facing ‘mounting debts?’” asked Friedman. “And why the dramatic increase all at once?”

Friedman encouraged taxpayers to examine the spending and labor relations practices of their local units of government and school districts. “But look, too,” he said, “to the actions of your legislators in Springfield.”
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Taxpayers Receive Unwelcome News”

Rep. Dold on Finding Solutions to the Housing Crisis

From the office of Rep. Bob Dold (Ill., 10th District)…

During today’s Financial Services Subcommittee Hearing on Housing and Community Opportunity, U.S. Congressman Robert J. Dold spoke about the serious housing crisis in the nation and the need to find cost-effective solutions that take into account all of the potential consequences and risks.

Ill. GOP House Leader Tom Cross: Reforming Chicago and Cook Co. Pension Boards‏

From Illinois GOP House Leader Tom Cross…

In a speech at the City Club of Chicago this afternoon, Illinois House Republican Leader Tom Cross announced that he filed a bill that will help give more accountability to taxpayers by reconstituting the City of Chicago and Cook County pension boards. The bill, which will be sponsored by Senator Matt Murphy (R-Palatine) in the Senate, will also require pension boards statewide to refer any suspected fraud to the local authorities.

“Recent media reports have unveiled abuses in the Chicago Pension systems that were not reported to the proper authorities for punishment or investigation. We believe these matters should have and still should be reported to law enforcement. We mandate that in our bill,” said Cross. “We also believe the pension boards in the City of Chicago and Cook County need a fresh start—that’s why we are seeking reconstitution.”
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Ill. GOP House Leader Tom Cross: Reforming Chicago and Cook Co. Pension Boards‏”

Cook County Board: Fall News and Updates‏

From the office of Cook County Commissioner Timothy O. Schneider…

Update from the Board Room

At the September 7, 2011 Cook County Board meeting, the Cook County Board voted that the Cook County Sheriff shall not cooperate with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) “detainers” placed on undocumented immigrants at the Cook County jail. Commissioner Schneider opposed the ordinance, to read more about his vote and position on this issue click here to read the Daily Herald Editorial.

Property Tax Information

By now, you should have or received your second installment 2010 property tax bill, due November 1, 2011. The Assessor and Commissioner Schneider urge you to make sure you are receiving all of your exemptions. The Assessor’s office did not receive 55,000 applications from senior citizens to receive the Senior Property Tax Exemption; if you did not apply for the Senior exemption, you will not see the savings on your property tax bill.
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Cook County Board: Fall News and Updates‏”

Village of Palatine Attempts to Hide Millions in Accrued Village Sick and Vacation Time Balances‏

From the Palatine Tea Party…

Village of Palatine Attempts to Hide Millions in Accrued Village Sick and Vacation Time Balances
(Palatine, Illinois) – The Village of Palatine went out of its way to hide employee sick time and vacation time balances when we attempted to submit a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) to obtain employee balances.

Government agencies expect taxpayers to pay their expenses, but when asked to view the data the answer is met with clear opposition. The Village tried to hide behind HIPPA law as their excuse. We then appealed the Village’s decision with the Illinois’ State Attorney and won. (click here for pdf document). Based on the 2009 W2’s, the sick time balance is approximately 9 million dollars and the vacation time balance totals approximately $687,000.
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Village of Palatine Attempts to Hide Millions in Accrued Village Sick and Vacation Time Balances‏”

State Rep Tom Morrison: The Results Are In!‏

From the office of Rep. Tom Morrison (R, Palatine, 54th District)…

A few weeks ago, I asked for your input on several questions regarding our community and our state and I wanted to share the results. As your representative in Springfield, I rely heavily on the input from my constituents. I sincerely appreciate your willingness to share your viewpoint/opinions with me. I am thrilled by receiving over 400 completed surveys from residents within our district, thank you.

Here are the results!

1. What issue/s in state government is/are most important to you?

Topping the list were government spending/borrowing, taxes, public mistrust in government and corrupt elected officials. Also, many social issues were addressed as well as firearm regulations.

2. Do you support legislation that will repeal the 66% income tax rate increase signed by Governor Quinn in January 2011?
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State Rep Tom Morrison: The Results Are In!‏”

Cain Rises at TeaCon 2011: Straw Poll Win, Communications Director Loss, Disagreements With Jack Roeser

-By Warner Todd Huston

Herman Cain wins yet another straw poll of conservative activists. This time at Teacon 2011 held in a northwestern suburb of Chicago. There was no surprise that Cain won the straw poll, but there was some surprise fireworks in the media room and another surprise elsewhere in the Cain campaign as his long-serving Communications Director resigned over the weekend.

Herman Cain was the only candidate that decided to come in person, but to be honest, this crowd was a Cain hotspot even before that. Rep. Michele Bachmann sent in a video address that found favor with the crowd, too. But Cain and she were the only ones to give TeaCon 2011 the time of day.

The results, with over 77% of the vote, put Herman Cain in the lead. And in descending order was Bachmann, Newt Gingrich, Rick Perry, Mitt Romney, Ron Paul, Rick Santorum — oddly enough President Obama came in next — and Jon Huntsman and Gary Johnson came in last.

As Erik Telford said on Twitter, “If you can’t beat Obama in a tea party straw poll, it’s probably time to end your campaign. (cc: Huntsman and Johnson).”

Ouch, indeed.
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Cain Rises at TeaCon 2011: Straw Poll Win, Communications Director Loss, Disagreements With Jack Roeser”

Dirty Tricks in the 52nd District State Senate Race?

-By Warner Todd Huston

One question has arisen in the race for the Illinois State Senate in the 52nd District: why is GOP Sen. Leader Christine Radogno getting involved in a local primary to the reported tune of some very tall cash? And why is she supporting a guy that supports civil unions and tax hikes?

The GOP primary race is between activist Champaign small business owner John Bambenek and 63-year-old Champaign County Board Member Al Nudo. And in this race there are some clear differences between the two candidates.

For instance, Bambenek is much more in line than Nudo with the ideals of the last crop of GOP Congressmen that were elected from Illinois in 2010. Bambenek’s ideas would find echos in Randy Hultgren or Bobbie Shilling. Nudo, on the hand is much more a social and fiscal “moderate.”

Certainly Al Nudo, running claiming the need for “bipartisanship” in Springfield, is thought of as the “moderate” candidate in the race. “I work with both sides. There’s issues you can take from both sides,” he recently told the Daily Illini.
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Dirty Tricks in the 52nd District State Senate Race?”

The $14,000 Question: Was Senator Jacobs Bought by Big Energy?

Albracht: “If Governor Quinn has a dog in this fight, Senator Jacobs has four.”

MOLINE, IL–Despite a veto from Governor Quinn, Senator Jacobs continues to lobby for SB1652, also known as the “Smart Grid” bill, which would allow energy companies to automatically raise their rates over the next ten years without oversight from the Citizen’s Utility Board. Opponents to this bill have argued that this would put an unfair burden on the consumer.

Senator Jacobs recently told Continue reading

The $14,000 Question: Was Senator Jacobs Bought by Big Energy?”

State Senate Candidate Arie Friedman Comments on Illinois Deepening Debt

From the campaign for State Senate of Arie Friedman…

“The news for job-seekers and employers in Illinois just doesn’t seem to get any better,” said Dr. Arie Friedman, Republican candidate for State Senate in the 29th District, southeast Lake County and Wheeling, Palatine, Northfield and New Trier Townships in northern Cook County.

“The jobs climate in our state is closely tied to the fiscal condition of the state government itself,” said Friedman, “as Illinois continues to rate red alerts about the state budget deficit and the state’s growing debt.”

Friedman cited Monday’s report by the Civic Federation documenting Illinois’s deepening debt, even in the wake of increased state revenue from the personal and corporate income tax hikes passed by Springfield Democrats in January.
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State Senate Candidate Arie Friedman Comments on Illinois Deepening Debt”

Assistant Republican House Leader Jim Durkin Endorses Dillard

From the campaign to re-elect Kirk Dillard, Illinois State Senate…

At a recent Republican meeting, Illinois State Representative and Assistant Republican House Leader Jim Durkin (R-Western Springs) endorsed Senator Kirk Dillard (R-Hinsdale) in Dillard’s race for re-election to the 24th Senatorial District.

Citing several pieces of landmark legislation sponsored by Sen. Dillard, including most recently a Internet Portal Act to disclose, on-line and in real-time (, every salary, contract, tax break and tax deadbeat, Durkin said, “Sen. Kirk Dillard is the voice of families in Illinois and we must return Kirk Dillard to Springfield so we can draw on his valuable experience in creating jobs to get Illinois working again, protecting our families, controlling our out-of-control state budget and providing accountability in state government.”

Durkin then added, “Kirk knows Western Springs and our area well. He was instrumental in garnering the funds to replace the dilapidated Oak Street Bridge so that area residents have access to Hinsdale Hospital in case of emergency.”
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Assistant Republican House Leader Jim Durkin Endorses Dillard”

Cross Files Bill to End Pension Perks‏

From Illinois GOP House Leader Tom Cross…

In response to a series of news reports in the Chicago Tribune on WGN-TV this week, uncovering huge pension hikes under the guise of public service, we filed a bill (HB3813) to close the little known loophole that nets some Chicago city workers tens of millions in pension bumps at the end of their careers.

Click here to watch WGN-TV’s coverage of our bill filling.

Click here to read the Chicago Tribune’s story.

“This is a huge slap in the face to taxpayers that government in cooperation with its employees comes up with a scheme, that is currently allowable under state law, to boost pensions sky-high,” said Cross. “This practice needs to stop—immediately—and we will file a bill today, so that this provision in state law cannot be abused.”
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Cross Files Bill to End Pension Perks‏”

Former Elmhurst Police Chief Millner Endorses Dillard

From the reelection campaign of Senator Kirk Dillard…

At the York Township Republican Committeemen meeting, Illinois State Senator and long-time Elmhurst Police Chief John Millner (R-Carol Stream) endorsed Senator Kirk Dillard (R-Westmont) in Dillard’s race for re-election to the 24th Senatorial District. Millner is also a Past President of the Illinois Police Chiefs Association.

Calling Dillard one of Illinois finest legislators, and a friend of all of the communities in DuPage County, Millner cited Dillard’s accomplishments, especially in the areas of accountability/transparency, fiscal policies and law enforcement.

“Sen. Kirk Dillard is the voice of DuPage County in Springfield and we must have his valuable experience in stopping the tax, spend and borrowing agenda,” Millner said.
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Former Elmhurst Police Chief Millner Endorses Dillard”