A 75% tax hike? Make Democrats Own It!‏

From For The Good of Illinois…

“The taxpayer: That’s someone who works for the government but doesn’t have to take the civil service examination.”
– Ronald Reagan.

Do Illinois Democrats hate the private sector? Yesterday, they put their cards on the table. They want to hike our taxes by 75%- a NEAR DOUBLING of the income tax! They will increase the corporate tax rate to 10.9% the second highest in the country! On top of all this, they plan to increase spending and borrow up to $20 Billion more!

Call your state representatives. Look up their name and phone number.

No Republicans should vote for the tax hike! Click here to read our message to all Republican legislators- MAKE DEMOCRATS OWN IT.

While Illinois families and businesses suffer, it’s a bull market for Illinois insiders. Click here to read how the insiders continue to pig from the Illinois public largess.

If a Republican votes to hike our taxes, they need a primary challenge. For heaven’s sake, even President Obama recently got temporary economic religion on the tax issue.

Last year, during my gubernatorial primary race, I frequently referenced a Cook County company with 160 employees whose CPA told them that they would add $750,000 to their bottom line by moving 35 miles away to Valparaiso, IN.

On the five borders of Illinois, every business is doing a similar calculation and coming to the same conclusion. The Illinois Democrats hate the private sector.

Republicans need to engage the people of Illinois. They could start with aggressively pushing to limit government. Citizens are ready to support constitutional spending caps, property tax caps, and term limits. They will support transparency and accountability through independent audits that investigate fraud where any hint of it is found.

Make the Democrats defend their opaque and corrupt culture of patronage spending. Rub their noses in the deep doo-doo they’ve plunged Illinois into. Make them own it.

During this week of trial, once again I’d like to thank you for standing strong with courage and conviction. Thank you for standing with us.

Together, we will bring a new day to Illinois.

Adam Andrzejewski
For The Good Of Illinois

Copyright Publius Forum 2001