Planned Parenthood, the Parasite

-By Chris Slavens

According to the propagandists of the radical left, the GOP launched a “war on women” last week when the House overwhelmingly agreed to yank Planned Parenthood’s federal funding. Democrats are accusing their political rivals of everything from forcing poor women to suffer, to attempting to shut the organization down. Of course, these are hollow lies designed to herd uninformed voters onto the liberal bandwagon, and are—like most Democratic arguments—easily disproved.

The Planned Parenthood Federation of America, commonly shortened to Planned Parenthood, is a group of eighty-five independent affiliates that provide a variety of services to women, including contraception, STD testing and treatment, and abortions. It’s also an extremely political organization, lobbying against parental consent laws and pharmacists’ refusal clauses (both of which are protected by the Tenth Amendment), and supporting Democratic candidates in elections. Planned Parenthood was a strong supporter of candidate Obama in 2008.

What’s wrong with that? They’re a private organization and can do what they want, right? Er, not exactly. Although Planned Parenthood receives about one-fourth of its funding from private donors, it receives a whopping one-third from the federal government; the organization raked in $363.2 million from the taxpayers in the 2008-2009 fiscal year. Federal law prohibits federal funding of abortions (with some exceptions), but Planned Parenthood openly calls for the removal of this reasonable restriction.
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Planned Parenthood, the Parasite”

Left-Wing Group Takes Down Conservative Website — Petty Little Children Affecting Nothing

-By Warner Todd Huston

The left-wing Internet-based group calling itself “Anonymous” briefly took down the website of the conservative activist group Americans For Prosperity on Sunday, Feb. 27. Yet all the sturm und drang signifying… what? Me thinks that “Anonymous” is reading too many comic books.

Amusingly, with the Denial of Service (DNS) attack “Anonymous” imagines themselves striking a blow for the oppressed, or something. “Anonymous hears the voice of the downtrodden American people,” they sonorously tell us on their website. The amusing thing to me is that they imagine the oppressed are government employee union members. Only, here is the thing… people that work for the government are on average the best paid people in America. They have the best benefits, the earliest retirement ages, and the cheapest healthcare in the entire country — cheapest to them anyway, not to us the taxpayers. It is a fact that government employees are the new elites in America today. It is also a fact that they live high on the hog off the backs of the working poor.

So who the heck do these fools in “Anonymous” think they are come to the aid of?
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Left-Wing Group Takes Down Conservative Website — Petty Little Children Affecting Nothing”

Gosnell’s Guardians: Philly killer had plenty of help

-By Daniel Clark

News accounts of Philadelphia abortionist Kermit Gosnell have portrayed him as an isolated lunatic, who committed acts so heinous that nobody else in his profession could have dreamt they were happening. That’s an understandable perception, but is it true?

The district attorney’s report on Gosnell’s “Women’s Medical Society” included a rebuke of the Pennsylvania Health Department, which had discontinued inspections of abortion clinics during the mid-90s. “Even nail salons in Pennsylvania are monitored more closely for client safety,” it says. This period of inaction has coincided with the administrations of two pro-abortion governors, Republican Tom Ridge and Democrat Ed Rendell, who must have felt that health inspections would place an “undue burden” on the “fundamental right” to abortion.
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Gosnell’s Guardians: Philly killer had plenty of help”

Abortion in 2011: From Tax Breaks to Heartache

Paul A. Ibbetson

Since the United States legalized abortion in 1973 in Roe v. Wade, approximately 40 million abortions have been conducted in this country. These death toll numbers, which continue to mount, dwarf the statistics of Americans killed in war, crime, accidental death from handguns, you name it. As we enter the year 2011, legalized abortion in America is by far the leader in institutionalized death. Prior to 1973 abortion was more than simply illegal, it was a socially shunned activity for both the pregnant mother and the covert abortionist. Today not only have the tables turned on the legality of taking the life of a baby in the womb, but the decades that have passed since Roe v. Wade have seen a continual desensitizing of Americans to the ramifications of abortion.

Since the recent mid-term election the Republican-controlled House has been working to pass the No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act. Among other things, the bill would stop internal revenue credits for expenses paid for medical care of the taxpayer or the taxpayer’s spouse or dependents for abortion. Furthermore, this bill would stop tax deductions through health benefit plans that include coverage of abortion. The bill is considered only a symbolic action for Republicans in the House of Representatives, since the Democrats will most certainly vote down any similar action in the Senate. It is a little bit too easy to simply look at the political maneuverings here and forget the actual tragedy that has become America.
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Abortion in 2011: From Tax Breaks to Heartache”

Rare, As In Bloody: Abortion Booms in Blue States

-By Daniel Clark

As every good liberal pretends to know, the cause of high abortion rates is religious conservatives’ refusal to cooperate with “family planning” advocates, toward the supposedly common goal of reducing the number of abortions. If only those snake-handling bumpkins would see the wisdom in making abortion “safe, legal and rare,” the argument goes, fewer abortions would be “necessary.” Thus, the liberal media explain, those simple-minded anti-abortion activists are unwittingly defeating their own cause.

It follows, then, that abortion rates should be lowest in places where social conservatives have the least influence. Then why aren’t they? According to New York City’s Department of Health, 41 percent of all pregnancies there end in abortion. Planned Parenthood, feigning displeasure with that figure, is blaming it on the city schools for not embracing its preferred sex education curriculum. So you see, even in one of the most liberal cities in America, the frequency of abortion is the fault of those meddlesome right-wing Christians, as usual.
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Rare, As In Bloody: Abortion Booms in Blue States”

Planned Parenthood Funding A Defacto Abortion Tax on America

-By Warner Todd Huston

With the anniversary of Roe v. Wade it is the perfect time to highlight the fact that the millions upon millions of federal tax dollars that have gone to fund the abortion mill organization Planned Parenthood is a defacto abortion tax levied on the American taxpayers.

In 2008 alone, Planned Parenthood received nearly $350 million in federal funding. By Planned Parenthood’s own reckoning, this funding went to eliminate babies for more than 324,000 women that year.

The organization reports that Planned Parenthood has received some $3.9 billion in federal funds since 1987. Pro-life supporters should go to www. and add their voice to eliminating federal funding for abortions.
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Planned Parenthood Funding A Defacto Abortion Tax on America”