Democrats so hate our military and are so entirely unfamiliar our veterans that on the website for the Democrat National Committee they posted a photo of some aging members of the Polish military—who were, by the way, actually WEARING their European inspired, Polish military uniforms–and labeled it as a photo of U.S. military veterans.
President Obama greets Polish veterans in Warsaw, Poland, on May 27, 2011.
A Democratic website mistakenly posted the photo to represent U.S. veterans.
Come on. LOOK at that photo. Who couldn’t tell those weren’t American uniforms?
The photo that was on the DNC website until last week showed aging veterans of the Polish military greeting President Obama. But instead of being properly labeled as a photo of members of a foreign military the photo was labeled as one depicting American military vets greeting the President.
Until Thursday, the Democratic National Committee’s “Veterans and Military Families” website had as its only picture a shot from White House photographers during President Obama’s visit to Warsaw in 2011.
The president had been cropped out, but faces of four elderly veterans wearing European-style military uniforms were visible above several paragraphs asserting the party’s “commitment to America’s veterans.” The Polish military’s White Eagle insignia was clear on the headgear of two of the veterans.
While largely harmless, the error points to a common complaint among U.S. veterans groups about the lack of knowledge of many Americans about military life, tradition and challenges.
As noted, this occurred because Democrats have no clue about anything about our military. Even someone lightly informed about American military forces would have looked at those uniforms and immediately thought that they weren’t American army uniforms.
But Democrats so hate our military and are so completely unfamiliar with our soldiers that they looked at this photo and thought it was American soldiers in the picture.
Remember, this wasn’t some half-assed local Democrat website. This was the website hosted by the NATIONAL DEMOCRAT PARTY organization.