Who’s Afraid of the Forensic Audit?

From Adam Andrzejewski and For The Good of Illinois…

An orchestrated attempt to discredit the forensic audit is well underway.

On Sunday, Bernie Schoenburg wrote an article defending Illinois Audit General William Holland. Holland claims that we misunderstand the term “forensic audit”. Holland said, “A forensic audit normally involves using accounting methods to investigate criminal activity, such as embezzlement and fraud.” Click here to read the full article in the State Journal-Register.

Whew, thanks for the clarification Auditor Holland. Sure glad we don’t have to worry about criminal activity, embezzlement, or fraud here in squeaky-clean Illinois. Guess we’ll just ignore the $4 million in wire transfer receipts that were found in Blago’s desk.

On Monday, liberal blogger Rich Miller of Capitol Fax, decided jump on the anti-audit bandwagon with his hit piece, which included personal attacks against me. Click here to read his comments. You can read my response here.

Auditor Holland claims that an audit is “too costly”. If this is true, why isn’t Auditor Holland speaking out against the audit of Medicaid, sponsored by Sen. Dillard and Rep. Bellock, which unanimously passed both chambers? Is that because the anticipated savings from the audit are $1.3 billion?

Maybe Auditor Holland and the critics of the audit should listen to the people of Illinois. We’ve been touring the state for the past two years speaking with the citizens of Illinois …and the demand for transparency and an audit of state spending are at an all-time high.

During the 2010 election cycle, we witnessed candidates from the top of the ticket to the bottom in Illinois running on the forensic audit, including all of the gubernatorial candidates – except Gov. Quinn – and all of the candidates for Cook County Board President.

Chicago Tribune columnist, John Kass, wrote that the forensic audit is the reason Mayor Daley did not seek re-election. Click here to read his article.

Thanks to your hard work and determination, we have made transparency – led by a forensic audit – one of the top issues in Illinois. As pressure against Auditor Holland and the rest of the power structure continues to build, the attacks will increase. We pose a direct threat to the pay-to-play politics that fund the Machine and they will do whatever it takes to defend the status quo.

During this week of giving thanks, we would like to once again thank you for continuing to stand with us.

Together, we are bringing a new day to Illinois.

Adam Andrzejewski

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