-By Nancy Morgan
As more and more Americans identify themselves through their sexual orientation, I’d like to weigh in on the side of heterosexuality. There, I said it. I’m straight. Sexually speaking, this means that I don’t sleep with members of my own sex.
Of course, who I sleep with is no-one’s business. Unless I’m a health hazard or something. And of course, what I do in my own bedroom used to be confined to my bedroom. Key word being “used to.”
Call me an old fuddy duddy, but I just can’t wrap my mind around gleefully advertising my most personal sexual practices. Call it modesty, or plain old good manners, but I believe that my privates were meant to be private.
In an era that increasingly promotes gender as being an optional life-style choice, I want to be one of the first to say I like plain old fashioned sex with members of the opposite sex. And being, gasp, Christian, I believe love and respect are pre-requisites to jumping in the sack. Color me outdated.
One’s sexuality is pretty much fair game these days. It’s one of the few ways left to garner one’s 15-minutes of fame. After all, how many ways are left to push the envelope – to show how “with it” one is? I fully expect we’ll soon have a new reality show designed around contestant’s sexual practices. The sex lives of pathetic attention seekers will be scrutinized and commented on for all the world to see. Peeping Toms, instead of being arrested, will be crucial in determining which sex act is the most outrageous. Sexual Survivor?
The left has legitimized the art of self-absorption. Naval gazing and “personal truths” have replaced modesty and restraint. Hooking up with strangers has replaced dating. And if you prefer to keep the details of your sex life private, you might just be branded a homophobe.
Sadism, gay sex and bondage are just a few of the sexual practices that are now considered legitimate. In fact, anything to do with sex is now applauded as being the product of introspection and heightened personal awareness. Today it’s almost mandatory to affect a cavalier attitude about what many consider a sacred act.
Before it becomes a hate-crime, I’d like to weigh in with my own opinion:
Many (not all) gay people make me uneasy. Not because they’re gay, but because they make their sexuality the focus of their whole lives and demand that I not only accept their homosexuality, but condone it. Anything less is labeled homophobia.
I don’t hate gays, I just resent having their bedroom habits pushed into my face on a daily basis. I consider that rude. It’s also none of my business. I believe a person is more than a sexual identity.
I’m one of those old-fashioned prudes who believes in modesty and discretion in all things sexual. According to the left, this makes me a hater. They’re half right – I do hate being forced to conform to someone else’s idea of what sexuality is.
The whole gay pride movement leaves me confused. If, as many gays assert, being homosexual is a function of genetics, then why should one take pride in it? That would be like me taking pride in being born with two arms. Which, of course, comes with the implicit assumption that being born with one arm is somehow “lesser than.” Couldn’t I be sued under ADA? Sigh.
I’m a straight, heterosexual woman. Not that that is anyone’s business. I could write volumes about the joys of traditional sex, but I choose not to. I prefer to keep my sexual proclivities a private matter. I just wish everyone else would do the same.
Nancy Morgan is a conservative activist, columnist, talk-show host and senior editor for www.RightBias.com, a conservative news site.
Until 2001, Nancy was a producer in Los Angeles. Her company, Morgan Productions, was one of the very few conservative production companies on the west coast. Product included shows, documentaries, commercials and infomercials.
After 33 years of living in Los Angeles, Nancy decided to move to a climate more tolerant of conservatives, settling in 2002 in beautiful Murrells Inlet, South Carolina, where she lives today.
Nancy is a graduate of the National Journalism Center, former board member of Accuracy In Media and founder of Conservatives of Los Angeles and Carolina Conservatives. She is co-host of “Talk Back” at WGTN in Georgetown and active in conservative politics in South Carolina.
Her goal and her passion is making available the conservative point of view.
Nancy can be reached at: NancyVideo@aol.com