William J. Kelly is starting a new phase of activism for Illinois. He is calling it the “R3” movement. That would stand for “Repeal, Replace, and Recall.”
Kelly wants to see Governor Quinn’s giant tax increases repealed and replaced with a more logical budget and then he wants to see Quinn recalled for so badly leading our state.
Here is Kelly’s press release:
New Move to Repeal Tax Increases, Recall Governor
(Chicago, IL) — After a week of violent rhetoric and union protester clashes in Wisconsin protesting Gov. Scott Walker’s reform bill, more Midwestern states may be turning on pro-tax-and-spend governors like Gov. Pat Quinn in Illinois.” In January, the newly re-elected Quinn raised Illinois’ income taxes a whopping 66% after promising not to do so during his campaign. Now there is a new effort for reform from Rebuild Illinois, one that could push Quinn right out of the Governor’s mansion.
“Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker had to take emergency action to save his state and that means forcing state workers to pay their fair share. In Illinois, Governor Quinn reneged on his campaign promise not to raise taxes. He is keeping the status quo alive – that and giving asylum to the AWOL senators of Wisconsin,” said William J. Kelly, Executive Director of Rebuild Illinois. Kelly is a former candidate for Illinois Comptroller who also pens the “Tea Party Report” for the Washington Times Communities.
Kelly’s group is launching a new statewide reform campaign, “Repeal, Replace, Recall” – nicknamed “R3.” “R3 will repeal Quinn’s tax increase —the largest in Illinois history; replace the tax increase with a fair and practical reform; and recall Quinn from office,” says Kelly.
“Raising Illinois taxes 66% and trying to borrow another $8.75 billion dollars is not responsible government. It’s bad government. It’s corrupt government. That’s what this Week of Rage in Wisconsin and Indiana has been all about. Now it’s spreading to Illinois and beyond.”
“Gov. Pat Quinn rammed this tax increase through in the dead of night. The very day after he was sworn in, he broke his campaign promise to the people of Illinois. It is unacceptable and un-American,” said Kelly. “Illinois, like other Midwestern states in turmoil, is on the verge of bankruptcy. Wisconsin can’t wait and Illinois can’t wait. We need R3 and we need it now.”
A new website is coming soon at www.rebuildillinois.com.