-By Michael Zak
Though obvious to political junkies, it’s not obvious to everyone. And, it’s a wedge issue that Republicans can use to split independents away from die-hard Democrats.
This sums up the mid-term election issues very nicely: every Democrat elected to the House of Representatives will vote for Nancy Pelosi as Speaker.
Yes, every Democrat elected to the House of Representatives in November will vote for Nancy Pelosi as Speaker in January. And, every Republican elected to the House of Representatives will vote against Nancy Pelosi as Speaker.
Here, in the photo, is Nancy Pelosi, gavel in hand, taunting the American people the day her Democrat majority passed the Obamacare bill. With her are Rep. Steny Hoyer, Rep. John Lewis, Rep. Chris Van Hollen and other members of her Democrat leadership.
Tired of the Foggy Bottom Fog, voters want a clear choice on November 2nd. Blue Dog Democrats and other self-proclaimed moderates can’t wriggle away from this straightforward question: “Will you, if elected, vote for Nancy Pelosi as Speaker of the House?” All incumbent Democrats could also be asked why they haven’t yet apologized for voting for Nancy Pelosi as Speaker last time. It’s as simple as that.
Michael Zak is a popular speaker to Republican organizations around the nation, showing office-holders and candidates and activists how they would benefit tremendously from appreciating the heritage of our Grand Old Party. Back to Basics for the Republican Party is his acclaimed history of the GOP, cited by Clarence Thomas in a Supreme Court decision. His Grand Old Partisan blog celebrates more than fifteen decades of Republican heroes and heroics. See www.RepublicanBasics.com for more information.