-By Nancy Morgan
Obama has finally taken a stand on the ongoing carnage in Libya. After nine days of silence, he has finally, and forcefully, condemned the “outrageous” crackdown by Libyan security forces on protesters. He also said that a unified international response was forming. Whew.
Translation: America will stand firmly behind the United Nations. We will wait and see what the global consensus and political ramifications are before taking sides against a murderous thug.
The day before Obama firmly came out on the side of world peace via Libya, his press secretary had informed the world that Obama’s 9 day silence on the Libyan inferno was due to “scheduling conflicts.” Now that Obama has made time in his schedule, he has finally made a decision. America is going to let the United Nations handle the problem.
Obama, in his best presidential voice, (complete with reverb) has decided to dispatch Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to the United Nations to persuade them to take the lead on the Libyan fiasco. Hillary’s job is to convince other third world dictators that hiring sociopaths to randomly shoot protestors in cold blood is just not the way to go.
No word yet if her diplomatic efforts will bear fruit. Hope, however, is still Obama’s policy. As to whether his hope will affect change, the signs are encouraging. Gadhafi took time off from killing protesters to confirm to the world that Barack is his buddy. “He is of Muslim descent, his policy should be supported, as he now leans towards peace.” There you have it.
Meanwhile, the United Nations also showed its’ desire for world peace by making a small concession. The U.N. Development Program has dropped Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi’s daughter as a goodwill ambassador.
With the United Nations firmly in charge, Americans will not be able to blame Obama. After all, Obama has been perfectly clear from day one that he favors a “global community” over an upstart and aggressive United States. What right does America have to a premier position in world affairs? Finally, Obama is standing by a position he actually took during his presidential campaign.
America, under Obama, has abdicated its leadership authority in world affairs. Instead of meddling in other countries, Obama has instead focused his power and authority here at home. His wife is conducting a war on obesity while Obama meets quietly with union leaders to figure out how to stop the anti-union protests that threaten his base. His schedule is full as he works tirelessly on behalf of some Americans.
Not to worry. The United States still has influence in the Arab world. Just yesterday, Saudi Arabia adopted one of Obama’s most visible policies for dealing with recalcitrant subjects.
Taking a cue from Obama, Saudi Arabia’s King Abdullah decided to quell unrest by throwing dollars on the problem. Abdullah announced that he will generously spend $36 billion bucks to increase the pay of civil servants by 15%. The King also announced a reprieve for imprisoned deadbeats and increased aid for students and the unemployed.
See, America still has influence. Now if some of those terrorists would just cut down on their carbs, we might finally be able to achieve the world peace Obama promised us.
Nancy Morgan is a conservative activist, columnist, talk-show host and senior editor for www.RightBias.com, a conservative news site.
Until 2001, Nancy was a producer in Los Angeles. Her company, Morgan Productions, was one of the very few conservative production companies on the west coast. Product included shows, documentaries, commercials and infomercials.
After 33 years of living in Los Angeles, Nancy decided to move to a climate more tolerant of conservatives, settling in 2002 in beautiful Murrells Inlet, South Carolina, where she lives today.
Nancy is a graduate of the National Journalism Center, former board member of Accuracy In Media and founder of Conservatives of Los Angeles and Carolina Conservatives. She is co-host of “Talk Back” at WGTN in Georgetown and active in conservative politics in South Carolina.
Her goal and her passion is making available the conservative point of view.
Nancy can be reached at: NancyVideo@aol.com