-By Rev Michael Bresciani
The daily news cycle shifts from deadly bombings in Norway to union organizers manhandling people over teacher’s benefits in the U.S., and if you wait long enough it will shift yet again to something else we can hardly believe.
At the end of the local news broadcast pretty much throughout the country a smiling newswoman may tell us of the rescue of a cat or some kid who won a medal for achievements in his science fair. All’s well that ends well and we’re off to bed.
What is important? Who knows; but we do know that everything is very urgent. Little wonder that when speaking of the last days near the end of time as we know it, the apostle Luke wrote the following.
“And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; Men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.†(Luke 21: 25, 26)
It is not straining credulity to proclaim that the land of the free and the home of the brave is, fast becoming the land of heart failure and the home of the information slave. It not only presses against our ability to assimilate it all, but it wearies the strongest people, who may resort to reclusiveness and anti-social behaviors as a reasonable respite from it all.
Everyone is clamoring, debating and speculating if Barack Obama will run again (a foregone) for re-election and what his chances are if he does. With the most dismal economic policy in U.S. history to his credit, and a social agenda that looks like a liberal fiasco dream nightmare, some liberals and most middle of the road and conservative Americans are still wondering why anyone voted for him in the first place.
Around the world we see some forty nations collectively screaming down at Israel just for existing and a UN that thinks they should declare the Palestinians a separate nation and give them full recognition. Of course it has never occurred to the UN that if a Palestinian state is declared , when the first rocket is lobbed into Israel from that state, the nation of Israel is well within its bounds if it declares war against an attacking nation.
In Kenya women are stumbling into refugee camps with dead babies in their arms and their own bodies nearly wasted from famine. In Japan there is radiation contaminating nearly all of its food and water in varying degrees and no one can do a thing about it. This being only a cross section of what’s happening in our world the rest reads just about the same even with the few exceptions that make the rule.
At home we are at last seeing possible relief from the Casey Anthony trial and verdict since she is now secreted away somewhere, at last. The economy takes center stage for most but with Obama’s ineptitude followed by the Senate’s refusal to play with anyone else’s toys but the presidents, we have something that’s hard to describe. It is like a monster created from a combination of stupidity, stubbornness and our representative’s inability to remember their commitment to faithfully represent, we the people .
Throughout all these distraction runs a very obvious thread that indicates not what the president stands for; but exactly who he stands with. He is the champion of the gays, lesbians, bisexuals and transgenders beyond the shadow of a doubt.
Seniors may lose their medical coverage and their checks, jobs may be as scarce as shooting stars and homes may be disappearing into the sinkhole called foreclosure but all is progressing fine in the gay agenda.
We’ve got gay history coming up in California schools, gay marriages in New York; ‘Don’t ask Don’t Tell’, being junked in the military and the Defense of Marriage Act being attacked in the Senate. It should cause our hearts to flicker with new hope that now at least one single minority is by the help of Barack Obama able to reshape the entire social infrastructure of the whole nation. Indeed the deficit and the debt ceiling is not a crisis that Mr. Obama is going to waste; it makes a very effective diversion while he fixes up those social ills that have been neglected for so long, at least in his mind.
As we enter an election year in just a few months we can be fully assured of at least one thing. We may not know why Obama’s social security number has been issued from a state he never lived in, we may never understand why he bows to Saudi Kings but we know beyond all doubt who he stands with.
For the longest time in the search of what Barack Obama’s legacy might look like at some future time there was little to go on. Some are saying the famous birth certificate is a fraud and the school records, his record as a senator and a lot of other info about his early days remains obscure and unclear. What addition or great contribution would mark his time in office as president?
Spearheading the death of Bin Laden would hardly count for a lasting legacy and the handling of the economy will do more to make him infamous than beloved and respected. So what’s left? For that let’s look to his own words spoken at a White House reception to honor gays on June 29, 2011.
Mr. Obama said “This administration, under my direction has consistently said we cannot discriminate as a country against people on the basis of sexual orientation, and we have done more in the two-and-a-half years I have been in here than the previous 43 presidents to uphold that principle.â€
What a legacy! Can he take this one to the bank, to the people, to the judgment at the last day? To think he has redeemed a group of poor mistreated and crushed people who now can flaunt and taunt even though no real or substantial discrimination that the 14th amendment didn’t already cover, ever existed in the first place.
Who could have guessed that one U.S. president could single handedly take a sanctified act of God that has stood since the dawn of creation, marriage between one man and one women, and bring it down to the dust. Now endorsing the so called Respect of Marriage Act to counter the Defense of Marriage Act already on the books Mr. Obama has come full circle. What most Americans would be ashamed of, he uses as a point of pride.
Who could have guessed that something from the emerging social upheavals of the day called, “sexual orientation,†a simple sinful perversion by any other name, would trump a God given mandate and law that has stood for over 6,000 years? That is indeed a legacy, but for those who haven’t abandoned their conscience to the devil it is a legacy of shame.
Leaving his legacy behind, in the future who will endeavor to draw a line somewhere in the morass he calls “sexual orientation†to stop those who think pedophilia, bestiality and a dozen other orientations should not be discriminated against much less disdained and prosecuted. Is it a legacy or, the opening of a can of worms that no one has ever wanted and a disgrace no one will be able to bear?
It’s a funny thing about perversion; once you let it start it is hard to stop. A little bit of culture is added to hundreds of gallons of milk, it grows and spreads on its own and soon you have vast quantities of yogurt. Odd that in our culture only a little bit of perversion does almost the same thing. Now it is easier to understand what Paul was talking about when speaking of how quickly a sinful practice could spread, he said “This false teaching is like a little yeast that spreads through the whole batch of dough!†(Gal 5: 9 NLT)
When the whole batch of dough is so corrupted in this country another kind of biblical description comes into play. How I wish I could say we are not there yet, but I’m afraid that it is getting harder, day by day, to make that assertion. It is not just socialism or communism that we need worry about, but perversion is also a tool of subversion.
“Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.†(Isaiah 5: 20)
Rev. Michael Bresciani is the chief steward of http://www.americanprophet.org. The website has since 2005 featured the articles of columnist Rev Michael Bresciani along with news and reviews that have earned this site the title of The Website for Insight. Millions have read his timely reports and articles in online journals and print publications across the nation and the globe.