Should Christian College Presidents Obey New Federal Regulations?

-By Don Boys, Ph.D.

The Federal government at the Department of Education (remember when Conservative politicians promised to dismantle that unnecessary, unlawful, and unproductive arm of government?) has reached out with a velvet hand to choke every Christian college, university, seminary, and institute in America. Of course, their professed motive is to guarantee the quality of the degrees, diplomas, and certificates from schools—public or private. However, informed people know that the U.S. educational system, from Kindergarten through graduate level is a massive Ignorance Factory and cannot guarantee anything—except tenure!

Every Christian educator in America should tell the Feds where to get off. Every leader should make it clear that any regulations will not be obeyed thereby forcing the Feds to close their schools and arrest the presidents and Boards of Trustees for contempt. Wimpy religious leaders will be amazed, aghast, and alarmed that I would recommend such disobedience since many teach, “Christians should obey every law of man.” However, that is not correct.

Hugo Grotius (1583-1645) “father of modern international law” wrote in The Law of War and Peace, Book 1, “Among all good men one principle at any rate is established beyond controversy, that if the authorities issue any order that is contrary to the law of nature or to the commandments of God, the order should not be carried out. For when the Apostles said the obedience should be rendered to God rather than to men they appealed to an infallible rule of action.” That principle is still true today since principles never change with the calendar, the country, or circumstances.

Government is about control, and officials cannot abide ordinary citizens telling them, “No, I will not obey that law.” According to Francis Schaffer, if you affirm that government must be obeyed under all circumstances then you have made government your god and you are a slave. It amounts to state worship.

The first temple erected to the emperor was built at Pergamum in 29 BC. Caesar worship had begun, and it accelerated in various parts of the Roman Empire after the resurrection of Christ. There are “Neros” in every government who demand that personal beliefs cannot conflict with the state’s positions. The government will try to get Christians to comply, even bribe them but in the end, it will be an order similar to Nebuchadnezzar’s “bow or burn.” Principled leaders may burn but will not bow! However, you may be able to count such leaders on one hand!

Former Senator Bill Armstrong and others are concerned about suggested regulations that should become effective this November that will bring every college under Federal control. He told WorldNetDaily, “The Department of Education is attempting to subject every college and university in America – public and private – to political supervision.” Armstrong, now president of Colorado Christian University said, “I think it is the greatest threat to academic freedom in our lifetime.” However, I am more concerned about religious freedom.

I wrote a few years ago that the Bob Jones University case would come back to haunt us and it’s here. Bob Jones said, if tax exempt organizations want to enjoy the benefits of tax deduction then they must comply with public policy, i.e., abortion, homosexuality, hate crime laws, etc. We will be told that we can believe what we want but if those beliefs are practiced, even advocated, there will be retribution: all tax advantages will be lost! If Christian educators and pastors capitulate to “public policy,” they will be expected to surrender on other matters until the state has total control. Frankly, Christian leaders lost their freedom when they went to government for various benefits, so they cannot plead “no jurisdiction” but will have to plead “excessive entanglement,” which I think is a lost cause. However, Christian leaders, to be worthy of that title, must oppose the new regulations on Christian schools, whether they win or lose.

Christian educators should not capitulate to such an intrusive statute. In 1662, the Act of Uniformity was passed in England, and 2,000 Puritan preachers refused to sign, consequently losing their pulpits with many going to jail. Do you know many preachers and college presidents who would be willing to lose their churches and colleges and go to jail for doing right? Many preach that truth, but few are willing to practice it. In fact, most religious leaders go at break-neck speed to implement new regulations that are opposed to basic teachings of the Scripture. The Bible clearly teaches that Christian leaders should disobey illogical, illegitimate, and illegal orders even if it harelips (offends) pathetic, pompous politicians. I strongly encourage all religious leaders to take a strong stand and make a public declaration that we will not allow this government control of our schools. That could mean losing funds.

The Chinese philosopher Confucius (551-479 B.C.) and some of his disciples were expelled from one state and traveled to another, and came upon a woman weeping beside a newly dug grave. He asked her why she wept, and she told him that a tiger had killed her husband, father-in-law, and now her only son. Confucius asked why she lived in such a dangerous place, and she replied, “Because there is no oppressive government here.” Walking away, Confucius told his disciples, “My children, remember that oppressive government is worse than a tiger.” That is one time that what “Confucius say” is what I say. Government officials are getting more and more oppressive and the citizens are getting more and more restless.

I am not surprised at the arrogance of radical politicians and bureaucrats, but I am surprised at their lack of shame. Proponents of oppressive regulations strut through government buildings wearing jackboots and America is only a goose step away from the formation of goon squads who will try to control all churches and colleges.

No, Christian leaders must not obey intrusive laws and it is time to fill the jails in protest.

Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives, author of 13 books, frequent guest on television and radio talk shows, and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years His most recent book is ISLAM: America’s Trojan Horse! His websites are and

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