Bill Brady for Illinois: With Quinn at Helm 218,000 Illinois Jobs Lost

From Brady for Illinois Governor…

As usual, Governor Pat Quinn is attempting to distract from the real issues and his failure to lead. This time, he has help from the Democrat Governor’s Association.

On Friday, Governor Quinn was criticized for taking $75,000 in campaign contributions from the Teamsters – just before using his power to change McCormick Place reforms in order to specifically benefit the union. If not overruled by the General Assembly, Governor Quinn’s actions could have cost Chicago 66,000 jobs in the convention and tourism industry.

  • In 15 months with Pat Quinn at helm – Illinois lost 218,000 jobs.
  • The state budget is out of control – and out of balance.
  • State spending continues to increase – despite a reduction in revenue.
  • Corruption continues to take its toll on Illinois.

We will review the specific legislation raised by Governor Quinn’s website – but a quick look demonstrates his campaign’s willingness to manipulate and distort the truth.

  • Quinn’s campaign website criticizes Bill Brady for opposing HB 7 — a weak and flawed campaign finance reform bill last year that was rejected by reform groups and editorial boards across the state. Yet Quinn himself vetoed the bill. (Another Quinn flip flop? He was for HB 7 — then worked against it — then vetoed it on the advice of Republican leaders, editorial boards, and a broad-based reform coalition that includes Change Illinois! — now is he for it again? Quinn eventually kowtowed to his Democrat party bosses and signed off on weakened reforms.)
  • Despite the rhetoric, Bill Brady did vote for the Equal Pay Act in 2003 to ensure against discrimination in the workplace.

People are tired of the same old manipulation and smear tactics

Pat Quinn has a record – he should run on it.

Bill Brady has a record of:

  • Promoting Illinois’ jobs climate – so that we can put people to work
  • Opposing tax increases – so families can keep more of their hard earned dollars
  • Trying to end the uncontrolled state spending that costs families and jeopardizes jobs
  • Demanding a clean break from the past and ending the culture of corruption that will be evident as the trial of former governor Rod Blagojevich — Quinn’s Governor and running mate for 2 terms – gets underway.

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