Obama Press Sec. Gibbs’ Challenging Reading Material: a Star Wars Pop-Up Book

-By Warner Todd Huston

Descending from Air Force One, Obama Press Secretary Robert Gibbs clutches his latest choice of reading material, the “Star Wars Pop-Up Guide.”

The captions write themselves, don’t you think?

We know the book was a gift from the president for Gibbs’ son, Ethan, of course. But the photo is just too delicious and the thoughts it brings to mind are many and varied.

From the low-grade, comic book choice of reading material revealing the “depth” of Robert Gibbs’ mind, to the idea of Obama as evil Emperor trying to create an evil empire, the allusions between the pop culture, bubble gum reading and the Obama administration are just too hard to pass up.

Let your mind wander through all the amusing possibilities, won’t you?
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Obama Press Sec. Gibbs’ Challenging Reading Material: a Star Wars Pop-Up Book”

Hear Me on Brian Hancock’s Captain America Show Podcast

-By Warner Todd Huston

Well, this little issue with Captain America is still rolling inexorably onward. Last week I got another several thousand hits on my article about the Tea Party movement being attacked in Captain America issue #602.

On Friday last I was a guest on the Captain America Show Podcast, hosted by Brian Hancock. He tells me I was his very first guest ever on the show.

Mr. Hancock was a gracious host, asked some good questions and allowed me to actually answer unlike some show that like to ask questions that immediately start to badger people as they try to answer.

Go on over to the Captain America Show Podcast and take a listen. We are episode number 23 in the archives.

A Reply to Bill Reed

-By Warner Todd Huston

I know you readers have tired of this comic book controversy, but a youngster wrote me another one of those “open letters” on CBR and he was much less unhinged than most of the folks over there. So, I’ll just post this reply to him here and move on. I promise that this will be the last word on this business… well, probably.

Bill Reed wrote his “A Really Open Letter to Mr. Warner Todd Huston” and this is my reply…

Mr. Reed,

Thanks for your letter and thanks for being the only one from the CBR site that even attempted to be even tempered and free of vitriol (unlike Carla Hoffman and all her sycophantic commenters). Unfortunately you make an awful lot of assumptions in your piece that shows a lack of greater perspective and this is a failure that most of your CBR folks are making. All this adds to your feelings about my “lack of courtesy, misconceptions about the comic book medium, and considerable errors of judgment.” In truth it is you and your CBR folks that are mired in these errors.

You begin by saying that you don’t want to “gang up on me.” I beg to disagree. If you didn’t you wouldn’t have bothered to write in the first place. In fact, one of the things I am amused at from your CBR fans is the constant refrain that they all don’t care what I have to say. “Who cares what Huston has to say,” is the oft heard refrain from you folks on CBR. Who cares? I submit that YOU guys care because of the many posts about me, the constant pot stirring, and the rehash seen here. If you guys truly didn’t care you’d have ignored the whole thing.
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A Reply to Bill Reed”

Instead of Understanding, Liberals Feel

-By Warner Todd Huston

My recent flap with the extreme leftists in the comics community brought home once again the simple fact that liberals don’t understand the definitions of words, cannot think logically, and don’t have the tiniest ability to understand complex concepts. Despite their mental incapacities, though, they are sure they are smarter, more civilized, and more tolerant than those they hate and all this they assume while they name-call everyone that disagrees with them. To top it all off there is a surfeit of self-esteem, no doubt instilled in them boy our liberal, and failed, public school system.

Last week I wrote a critical analysis of a Marvel Comics comic book that sent these unhinged lefties off the deep end. The criticism thrown at me by these poor, Peter Pan Syndrome suffering folks is, however, a great object lesson in how badly educated, how illogical, and how distempered the left truly is.

These emails and replies to my comic book analysis really brought it home that to be a liberal you must make assumptions of your enemy so that they fit neatly into your preconceived notions of the world and you must never try to ask them any questions to determine if they really do fit into the box you’ve constructed for them. You must assume you are more grown up than those you attack. You must assume that you are more intelligent. You also must assume that people that like the same sort of things that you like must think just like you do. In other words, to be a liberal you must begin every discussion, every consideration of ideological premises, with the base assumption that all good people are just like you. Everyone else is venal, mean, stupid or low. Not just wrong, but evil.
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Instead of Understanding, Liberals Feel”

Captain America’s Tarnished Shield Rolls On

-By Warner Todd Huston

Well, looks like this Captain America business is still rolling ever onward. I have been quite amazed at the wide reach this article of mine has found. When I hit the enter key to post my analysis of Captain America #602 I never imagined that I’d be on The Keith Oblermann show (even though few saw it as he only has about 20 viewers!), in the New York Times, the Washington Times, and a million webpages across this great land.

My piece was picked up by the whole of the U.S. Old Media and has forced Marvel Comics to apologize to the Tea Party movement and promise to delete the offending references in later editions.

Well, today’s development. Apparently Carla Hoffman, known in comics circles as a reviewer and commentator on the comics scene, has penned an “open letter” to me hosted on The Comic Book Resources website.

Little Miss Hoffman tried for a hip snarkiness in her open letter to me but her efforts led to failure because she violated the main journalist’s rule: at least TRY to contact your subject. She made the fatal assumption that I had no connection to comics, that I’d never read a single book in my life (perhaps excluding a child’s fascination with them).
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Captain America’s Tarnished Shield Rolls On”

The Intellectuals What Ain’t

-By Warner Todd Huston

There is no better example of how low intellectuals have fallen than the case of Bernard-Henri Lévy, intellectual, provocateur, member of the well-regarded French nouveaux philosophes and, it seems, all around gullible fool.

Bernard-Henri Lévy, better known to those in the know as BHL, has become a laughing stock of modern inteleckshoouls everywhere with the publication of his much anticipated book on philosopher Immanuel Kant.

Oh, there’s sharp criticism in Lévy’s new Kantallope, there’s bomb thrown name calling, and nose-up-turning galore. Kant, according to Lévy, is a “raving lunatic” and a “fake.” And to prove his case Lévy uses the anti-Kanti words of the famous 20th-century philosopher Jean-Baptiste Botul — known as the father of the philosophical school of Botulism.

Yeah. Big problem for BHL, though. Jean-Baptiste Botul is a fictional character made up as a joke in 1999 by a journalist. I mean, come on, if you didn’t see the joke in “the school of Botulism” what sort of bat do you need upside your head to see the truth?
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The Intellectuals What Ain’t”

Marvel Comics: Captain America Says Tea Parties Are Dangerous and Racist

-By Warner Todd Huston

** UPDATE ** BELOW Marvel Apologizes

Marvel Comic’s Captain America is the mightiest soldier with the super powerful secret soldier formula that makes him a super man. Sadly, this muscle bound hero that took on the whole Nazi army during WWII seems to be afraid of those American people who’ve joined the Tea Party movement. Not only is Cappy quaking in his little red booties, but he’s sure that the Tea Party folks are dangerous racists, too.

Isn’t it wonderful that a decades old American comic book hero is now being used to turn readers against our very political system, being used to slander folks that are standing up for real American principles in real life — and one called “Captain America” at that?

In issue number 602 of Captain America, a new story line has begun called “Two Americas.” In it the current Captain (there have been a few of them, apparently) is on the trail of a faux Captain America that is mentally deranged and getting chummy with some white supremacist, anti-government, survivalists types going by the name of “the Watchdogs.” While investigating this subversive group, Captain America and his partner The Falcon — a black super hero — have decided to try and infiltrate the secretive organization.

In preparation for the infiltration, Marvel Comics depicts the two super heroes out of costume and observing from a rooftop a street filled with what can only be described as a Tea Party protest. The scene shows crowds of people in city streets carrying signs that say, “stop the socialists,” “tea bag libs before they tea bag you,” and “no to new taxes.” Naturally, the people in these crowds are depicted as being filled with nothing but white folks.
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Marvel Comics: Captain America Says Tea Parties Are Dangerous and Racist”

Culture in the Rye

-By Selwyn Duke

Many years ago, I was told a story by a woman I knew whose son had been diagnosed with “A.D.D.” She said that she finally had to take from her boy a book a therapist had given him about how an A.D.D. child acts. The problem? Her son was reading it and then imitating the behavior of the child in it!

Then I remember when someone I know well told me about her 13-year-old’s reaction to being confronted about his misbehavior. He said something to the effect of, “Well, mom, you know, I’m at that age.” But how did he know he was at “that age”?

There is also all the anxiety adolescents are supposed to feel over the “changes in their body,” and we’re told about how tough it is to be a teenager. I don’t know, but I remember my teen years well, and I experienced no such thing. I knew I was moving toward manhood and was happy about it. And whenever the topic might have arisen, it was apparent that my friends were happy about it, too. Why wouldn’t we have been? If you think it’s tough becoming bigger, stronger, faster and better each and every day, try the other side of that hill, when you have to trade in the rollerblades for a Rascal scooter.
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Culture in the Rye”

She Still Takes a Villager — Hillary’s Authorship Lies

-By Warner Todd Huston

Venerable book publishers Simon and Schuster have announced that on December 12th they will be issuing a new edition of Hillary Clinton’s starry-eyed 1996 paean to socialist collectivism, It Takes a Village — starring none other than Mz. inevitability herself, Hillary Clinton. I’m sure the rafters will once again tremble with hosannas for Clinton’s “hard work” in writing the book and she will again be heralded as a wonderful stylist. All due praise will be lavished upon the former first lady, current Senator, and unsurprising candidate for the Democrat Party nomination for President of the United States of America.

Actually, I’ll have to take that back because Hillary won’t be receiving all due praise for her efforts on the book. She will be getting far, far more than she deserves. Why, you might ask? Because she wrote barely a word of the book that bears her name, that’s why. And worse, since 1996 Clinton has lied repeatedly claiming she wrote it all by herself, refusing to acknowledge that it was ghostwritten by someone else.

Still, the ersatz praise has already started. As seen on Amazon.com’s page for the book, Audiofile magazine recently said of the new edition, “For the most part, this is not the former first lady and presidential hopeful we all know. In a softer, almost neighborly voice, Clinton reveals intimate details about her childhood and the childhood of her husband.” This is really quite an observant review for the single fact that Clinton’s voice is altogether missing from the book. Of course the reason for that is that the harsh, shrill voice of the Hillary Clinton “we all know” was nowhere near the typewriter of Barbara Feinman Todd, the woman who really wrote the book.

But, where is the acknowledgment of the real writer of the book Hillary is famous for? Nowhere to be found, making Hillary more correctly infamous for the book instead of praiseworthy. A description of the book prior to the new edition’s release, one probably written by the publisher, says, “Written when Hillary Clinton was the First Lady, IT TAKES A VILLAGE acknowledges the many challenges and difficulties of raising children in America and proposes an ideal of broad community responsibility for the total upbringing of healthy and secure children. Clinton draws on her own experiences as a child, mother, and lawyer, as well as those of concerned parents, teachers, and advocates for children–and she takes the time to listen to the important lessons that children can teach adults as well.”

It’s interesting that they don’t exactly come out and say she wrote the thing, isn’t it?

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She Still Takes a Villager — Hillary’s Authorship Lies”