-By Warner Todd Huston
Ron Paul certainly distanced himself from the other GOP candidates at the debate on the issue of foreign policy, didn’t he? He made himself seem like a head-in-the-sand, isolationist and his historical ignorance was amazing. Not only that but his simpleton approach to foreign policy was nothing short of breath taking. Well, Rep. Allen West similarly thought that Paul’s gabled ideas were dangerous and stated directly that Pau is “not the kind of guy you need to be sitting at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.”
Florida Representative Allen West, a former Lt. Colonel in the U.S. Army who served in Iraq, was attending a Tea Party event in Fort Lauderdale, Florida late last week and made a few comments about Paul’s rambling at the Ames debate.
West told attendees that the threats to the USA are far more dangerous than Ron Paul’s simple minded claims tended to make them seem…
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