No Respect: Unionistas Protest Gov. Walker at a Special Olympics Event

-By Warner Todd Huston

No respect. No respect at all. That used to be a funny line of a comedian. Now it just brings to mind the ignorance and outrageous behavior of union thugs in Wisconsin. This week these creeps had the audacity to disrupt a kid’s event to protest Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker’s budget plan.

It isn’t just any kid’s event, either. It is a Special Olympics event! That’s right, these union thugs can’t even let a Special Olympics event pass without trying to use these special needs kids as political tools for their left-wing political purpose.

That takes some serious self-absorption, doesn’t it?

Union members should be ashamed of themselves in general, of course, but these thugs in Wisconsin deserve special recognition for their hateful behavior. After all, they are protesting in order to be able to steal more money from the people at a time when government is already over spent and in the red.

Notice that just about every slogan they utter in Wisconsin is a repetition of communist ideology. “Tax the rich” class warfare, “destroy corporations” rhetoric, all this garbage is inspired by anti-American ideology. And, most infuriating of all, these so-called teachers have been ripping kids out of their classrooms, taking them to these protest sites, and indoctrinating them with this bilge.

But, heck, they are fightin’ fer their rights, aren’t they? Yep, these unionistas NEED that Viagra benefit, man! It’s IMPERATIVE! They couldn’t teach the kids right without a good stiffy, ya know? It’s FOR THE KIDS, MAN!

Or how about that benefit that gives some union teachers a year’s worth of pay for only 30 day’s work? Yeah. Without that one, why the kids would suffer, right?

Yeah. These teachers are soooo oppressed.
“The only end of writing is to enable the reader better to enjoy life, or better to endure it.”
–Samuel Johnson

Warner Todd Huston is a Chicago based freelance writer. He has been writing opinion editorials and social criticism since early 2001 and before that he wrote articles on U.S. history for several small American magazines. His political columns are featured on many websites such as Andrew Breitbart’s,, and, as well as,,,,, among many, many others. Mr. Huston is also endlessly amused that one of his articles formed the basis of an article in Germany’s Der Spiegel Magazine in 2008.

For a full bio, please CLICK HERE.

One thought on “
No Respect: Unionistas Protest Gov. Walker at a Special Olympics Event”

  1. So, since you type for Andrew Brietbart’s websites do you still stand by the lies he posted with the help of Dana Loesch about the two University of Missouri-Kansas City teachers Judy Ancel and Don Giljum?

    But, that’s the point isn’t it? Conservatives have reached their conclusions and are engaged in unlimited warfare against Liberals and Progressives. As such, they will lie, cheat, fabricate and do whatever is necessary to advance their agenda.

    Missouri Lt. Governor Peter Kinder joined Dana Loesch on on her radio show to engage in The Two Minutes of Hate against those awful thuggish anti-captialist teachers:

    Pete Kinder: What would be the reaction from the lame stream media, if we had a Tea Party leader out there—

    Dana Loesch: Oh, right.

    Peter Kinder:-advocating violence-

    Dana Loesch: Right.

    Peter Kinder:-and preaching violence to impressionable young minds? They sit around matter-of-factly—you can hear this on the two videos that are up on, you can see it—matter-of-factly discussing violent overthrow of the capitalist order or the existing order.

    Dana Loesch: Well, and this is-and there are a lot of people that like to say, ‘Oh, well, this-you know, it was done in a—they were just talking about, you know, different—they were just learning, and it’s academic freedom, and, you know, it needs to be a’-that’s not what they were doing. You had people-

    Peter Kinder: That is not what they were doing.

    Dana Loesch:-who were giving their personal experiences engaging in this stuff.

    This nonsense from Loesch and Kinder fits into the crafted alternate conservative narrative the Right has spent years working into the fabric of society.
    – It attacks the “lamestream” media.
    – It contains the specious ‘Could you imagine if one of us was caught saying x’ catch-phrase which is used by the Right as a cover of their bigotry and lies.
    – And it is a manufactured outrage, using videos and narratives which are lies, to denigrate a group whom the Right hates.

    What does it say of your political movement that it can only advance it’s agenda through lies?

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