-By Rev Michael Bresciani
John McCain was beat by approximately twenty million voters in the 2008 election. Are those voters going to vote for Barack Obama again? If they do, the hardest question of all to answer is: why?
We now have a clear Obama track record and plenty of background and career information about the President that was not available or very clear prior to 2008. Now we see clearly that Mr., Obama has associated with former police station bombers, racist preachers and has created economic policy that threatens to bring our fiscal well being to its knees even before his term is up.
He has shown aloofness if not outright disdain for many solid time tested American conventions which include, but are not limited to, national prayer, the fight against abortion, strong adherence to constitutional law, and defense of marriage between one man and one woman. This list as already stated is by no means comprehensive. The rest of the story can be seen and heard any day of the week on any good newscast that is not in bed with the liberal media or in the President’s pocket.
The Presidents record and his train of associates and supporters raise only one half of a most serious question. The other half has to do with the twenty million who made up the swelling majority that left the McCain effort standing in Obama’s dust. Where did they come from and just who are these people who thought they should give this man a run at the most prestigious office our nation can offer.
An entire generation has been prepped and made ready for Mr. Obama according to the many voices now most long forgotten and largely unheeded. The names are too numerous to mention but the message is almost singular. The drive to give God his walking papers and eliminate not only prayer but all reference to him in public places, the military, classrooms and media has been followed by a general disinterest in the constitutional principles upon which the nation was founded.
Should it come as a surprise that the constitution is taking a hit after considering that those who framed that revered document did so in the full knowledge that they were guided by Christian or Bible principles? If they won’t hear God why should they care what the constitution has to say? Sound over simplistic? In fact it is the Bible that the founders relied upon that says it is not.
One of the most recurring themes of the entirety of scripture is the vicious cycle that all nations seem to fall into if they last long enough or become what some today refer to as a superpower. Israel went through the cycle repeatedly until there was little left for God to do but cast them off in what is now known as the Diaspora (dispersion) until the prophetically promised time of their re-emergence into the history of our world. In case you happen to be one of the few who has not heard, that time is today.
At the top of the cycle they were found listening and adhering to God’s laws and statutes. In time they fell prey to the influences of the nations around them and the pitfalls of their own success. They had wealth, standing and influence with their neighbors and they needed nothing, including God. They sunk to the dregs, were often attacked and beleaguered by their foes and eventually conquered and humiliated.
Stage two of the cycle was to seek out the priests who hadn’t lost sight of God’s will who taught them how to recover. They also sought out, listened to and heeded the many prophets God sent them to stave off their demise. They called out to God returned to his laws and were brought back to their former state.
Soon after that, the cycle would begin again. They probably heard people say in their time, what we so often hear today. Any nation or people that does not learn from the mistakes of its past is doomed to repeat them. If we compare Israel’s cycles to America where would we be? Are we making our mistakes for the first time or are we already repeating them?
Another theme and concise teaching of the Bible our founders were fully aware of was the promise that when the people decide to live in moral depravity and accept it as a normal way of life God always sends rulers who are just as corrupt as the society they have come to rule. It is as sure as the rising of the sun but also as dark as the deepest midnight. It is a promise, or to use a word a materialistic society is far more familiar with, it is a guarantee. God will even send a ruler that hates them.
In a effort to hold out for the best and with a reticence to jump on every new claim made by the politicos, commentators, writers and pundits, I have been slow to believe what others often said about Mr. Obama having a deep seated hatred for America. How could that be possible? I am no longer willing to say it is not so. But I have never been unaware that it is something that God is willing to allow. To wit:
“Therefore was the wrath of the LORD kindled against his people, insomuch that he abhorred his own inheritance. And he gave them into the hand of the heathen; and they that hated them ruled over them.” (Psalm 106: 40, 41)
With the church falling fast into apostasy and the politically minded deeply disconcerted and largely diffused by economic woes and other issues that have nothing to do with their own immorality and corruption; who, or more accurately, just how many people, are missing the fact that they are on the bottom of the dreaded cycle?
The church is resting on its laurels with allusions to great revivals of the past and great missionary movements. They give more to social and relief programs than at any other time in history and seem to think that is a covering which God does not see through. The nation at large gives more attention to the economy than any other single issue and together they make true yet once again, the saying that no one wants to hear. It is one of those biblical gems that always signal that we are approaching the bottom of the cycle.
“The heads thereof judge for reward, and the priests thereof teach for hire and the prophets thereof divine for money: yet will they lean upon the Lord, and say, is not the Lord among us? None evil can come upon us.” (Micah 3: 11)
The twenty million voters who put Mr. Obama in office are still out there. At the moment the conservatives are presenting us with a band of wannabes and hopefuls that see the GOP nomination as the brass ring or a chance to become the next American Idol. There are some good names on the long list, but a far more important question is: are there twenty million or more people we can now add to the list who don’t want the nation to reach the low point on the cycle?
This isn’t just about presidential candidates it’s about the state of the governed. If this sounds a bit hopeless as one blogger recently said after reading one of my articles, then consider this. In a nanny state there is no one to hold your hand when things go wrong.
Prior to winning in 2008 I wrote a piece called “Can the 2008 Election be won by a Slogan?” It is reasonable to conclude that after eliminating those who voted for Obama because he was black and those who voted for him because they didn’t have a clue that the remainder must have believed his slogans.
Even here in former Mayor Ray Nagin’s, “Chocolate City” we tend to believe that Mr. Obama’s new campaign slogan, “Win the Future” is trumped by another black music icon’s proverbial saying. New Orleans own, Fats Domino said, “What ya gonna do when the well runs dry, you gonna sit right down and cry.”
Some are saying the GOP stands for, “group of pinheads,” yet others are now using the term teapublicans to describe the Republican Party. Regardless of our feelings about the GOP we must all urge them to ask themselves only one question. After the nomination is decided, will those who supported others for the party’s nomination get solidly behind the chosen candidate? This is the only way to beat the twenty million factor even if they adopt a new slogan. Conservatives unite: is much more than a slogan; it is a mandate.
Beware of the Perot effect, the Murkowski effect and the Obama finally releases his birth certificate effect. Nothing will win over Mr. Barack Obama in 2012 except a unified party and one solid candidate. We can only ignore this obvious fact at our own peril.
Rev. Michael Bresciani is the chief steward of http://www.americanprophet.org. The website has since 2005 featured the articles of columnist Rev Michael Bresciani along with news and reviews that have earned this site the title of The Website for Insight Millions have read his timely reports and articles in online journals and print publications across the nation and the globe.