A Likely Outcome for the New Female ‘Doctor Who’ (And it Probably Won’t Be Good)

-By Warner Todd Huston

The BBC has announced that the next person hired to become “The Doctor” in one of England’s longest running sci-fi TV shows will be Jodie Whittaker (“Broadchurch”). Yes, Jodie as in a woman. After over 50 years, the next Doctor will be a woman. In this day and age, this choice will present particular pitfalls and here is what I think will most likely happen. Hint: it ain’t gonna be good.

First, I should say that I am not against the idea of a woman taking the role. In fact, they had a precursor of the concept over the last few seasons with the Missy/Master character where they had “The Master”regenerate into a woman (The Master is a rival — and quite mad — Time Lord to The Doctor). As far as I am concerned, the woman who filled the role of Missy (Michelle Gomez) did a fantastic turn as the last iteration of The Master. She was wacky, evil, and utterly delicious in the part.

So, I am not necessarily against a female Doctor. Let’s just get that clear before the idiot liberals start calling me a sexist and all the other foolish name-calling they wallow in as a replacement for actual conversation.

But, my guess is, turning The Doctor into a woman won’t be as successful as Missy/Master and it may not even be Jodie Whittaker’s fault.

In fact, my guess is that the show will lose followers and will bottom out in the ratings, and may end up getting canceled if not at the end of Whittaker’s run, maybe one more Doctor later. But, I am guessing that Whittaker will be called “the woman who killed ‘Doctor Who'” for the rest of her life, no matter what else happens.

Let’s put it this way: the potential for disaster is extremely high and it’ll be the fault of social justice warriors, leftists, and brainless PC fans everywhere.

Again, this all might not even be Jodie Whittaker’s fault. But she is coming on just as a new showrunner takes over, too, and that could spell big trouble.

Still, regardless of the end product, what will happen is that the reviewers, the left-wing fanboys, and the social justice warriors won’t pay any attention at all to the quality of the show, they’ll ignore the writing, the acting, and everything else. All they will care about is slobbering all over themselves crowing about how wonderful it is that “a woman is finally The Doctor.”

So, if the stories suck, they’ll call them brilliant. If Whittaker doesn’t have the stuff to be a Doctor, the leftists will defend her. If the new showrunner proves he doesn’t grasp “Doctor Who,” the libs will damn any one who criticizes him.

You see, none of the reviewers will want to face charges of being called a misogynist, a woman hater, a sexist, or any of the other names liberals already have lined up to throw at likely future detractors. The libs are already primed to shout down any criticism. So, instead of giving an honest review, the reviewers will devolve into sycophancy. Whittaker and new showrunner Chris Chibnall will be said to have perfectly captured “Doctor Who” whether they really have or not.

This turn to PCism isn’t new. The show has already started the long grind into political correctness. It has puffed itself up with “strong women” instead of good characters, had numerous social justice plots, and last season had even given itself a lesbian companion who threw her lesbianism into nearly every single episode as if we couldn’t remember from one week to the next that she was still a lesbian.

And as we range into new PC territory with a female Doctor, the social justice warriors will brook no dissention with anyone who might feel inclined to diss the leftism of the show. This will destroy any ability the producers and actors have to respond to fans because they’ll be constantly told how wonderful they are all up and down the line. They won’t ever understand how to fix things to save the show.

So, even as the liberals will have their long knives out for anyone who might dare say a harsh word about Whittaker’s Doctor, the ratings will continue to decline (as they did under previous Doctor, Capaldi) and neither the network nor the producers of the show will realize that it is spinning out of control when it does start spinning out of control.

Oh, no one in England (or the U.S., for that matter) will slam the show, but people will stop watching in droves. It will get so bad that the network will start thinking about cancellation. It will be at that point that Whittaker will look to save face and will begin saying to any one who will listen that she wants to move on and that she only wanted to do two series all along (they call them “series” in England, not seasons like we do in the U.S.).

Of course, they show may limp along with yet another new Doctor for another season after Whittaker leaves but it will then be cancelled. The BBC won’t want the stigma of having canceled the show on the heels of the first female Doctor, after all. Meanwhile people will start saying that Whittaker “killed” the show. Whether fair or not, this is what will likely happen.

If I were an actress, I would not want to be the first woman Doctor for anything in the world. She’ll have everything aligned against her, for sure.

Now, to wrap up, I do hope that I am wrong. I hope that Whittaker is fantastic as The Doctor and that Chibnall is found to be THE one that “gets” the series better than anyone before him. But I just don’t think it will happen that way.

Anyway, bring on the Whittaker Doctor and let’s see.
“The only end of writing is to enable the reader better to enjoy life, or better to endure it.”
–Samuel Johnson

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Warner Todd Huston is a Chicago based freelance writer. He has been writing news, opinion editorials and social criticism since early 2001 and before that wrote articles on U.S. history for several American history magazines. Huston is a featured writer for Andrew Breitbart’s Breitbart News, and he appears on such sites as RightWingNews.com, CanadaFreePress.com, YoungConservatives.com, and many, many others. Huston has also appeared on Fox News, Fox Business Network, CNN, and many local TV shows as well as numerous talk radio shows throughout the country.

For a full bio, please CLICK HERE.

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