-By Warner Todd Huston
For decades (and not just since Obama became president, either) the office of the president has slowly been taking on more and more power unto itself. By a constant flurry of Executive Orders (the wide use of which starting chiefly during FDR’s term) to making war without much bothering with Congress, presidents have been grabbing power from our legislative branch with both fists. The Senate had a chance today to reassert its own power but sadly it has allowed that opportunity to pass unrealized.
Senator Rand Paul (R, KY) proposed an amendment to a small business bill that would reaffirm the constitutional authority of Congress to declare war. This amendment would have taken away some measure of assumed presidential power to return that power to Congress…
Sadly, Paul couldn’t even get his own party to join his quest to right the ship and the amendment failed 9-10.
See the rest at RightPundits.com.