The $14,000 Question: Was Senator Jacobs Bought by Big Energy?

Albracht: “If Governor Quinn has a dog in this fight, Senator Jacobs has four.”

MOLINE, IL–Despite a veto from Governor Quinn, Senator Jacobs continues to lobby for SB1652, also known as the “Smart Grid” bill, which would allow energy companies to automatically raise their rates over the next ten years without oversight from the Citizen’s Utility Board. Opponents to this bill have argued that this would put an unfair burden on the consumer.

Senator Jacobs recently told
“If Governor Quinn has a dog in this fight, Senator Jacobs has four,” Albracht said. “According to Senator Jacobs’ A-1 fundraising reports this quarter, he has received $14,000 in campaign contributions from four energy companies, namely Exelon, Dynegy, Ameren, and MidAmerican, that would benefit from this bill. It’s clear that Senator Jacobs is fighting for the special interests, and ignoring the needs of his constituents.”

Albracht argued that Senator Jacobs should have recused himself from any involvement with this bill due to his father’s lobbying activities for energy companies.

“Senator Jacobs should not have even voted on this bill, let alone introduced it,” Albracht said. “If this bill had become law, it would have directly financially benefited the Jacobs family on the backs of struggling Illinois families.”

Albracht said this area can’t afford an increase in utility rates during this economic downturn.

“Governor Quinn did the right thing by vetoing this bill,” Albracht said. “It’s bad enough that Senator Jacobs voted to raise income taxes during a recession, costing Illinois thousands of jobs, but now he wants to incur an additional cost on his constituents so he can help out his special interest buddies. This legislation hurts the people of our district, and I refuse to support it. After all… it’s just common sense.”

For more information about Bill Albracht, visit our website at

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