Colorado Sheriffs Refusing to Enforce Un-Constitutional Gun Grabbing Laws

-By Warner Todd Huston

A Colorado sheriff has announced that he and his deputies will not enforce the state’s strict and un-Constitutional new gun laws.

Weld County Sheriff John Cooke held a press conference at which he said that the new laws are too vague and nearly impossible to enforce without law enforcement acting in an being entirely arbitrary manner.

At the press conference, for instance, Sheriff Cooke held up two 30-round rifle ammunition magazines and said that one was bought before the magazines were banned by the new laws and the other bought afterward. Then he asked the audience how a policeman is supposed to be able to tell the difference between a legal pre-ban magazine and an “illegal” post-ban magazine.

Sheriff Cooke, though, isn’t the only Colorado County Sheriff that is refusing to comply with the state’s absurd new gun-banning laws.

The video below is a response to the President’s attempt to use incidents in Colorado to push his anti-gun message posted to the Internet by Sheriff Shayne Heap from Elbert County Colorado.

Also, in October and entire group of Colorado Sheriffs got together and demanded that the state repeal the strict gun laws that were passed at the beginning of the year.

Siskiyou, California Sheriff Jon Lopey then said, “Our way of life means nothing to these politicians.”

Lopey also noted that he and his deputies would not be enforcing the gun laws.

Three state Senators have since lost their jobs to recall efforts because of their outspoken support of the anti-Constitutional gun laws the state passed. One was the State Senate President, John Morse.

So, what do you think of this? Are the Colorado Sheriffs right? Should they refuse to enforce un-Constitutional laws?
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–Samuel Johnson

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Warner Todd Huston is a Chicago based freelance writer. He has been writing opinion editorials and social criticism since early 2001 and before that he wrote articles on U.S. history for several small American magazines. His political columns are featured on many websites such as Andrew Breitbart’s,, and, as well as,,,,, among many, many others. Huston has also appeared on Fox News, Fox Business Network, CNN, and many local TV shows as well as numerous talk radio shows throughout the country.

For a full bio, please CLICK HERE.

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