Woe Is Me!

-By Nancy Morgan

In today’s America, feelings have replaced facts as our governing policy. Shame has been relegated to the back of the bus and squeaky wheels have been given the place of honor.

Merit has been replaced by grievance mongers. Accomplishment and material success are vilified as having been attained on the backs of the have-nots. And that’s not fair!

In a rush to attain unearned moral virtue, millions of Americans have bowed to the PC police and advocated issues about which they know nothing in a desperate attempt to appear relevant, compassionate and non-judgmental. Useful idiots reign supreme.

We now see our elected officials on the floor of Congress debating who has come from the most humble background, as they wage a war on those greedy rich people in an effort to show how compassionate they are.

Inconsequential nobodies now have a shot at their 15 minutes of fame, from the attention seeking pastor who threatened to burn the Koran to the (shameful) couple who decided to put the question of whether to kill their fetus to an online vote. And let’s not forget the founder of Wikileaks, accused rapist Julian Assange, who has put brave lives at risk by his treasonous leak of classified documents.

A generation of baby boomers, brought up focused on their rights, as opposed to their responsibilities, have turned their gazes from their own navels to register faux disgust as they publicly opine about the current media anointed bad guys.

“I’m not rich,” they exclaim with pride, secretly pleased that their failure in life’s arena is not their fault any longer. “Those greedy capitalists are to blame.” Whew. It’s not my fault that I’m a loser. And if you dare to call me a loser, you’re being, gasp, judgmental – and everyone knows that’s a no-no.

America is becoming a nation of squeaky wheels. This race to the bottom is a boon to the stupid and lazy among us, as they shrug off the label of loser and adopt the coveted mantle of victim-hood. Thus relieving them of the need to work hard, attain goals, and become productive members of society.

But there’s a catch. The “woe is me” template just doesn’t play in Peoria.

Us rubes in flyover country understand that the political, intellectual and educational “elites” who still control and determine the national conversation, are comprised of less than 1% of America’s total population.

We understand that the elite’s template of victim-hood over merit is adopted only by life’s losers. And the majority of Americans aren’t losers.

Like myself, most Americans outside the beltway and away from life in the elite fast lane (the very ones who are paying their bills) still hold fast to traditional values. Values that are continually vilified by the old media. Values like pride of accomplishment, taking care of ourselves, and doing the right thing even when no-one is looking. And despite the media sneers, we continue to raise our children to believe in God over man.

For us rubes, respect still has to be earned, and we don’t give points for merely advocating the expenditure of other people’s money on the cause of the day. We rubes have not allowed the elites to redefine our language.

We have nothing but disgust for those who refuse to help themselves and are content to suck on the government tit. And we have only contempt for those among us who have succumbed to the politically correct notion that nothing is ever our fault. (Are you listening, Obama?)

We are ashamed of the notion of dependency and we abhor the concept of victim-hood that is being promoted by our elected officials as they seek media popularity and face time at the expense of their principles and sworn duty. For shame.

Here’s a news flash for those that celebrate victim-hood: You, indeed, are victims. Victims of a political system that seeks to foster dependency in order to accumulate more power. You are victims of a burgeoning grievance industry that seeks profit through promoting misery instead of rewarding virtue.

While the media might comfort you with the notion that you have value and everyone is your equal, the majority of Americans see you for what you are: useful idiots who have chosen the easy path of letting others define you. Weaklings who have willingly adopted standards set by others instead of tackling the much harder task of setting your own. And that is nothing to be proud of – no matter what they say on TV.
Nancy Morgan is a conservative activist, columnist, talk-show host and senior editor for www.RightBias.com, a conservative news site.

Until 2001, Nancy was a producer in Los Angeles. Her company, Morgan Productions, was one of the very few conservative production companies on the west coast. Product included shows, documentaries, commercials and infomercials.

After 33 years of living in Los Angeles, Nancy decided to move to a climate more tolerant of conservatives, settling in 2002 in beautiful Murrells Inlet, South Carolina, where she lives today.

Nancy is a graduate of the National Journalism Center, former board member of Accuracy In Media and founder of Conservatives of Los Angeles and Carolina Conservatives. She is co-host of “Talk Back” at WGTN in Georgetown and active in conservative politics in South Carolina.

Her goal and her passion is making available the conservative point of view.

Nancy can be reached at: NancyVideo@aol.com

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