April 15th Tax Rally in Springfield!‏

From the almost government shut-down to the tragedy in Japan, these are truly treacherous times. What makes them even more dangerous is the lack of leadership, wisdom, and courage and Washington and…in Illinois.

Even with a $1.6 trillion deficit, our Spender-in-Chief President Obama and the Democrats in Congress did not even want to cut $4 billion out of the budget. Meanwhile our debt increases $4 billion a day! (Here’s my article about Obama and the other “trolls” of the almost government shut-down in this week’s Washington Times). Top 5 Biggest Trolls of the Almost Government Shutdown

Back in Illinois, Pat Quinn breaks promise after promise, spends what he doesn’t have with hopes that he can just borrow it like a college kid with a credit card. Quinn has raised taxes 67%. He wants to borrow $110 million to buy 2500 acres in Peotone. He wants to borrow another $2 billion to pay off the state’s backlogged bills. What the heck?!

But we can do something to stop them. If we stand up. Together.

Please join me on April 15th at the Springfield Capitol along with hundreds of other fellow patriots in protesting the sickness of tax and spend.

TIME: Noon Until ?
PLACE: Springfield Capitol
DATE: April 15, 2011

Following the rally, join William J. Kelly and other patriots in the Springfield Capitol blue room at 2:15 p.m. to formerly launch the R3 initiative to repeal and replace Quinn’s extreme tax hikes and, if he does not, to recall him from office.

List of Speakers:

  • MC -Fritz Pfister, local personality, will MC and speak
  • Representive Michael Connelly- Repeal the Income Bill, has introduced to General assembly
  • Glenn Ebbing – Will talk on Fair Tax
  • William Kelly- radio commentator, writer for Washington Times, ran for Comptroller in last State Election
  • Heidi Holan- Parental Right Amendment- UN and Parents Rights
  • Colin Hitt- Illinois Policy Institute- Income Tax Increase
  • Lenny McAllister- radio talk show host on WVON, activist,comentator,author
  • David Hale- Rockford Tea Party Founder, and Locator of the Wisconsin Democrat Senators


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