From the Homer/Lockport Tea Party…
Below are links to iPetitions supporting two candidates seeking appointments to open IL state senator positions.
The two candidates are:
Rafael Rivadeneira for State Senator (to replace Dan Cronin – 21st District) – Petition to Support John Bambenek
Both of these gentlemen are true conservatives and have spoken at many tea party events.
Below is what Rick Newton from Tri-Count Tea said about these two gentlemen, and we at the Homer/Lockport Tea Party have concur.
I use the term ‘true’ conservatives to distinguish them from what happens when supposed ‘conservatives’ languish in a position too long and succumb to the pressures of political career survival instead of the passion that drives someone to serve their constituents in the first place.
Personally, I don’t buy the fact that a party is helpless just because they are relegated to the role of minority party and are denied visibility and objectivity by the state-run media. We should expect every effort it takes – and beyond – to do what is best for this state. If that takes vociferous debate and passionate anger to get the attention of the media and deadbeat voters, then so be it. Don’t blame the media – be smarter and more creative than them. Don’t view the battlefield as being only Springfield. Take the battle to the voters/taxpayers – engage them directly – over and over and over – explain a compelling story that enrolls active support. And stop the whining! We don’t want to see bipartisanship with wasteful, entitlement-mongering, class warfare-provoking power brokers from Chicago – it’s called dancing with the devil and it’s the reason why we are $13+ frickin’ billion in debt! We don’t need people who shrug their shoulders, point their fingers, and yet, still socialize with the same damn enemy. We need a major culture and attitude shift in Springfield (and D.C.) that is unwavering in fighting complacency, corruption, and political career-building.
Some would offer that Senators Cronin and Rutherford should be congratulated on their recent victories. I would counter with the perspective that suggests that they got off the sinking ship while the ‘getting’ was good. How we view their change, however, is not important. What is beneficial, however, is that their respective departures give us the opportunity to introduce stronger conservative-principled candidates and people that are not hindered by the restricted mindsets and compromised relationships that hamper our state government. Whoever you support, this is an opportunity to make meaningful change – let’s do what we can to make the most of it.
If you are so inclined, please go to the respective petitions of Rafael and John to reflect your support.